
一、SCI收录的外文期刊 ( 有“*”是同时被《EI》收录的期刊)

1、   738B0006   ISSN 0018-8646   IF:2、560 “*”
    IBM Journal of Research and Development. 《国际商用机器公司研究
    与开发杂志》, 1957. 4/yr. IBM Corp.
    Old Orchard Rd, Armonk, NY, 10504.
2、   738B0008-1   ISSN 0004-5411   IF:1、078 “*”
    Journal of the Association for Computiong Machinery. 《美国计算机学
    会志》,4/yr.   Association for Computing Machinery,   1515Broadway,
    17th FL.,   New York,   NY 10036-5701, USA
    Tel: 212 869 7440
    Fax: 212 944 1318
3、   738B0008-2   ISSN 0001-0782   IF:2、238   “*”
    Communications of the ACM. 《美国计算机学会通讯》,1958. 12/yr.
    Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway, 17th   FL.,
    New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.
    Tel: 212 869 7440
4、   738B0012   ISSN 0022-0000   IF:0、661   “*”
    Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 《计算机与系统科学杂志》,
    1967. 6/yr. Academic Press Inc., Journal Subseription Fulfillment Dept.,
    6277 Sea Harbor Drive.
    Tel: 407 345 4040
    Fax: 407 363 9661
    E-mail: [email protected]
5、   738B0018   ISSN 0360-0333   IF:0、641   “*”
    ACM Computing Surveys. 《美国计算机学会计算概观》,1969. 4/yr.
    Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway. 17th   FL.,
    New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.
    Tel: 212 869 7440
    Fax: 212 944 1318
6、   738B0029-2   ISSN 1077-3142   IF:1、298
    Computer Vision and Image Undwestanding. 《计算机视觉与图像理解》
    1969. Academic Press Inc.,   Journal Subscription Fulfillment Dept.,
    6227 Sca Harbor Drive, Orlando,
    FL 32887-4900, USA.
    Tel: 407 345 4040
    Fax: 407 363 9661
    E-mail: [email protected]
7、   738B0031   ISSN 0362-5915   IF:1、20   “*”
    ACM Transactions on Database System. 《美国计算机学会数据库系统汇
    刊》,1976. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway,
      17th   FL., New York,   NY 10036-5701. USA.
    Tel: 212 869 7440
    Fax: 212 944 1318
8、   738B0033   ISSN 0164-0925   IF:0、950   “*”
    ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems. 《美国计算
    机学会程序设计语言与系统汇刊》,1979. 6/yr.
    Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway, 17th   FL.,
    New York NY 10036-5701. USA.
    Fax: 212 944 1318
9、   738B0040   ISSN 0730-0301   IF:1、88   “*”
    ACM Transactions on Graphics. 《美国计算机学会图形学汇刊》,
    1982. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery.
    1515 Broadway, 17th   FL., New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.
    Fax: 212 944 1318
10、   738B0045   ISSN 1046-8188   IF:2、036   “*”
    ACM Transactions on Information Systems. 《美国计算机学会信息系统
    汇刊》,1983. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway.
    17th   FL. New York. NY 10036-5701   USA.
Fax: 212 944 1318
11、   738B0046   ISSN 0734-2071   IF:1、238   “*”
      ACM Transactions on Computer Systems. 《美国计算机学会计算机系统
      汇刊》,1983. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway.
      17th   FL. New York. NY 10036-5701 USA.
Fax: 212 944 1318
12、   738B0224   ISSN 0098-3500   IF:0、649   “*”
      ACM Transations on Mathematical Software. 《美国计算机学会数学软件
      汇刊》,1975. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway.
      17th   FL. New York. NY 10036- 5701 USA.
Tel: 212 869 7440
Fax: 212 944 1318
13、   738B0488   ISSN 0743-7315   IF:0、353
      Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 《并行与分布式计算杂
      志》,1984. 12/yr. Academic Press Inc., Journal Subscription
      Fulfillment   Dept., 6277Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL32887-4900, USA
      Tel: 407 345 4040
      Fax; 407 363 9661
      E-mail: [email protected]
14、   738B0494   ISSN 0743-1066   IF:0、819   “*”
      Journal of Logic Programming. 《逻辑程序设计杂志》,1984. 12/yr.
      Elsevier Science Inc., Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department,
      Po Box 945, New York, NY 10159-0945, USA.
      Fax: 212 633 3680
      E-mail: [email protected]
15、   738B0514   ISSN 0738-4602   IF:1、286   “*”
      AI Magazine. ( Artificial Intelligence ). 《人工智能杂志》,1979. 4/yr.
      American Association For Artificial Intelligence, 445 Burgess Dr.,
      Menlo Park, CA94025, USA.
      Fax: 415 321 4457
16、   738B0547   ISSN 0884-8173   IF:0、398   “*”
      International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 《国际智能系统杂志》,
      1986. 12/yr. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Subscription Department,
      605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012, USA.
      Fax: 212 850 6021
      E-mail: [email protected]
17、   738B0548   ISSN 0178-4617   IF:0、477   “*”
      Algorithmica: A International Journal in Computer Science. 《算法》,
      1986. 12/yr. Springer-Verlag New York Inc.,
      175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010, USA.
      Fax: 212 473 6272
      E-mail: [email protected]
18、   723B0578   ISSN 1094-3420   IF:0、833
      International Journal of High Performance Computing Application. 《高
      性能计算应用国际杂志》,1987. 4/yr. Sage Publications Inc.,
      2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA.
      Tel: 805 499 0721
      Fax: 805 499 0871
      E-mail: [email protected]
19、   738B0663   ISSN 0899-7667   IF:2、727
      Neural Computation. 《神经计算》,1989. 8/yr. MIT Press Journal
Department, 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142-1399, USA.
Tel: 617 253 2889
Fax: 617 577 1545
E-mail: [email protected]
20、   738B0703   ISSN 0896-8438   IF:0、886   “*”
      Journal of Object-Oriented Programming. 《面向对象程序设计杂志》,
      1988. 9/yr. Sigs Publications Inc., 71 W. 23rd St.,
      New York, NY 10010-4102, USA.
      Tel: 212 242 7447
      Fax: 212 242 7574
      E-mail: [email protected]
21、   738B0705   ISSN 1044-7318   IF:0、359
      International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 《国际人与计算
      机相互作用杂志》,1989. 4/yr. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Journal
      Customer Service Dept., 10Industrial Ave., Mahwah, NJ 07430-2262 USA.
      Tel: 201 236 9500
      Fax: 201 236 0072
      E-mail: [email protected]
22、   738B0780   ISSN 0028-3045   IF:0、368
      Networks. 《网络》, 1971. 8/yr. John Wiley & Sons Inc,
      605 Third Ave, New York, NY, 10158-0012.
23、   738B0788   ISSN 1054-7460   IF:1、544
      Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 《存在:远程操作设
      备与虚拟环境》,1992. 6/yr. MIT Press, Journals Department,
      5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142-1399, USA.
      Tel: 617 253 2889
      Fax: 617 577 1545
      E-mail: [email protected]
24、   738B0798   ISSN 1049-331X   IF:0、889   “*”
      ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 《美国
      计算机学会软件工程与方法论汇刊》,1992. 4/yr. Association for Computing
      Machinery, 1515 Broadway, 17th   FL., New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.
      Tel: 212 869 7440
      Fax: 212 944 1318
25、   738B0899   ISSN 1063-293X   IF:0、353   “*”
      Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications. 《并行工程研究与应
      用》,4/yr. Managing Editor: Biren Prasad, Ph. D.,
      International Institute of Concurent Engineering, CETEAM Journal          
      Department, Po Box, 3882, Tustin, CA 92782, USA.
      Tel: (714) 389 2662
      Fax: (714) 389 2662
      E-mail: [email protected]
26、   738C0017   ISSN 0305-0548   IF:0、031
      Computers & Operations Research. 《计算机与运筹学研究》,14/yr.
      Editor: G. Laporte, HEC, Montreal, Canada.
      E-mail: [email protected]
27、   738C0019   ISSN 0097-8485   IF:1、632   “*”
      Computer & Chemistry. 《计算机与化学》,1974. 6/yr.
      Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department,
      Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
      Fax: (31) 20 485 3432
      E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier
28、   738C0022   ISSN 0098-3004   IF:0、424 “*”
      Computers & Geosciences. 《计算机与地学》,1957. 10/yr. Customer
      Support Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
      Fax:(31) 20 485 3432
      E-mail: [email protected]
29、   738C0028   ISSN 1367-4803   IF:3、421
      Bioinformatics. 《生物信息学》,1984. 12/yr.
      Oxford University Press. Journal Subscriptions
      Department, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK.
      Fax: (01865) 267 485
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Barbara Cox, Embl-Ebi, Hinxlon, Cambridge Cb10 1sd, UK.
30、   738C0030   ISSN 0747-7171   IF:0、525
      Journal of Symbolic Computation. 《符号与计算 杂志》,
      1985. 12/yr. Harcourt Brace & CO. Ltd.,
      Foots Cray High Street, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5HP, UK
      Fax: (0181) 309 0807
      E-mail: [email protected]
31、   738C0065   ISSN 0031-3203   IF:1、353   “*”
      Pattern Recognition. 《图形识别》,1969. 12/yr. Elsevier Science,
      Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department,
      Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
      E-mail: [email protected]
32、   738C0067   ISSN 0010-4485   IF:1、048
      Computer-Aided Design. 《计算机辅助设计》,1968. 14/yr.
      Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department,
      Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
33、   738C0070   ISSN 0045-7949   IF:0、418   “*”
      Computers & Structures. 《计算机与结构》,1971. 24/yr.
      K. J. Bathe, Department of   Mechanical Engineering,
      Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA.
      Tel: 1 617 923 3407
      Fax: 1 617 923 3408
C.    H. V. Topping, Department of Mechanics and Chemical Engineering,
Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK.
Fax: 44 (0) 131 451 3593
34、   738C0073   ISSN 0045-7906   IF:0、105   “*”
      Computers & Electrical Engineering. 《计算机与电工》,1973. 6/yr.
      Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support
Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
Fax: (31) 20 485 3432
E-mail: [email protected]
35、   738C0074   ISSN 0045-7930   IF:0、679   “*”
      Computers & Fluids. 《计算机与流体》,1973. 8/yr.
      Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department,
      Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
      Fax: (31) 20 485 3432
      E-mail: [email protected]
36、   738C0081   ISSN 0898-1221   IF:0、383   “*”
      Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 《计算机与数学及其应用》
      1974. 24/yr. Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office,
      Customer Support Department, Po Box 211,
1000    AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
Fax: (31) 20 485 3432
E-mail: [email protected]
37、   738C0093   ISSN 0306-4379   IF:3、018   “*”
      Information System. 《信息系统》,1975. 8/yr. Elsevier Science,
      Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 211,
      1000 AE Amsterdam, The   Netherlands.
      Fax: (31) 20 485 3432
      E-mail: [email protected]
38、   738C0153   ISSN 0950-7051   IF:0、275   “*”
      Knowledge-Based Systems. 《知识库系统》,1987. 4/yr.
      Elsevier Science Bv, Po Box 211, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1000 Ae.
39、   738C0164   ISSN 0269-8889   IF:0、707   “*”
      Knowledge Engineering Review. 《知识工程评价》,1986. 4/yr.
        118. 00/GBP Cambridge University Press,
      The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK.
      Fax: (0223) 315 052
      E-mail: journals [email protected]
40、   738C0177   ISSN 0954-0091   IF:0、964
      Connection Science. 《连接科学》,1989. 4/yr Carfax Publishing Ltd.,
        Po Box 25, Abingdon, Oxford Shire, OX14 3UE, UK.
      Fax: (01235) 401 550
      E-mail: [email protected]
41、   738C0181   ISSN 0954-898X   IF:1、333
      Network: Computation in Neural Systems. 《网络:神经系统计算》,
      1990. 4/yr. Iop Publishing Ltd, Dirac House,
      Temple Back, Bristol, England, Bs1 6be.
42、   738C0192   ISSN 1045-926X   IF:0、431
      Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. 《视觉语言与计算杂志》,
      1990. 6/yr. Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd.,
      Foots Cray High Street, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5HP, UK.
      Fax: (0181) 309 0807
      E-mail: [email protected]
43、   738C0199   ISSN 1049-8907   IF:0、487
      Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation. 《显像与计算机动画
      片制作杂志》,1990. 4/yr. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Journal Administration,
      1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO22 9SA, UK.
      E-mail: [email protected]
44、   738E0032   ISSN 0943-4962   《多媒体系统》,IF:1、290
      Multimedia Systems. (Text in English). 1993. 6/yr.
      Spring-Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, D-14197 Berlin, Germany.
      Fax: (030) 827 87 448
      E-mail: [email protected]
45、   738GL069   ISSN 0217-5959   IF:0、031
      ASIA-PACIFIC Journal of Operational Research. 《亚太操作研究杂志》
      2/yr. Editors: Assoc. Prof. G. Y. Zhao Department of Mathematics,
      National University of Singapore, Singapore.
46、   738KA001   ISSN 0332-7353   IF:0、500
      Modeling Identification and Control. 《建模、识别与控制》,1980. 4/yr.
      Mic, Div Eng Cybernetics, Trondheim, Norway, 7034.
47、   738LB002   ISSN 0010-4655   IF:1、082
      Computer Physics Communications. 《计算机物理学通讯》,1969. 15/yr.
      Elsevier Science Bv, Po Box 211, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1000 Ae
48、   738LB003   ISSN 0004-3702   IF:1、683  
      Artificial Intelligence. 《人工智能》,1970. 18/yr.
      Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,
      Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Fax: 31 20 6854171
      E-mail: [email protected]
49、   738LB004   ISSN 0304-3975   IF:0、468   “*”
      Theoretical Computer Science. 《理论计算机科学》,1975. 40/yr.
      Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,
      Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Tel: 31 20 5153210
      Fax: 31 20 6854171
      E-mail: [email protected]
50、   738LB017   ISSN 0924-9907   IF:0、780   “*”
      Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 《数学成像与显示杂志》
      1991. 6/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department,
      Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
      Tel: 31 78 6392392
      Fax: 31 78 6546474
      E-mail: [email protected]
51、   738LB061   ISSN 0166-5316   IF:0、629   “*”
      Performance Evaluation. 《性能评价》,1981. 16/yr. Elsevier Science
      B. V., Trade Relations Department,
      Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Tel: 31 20 5153210
      Fax: 31 20 6854171
      E-mail: [email protected]
52、   738LB073   ISSN 0167-9236   IF:0、781   “*”
      Decision Support Systems. 《决策支持系统》,11/yr.
      Editor-in-Chief: A. Whinston, MSIS Department,
      CBA 5-202, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-1175, USA.
53、   738LB076   ISSN 0167-8396   IF:0、929   “*”
      Computer-Aided Geometric Design.   《计算机辅助几何设计》,1984.
      9/yr. Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,
      Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Tel: 31 20 5153210
      E-mail: [email protected]
54、   738LB087   ISSN 0885-6125   IF:1、476   “*”
      Machine Learning. 《机器学习》,1986. 12/yr.
      Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre,
      Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dorderecht, The Netherlands.
      Tel: 31 78 6392392
      E-mail: [email protected]
55、   738LB088   ISSN 0920-5691   IF:1、600   “*”
      International Journal of Computer Vision. 《国际计算机视觉杂志》,
      1987. 15/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department,
      Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
      Fax: 31 78 6546474
      E-mail: [email protected]
56、   738LB092   ISSN 0921-8542   IF:0、130   “*”
      Journal of Supercomputing. 《高超速计算机杂志》,1987. 4/yr.
      Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre,
      Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
      Tel: 31 78 6392392
      Fax: 31 78 6546474
      E-mail: [email protected]
57、 738LB100   ISSN 0924-669X   IF:0、493   “*”
      Applied Intelligence. 《应用智能》,1991. 6/yr. 900. 00/NLG Kluwer
      Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre,
      Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
      Tel: 31 78 6546471
      E-mail: [email protected]
58、 738LB122   ISSN 0262-8856   IF:0、893
      Image and Vision Computing. 《图像与视觉计算》,1983. 14/yr.
      Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,
      Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Tel: 31 20 5153210
      E-mail: [email protected]
59、 738LB128   ISSN 1384-5810   IF:1、407
      Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 《数据挖掘与知识发现》,1997.
      4/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre,
      Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
      Fax: 31 78 6546474
      E-mail: [email protected]
60、 738LE051   ISSN 0010-485X   IF:0、667   “*”
      Computing. (Text in English). 《计算》,8/yr. Springer-Verlag
      Wien, Sachsenplatz 4-6, Postfach 89, A-1201 Wien, Austria.
      Fax: (0043/1) 3 30 24 26
61、 738   ISSN 0004-5411   IF:1、078
      Journal of the ACM. 《美国计算机学会志》,4/yr.
      Assoc Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY, 10036.
62、 738   ISSN 0018-9162   IF:1、062
      Computer. 《IEEE计算机杂志》,12/yr.
      IEEE Computer Soc, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle,
      Po Box 3014, Los Alamitos, CA, 90720-1314.


1、   738B0029-1   ISSN 1049-9652
      CVGIP:Graphical Models and Image Processing. 《计算机视觉、图示与
      图像处理:制图模型与图像处理》,1969. 6/yr. Academic Press, Inc.,
      Journal Subscription Fulfillment Dept., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive,
      Orlando, FL 32887-4900, USA.
      Fax: 407-363-9661
2、   738B0029-2   ISSN 1077-3169
      Graphical Models and Image Processing. 《制图模型与图像处理》,1969.
      6/yr. Academic Press Inc., USA.
      Editors-in-Chief: Norman I. Badler and Rama Chellappa.
      E-mail: [email protected]
      (as CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing. 1049-9652)
3、   738B0052   ISSN 0011-6963
      Datamation. 《数据处理》,1955. 24/yr.
      275 Washington St., Newton, MA 02158, USA.
      Fax: 303-398-7691.
4、   738B0067   ISSN 0010-4566
      Computer Design. 《计算机设计》,1962. 12/yr. Computer Design,
      Circulation Department, Box 3466, Tulsa, OK 74101, USA.
5、   738B0079   ISSN 0018-8670
      IBM Systems Journal. 《国际商用机器公司系统杂志》,1962. 4/yr.
      International Busimess Machines Corp., USA. Editor: Cene Hofinagle.
      E-mail: [email protected]
6、   738B0100   ISSN 0037-5497
      Simulation. 《仿真》,1963. 12/yr. Society for Computer Simulation,
      Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA.
      Editor:Vice-President, SCS Publications, Robert Judd, PhD, Ohio University.
      E-mail: [email protected]
7、   738B0223   ISSN 0882-1666
      Systems and Computers in Japan. 《日本系统与计算机》,
      1970. 14/yr. 1229. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 836,
      Bound Brook, NJ 08805, USA.
      Fax: 03-3556-9763.
      E-mail: [email protected]
8、   738B0288   ISSN 0360-5280
      Byte. 《字节》,1975. 12/yr. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., P. O. 1221
      Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA.
9、   738B0100   ISSN 0037-5497
      Simulation. 1963. 12/yr. Society for Computer Simulation, Box 17900, San
      Diego, CA 92117, USA. Editor: Vice-President, SCS Publications, Robert
      Judd, PhD, Ohio University.
      E-mail: [email protected]
10、 738B0291   ISSN 0146-5422
      Online. 《联机》,6/yr. Online Inc.
      462 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897-2126, USA.
11、 738B0292   ISSN 0363-6399
      Data Communications. 《数据通信》,1972. 12/yr.
      McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., P. O.
1221    Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA.
12、 738B0309   ISSN 0162-4105
      Database. 《数据库》,1978. 6/yr. 1970. Bonanza Drive,
      Suite 219, P. O. Box 70, Park City, UT 84060, USA.
13、 738B0318   ISSN 0164-1212
      Journal of Systems & Software. 《系统与软件杂志》, Elsevier Science
      Inc.,655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, USA.
      Fax: 212-633-3764
14、 738B0325   ISSN 0702-0481
      International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers. 《国际小型与微计算
      机杂志》,1979. 3/yr. Editor-in- Chief: Dr. B. Furht,
      Dep. Of Computer Sci. & Eng. Florida Altantic
      University, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA.
15、 738B0337   ISSN 0820-0750
      Microcomputer Applications. 《微机应用》,1982. 3/yr.
      ISMM, P. O. Box 2481, Anaheim, CA 92814, USA.
16、 738B0346   ISSN 0277-0865
      Computer Security Journal. 《计算机安全杂志》,1981. 2/yr. Computer
      Security Institute, 600 Harrisan St., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.
      E-mail: [email protected]
17、 738B0360   ISSN 1044-789X
      Dr. Dobb’s Journal. 《多布氏杂志》,1976. 12/yr. M & T Publishing,
      Inc., 501 Galveston Dr., Redwood City, CA 94063, USA.
18、 738B0405   ISSN 0737-8939
      PC World. 《个人计算机世界》,1982. 12/yr. PCW Communications, Inc.,
      501 Second St., 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.
19、 738B0407   ISSN 0271-4159
      Computer Graphics World. 《计算机图学界》,1978. 12/yr.
      PennWell Publishing Co., 1421 South Sheridan,
      P. O. Box 1260, Tulsa, OK 74101, USA.
20、 738B0485   ISSN 0740-6797
      Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation. 《计算机仿真学会
      汇刊》,1984. 4/yr. Society for Computer Simulation.
      Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA.
21、 738B0513   ISSN 0278-9647
      Computer Technology Review; The Systems Integration Sourcebook.
    《计算机技术评论》,1981. 16/yr. West World Pioductions, Inc.
      924 Westwood Blvd., 650, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA.
22、 738B0536   ISSN 0742-3136
      UNIX Review. 《UNIX评论》,1983. 12/yr. 1 Miller Freeman
      Publication Co., 600 Harrison St., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.
23、 738B0556   ISSN 0883-9514
      Applied Artificial Intelligence. 《应用人工智能》,1986. 4/yr. Taylor &
      Francis / Hemisphere,
1900    Frost Rd., Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007, USA.
24、 738B0557   ISSN 0885-7474
      Journal of Scientific Computing. 《科学计算杂志》,1986. 4/yr.
      Plenum Publishing Corp., 233 Spring St.,
      New York, NY 10013-1578, USA.
      Fax: 212-807-1047
25、 738B0584   ISSN 1094-3420
      International Journal of High Performance Computing Application.
      《高性能计算应用国际杂志》,1987. 4/yr. 96pp. 12k.
  282.00/USD Sage Publications Inc., USA.
26、 738B0589   ISSN 0894-9077
      International Journal of Expert Systems. 《国际专家系统杂志》,1987.
      4/yr. JAI Press, Inc., 55 Old Post Rd.,
      No. 2, P. O. Box 1678, Greenwich, CT 06836, USA.
      Fax: 203-661-0792
27、 738B0604   ISSN 0895-6340
      Computing Systems. 《计算系统》,1988. 4/yr. University of California
      Press,Periodical Dept., 2120 Berkeley Way,
      Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.
      Fax: 415-643-7127.
      Edit: Usenix Association & EUUG.
28、 738B0658   ISSN 1045-389X
      Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 《智能材料系统
      与结构杂志》,1990 4/yr. Technomic Publishing Co., Inc.,
      851 New Holland Ave., Box 3535, Lancaster, PA 17604, USA.
      Fax: 717-295-4538
29、 738B0702   ISSN 1043-6464
      Journal of End User Computing. 《最后用户计算杂志》,1989. 4/yr.
      112. 00/USD     Idea Group Publishing, Olde Liberty Square, Suite 230,
      4811 Jonestown Rd., Harrisburg, PA 17109, USA.
      Edit: Information Resources Management Association.
30、 738B0736   ISSN 1050-1827
      International Journal of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Computer-
      Aided Engineering. 《国际微波与毫米波计算机辅助工程杂志》,1991. 4/yr.
      John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 836, Bound Brook, NJ 08805, USA.
      Fax: 212-850-6088
31、 738B0741   ISSN 1049 3301
      ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. 《美国计算机
    学会模型建立与计算机仿真汇刊》,1991. 4/yr. Association for
      Computing Machinery, P. O. Box 12105, Church Street
      Station, New York, NY 10249, USA.
      Fax: 212-944-1318
32、 738B0766   ISSN 0748-0016
      Personal Engineering and Instrumentation News. 《个人计算机工程与
      设备新闻》,1984. 12/yr. PEC Inc., Sales Office,
      Box 152, Pine Brook, NJ 07058, USA.
      Fax: 201-808-0167
33、 738B0778   ISSN 0228-6203
      International Journal of Modeling & Simulation. 《国际模式与仿真杂
    志》,1981. 4/yr. IASTED,
P.    O. Box 2481, Anaheim, CA 92814-2481, USA.
34、 738B0779   ISSN 1058-9244
      Scientific Programming: Tools & Techniques. 《科学程序设计》,1991.
      4/yr.John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 836,
      Bound Brook, NJ 08805, USA.
      Fax: 212-850-6088
35、 738B0782   ISSN 0824-7935
      Computational Intelligence. 《计算智能》,1985. 4/yr.
      Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., Three Cambridge Center,
      Cambridge, MA 02142, USA.
36、 738B0826  
      Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings. 《冬季仿真会议录》,1/yr.
      125. 00/USD Society for Computer Simulation,
      Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA.
37、 738B0851   ISSN 1064-7570
      Journal of Network and Systems Management. 《网络与系统管理杂
    志》,1993. 4/yr. Plenum Publishing Corp.,
      233 Spring St., New York, NY10013-1578, USA.
      Fax: 212-807-1047
38、 738B0918   ISSN 1042-0711
      Mainframe Computing. 《主机计算》,1988. 12/yr.
      E-mail: [email protected]
39、 738C0005   ISSN 0010-4531
      Computer Bulletin. 《计算机通报》,4/yr. The British Computer Society
      1 Sanfrod Street Swindon SN1 1HJ, UK
40、 738C0011   ISSN 1351-3249
      Natural Language Engineering. 《自然语言工程》,1995. 4/yr.
      Cambridge University Press,UK
41、 738C0017   ISSN 0305-0548
      Computers & Operations Research. 《计算机与运筹学》,1974. 8/yr.
      Editor: Jesus R. Arralejo Faculatad de Matematics,
    Dept de Estadistica e I. O., Universidad   Complutense de Madrid,
      Madrid 28040, Spain.
      Editor: Samuel J. Raff, 8312 Snug Hill Lane, Potomac, MD 20854, USA.
      E-mail: [email protected]
42、 738C0018   ISSN 0038-0644
      Software: Practice & Experience. 《软件;实践与经验》,1974. 15/yr.
      575. 00/USD John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
      1 Oklands Way, Bognor Regis, West Sussex P. O. 22, 9SA, UK.
43、 738C0020   ISSN 0098-1354
      Computers & Chemical Engineering. 《计算机与化工》,1977. 12/yr.
      Editor-in-Chief: G. V. Reklaitis, School of Chemical Engineering,
      CHME Building 1283, West Lafayette, Purdue University, IN 47907, USA.
      E-mail: [email protected]
44、 738C0023   ISSN 0360-8352
      Computers & Industrial Engineering. 《计算机与工业工程》,1976. 8/yr.
      Editor: Mohamed I. Dessouky,
      Ph. D., P. E. Research Professor, Dept. Of   Industrial & Systems Eng’g.,
      University of Southem California, University Park-MC 0193, Los
      Angeles, CA, 90089-0193. USA.
      E-mail: [email protected]
45、 738C0026   ISSN 0275-9136
      Engineering Simulation. 《工程模拟》,6/yr. STBS Ltd.,
      Order Department, P. O. Box 90, Rerkshire Rg1 8JL, UK.
      Fax: 0734-568211.
46、 738C0029   ISSN 0747- 5632
      Computers in Human Behavior. 《计算机在人类行为中的应用》,1985.
      4/yr. 18k, 180. 00/GBP Editorial Office: Robert D Tennyson Dept.
      Of   Educational Psychology, 211A Burton Hall, 178 Pillsbury
      Dr., S. E., University of Minnesot Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.
47、 738C0031   ISSN 0267-6192
      Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 《计算机系统科学与工程》,
      1985. 6/yr. Editor: Wil van Der Aalst,
      Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Eindhoven
      University of Technology, P. O. Box 513, NL-5600 MB, Eindhoven,
      The Netherlands.
      E-mail: [email protected]
48、 738C0033   ISSN 0167-7055
      Computer Graphics Forum. 《计算机图形学论坛》,1982. 4/yr.
      Editor: David Duke, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
      University of Bath, UK.
      E-mail: [email protected]
49、 738C0034   ISSN 1077-2014
      Real-Time Imaging. 《实时成像》,1995. 6/yr.
      Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd., UK. Editors: Phillip A.
      Laplant and Alrxander D. Stoyenko.
      E-mail: [email protected]
50、 738C0089   ISSN 0096-0551
      Computer Languages. 《计算机语言》, 1976. 8/yr.
      c/o National Biomedical Foundation, Georgetown University Medical Center,
3900    Resservoir Road, N. W., Washington, DC20007, USA.
51、 738C0092   ISSN 0198-9715
      Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 《计算机、环境与城市
      系统》,1975. 6/yr. Editor: P. Longley,
      Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London,
1-19    Torrington Place, London, WCIE 6BT.
E-mail: [email protected]
52、 738C0103   ISSN 0141-9331
      Microprocessors and Microsystems. 《微处理机与微型系统》,1978, 10/yr.
      Hardware Systems and North American Editor: A. K. Somani,
      Dept. Of   Electrical & Computer Engineering, 223 Coover Hall,
      Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA.
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Software Editor: J. E. Cooling, 35 Croftway, Markfield,
      Leicestershire, LE67 9UG, UK.
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Section Coordinating Editor Chip ARCHITECTURES: p. W. Thompson,
      Degree 2 Innovations Ltd. University Gate, Park Row, Bristol BS1 5UB. UK.
      E-mail: [email protected]
53、 738C0106   ISSN 0140-3664
      Computer Communications. 《计算机通讯》,1978. 12/yr.
      Editor: J. B. Thompson, Troubador Publishing Ltd.,
    12 Manor Walk, Coventry Road, Market Harborough,
      Leicester LE16 9PB, UK.
      E-mail: [email protected]
54、 738C0109   ISSN 0965-9978
      Advances in Engineering Software. 《工程软件进展》,1978. 8/yr.
      Editors: R. A. Adey, Wessex Institute of Technology,
      Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton SO40 7AA,UK.
      Fax: 44-1703-292-853
      E-mail: [email protected]
      N. Kamiya, Department of   Informatics & Natural Sciences, School of
      Informatics and Sciences, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-01,
A.    K. Noor, University of Virginia, Mail Stop 369, NASA Langley Research
Center, Hampton, VA 23681, USA.
Fax: 1-804-864-8089
E-mail: [email protected]
55、 738C0113   ISSN 0963-8687
      Journal of Strategic Information Systems. 《战略信息系统杂志》,
      1978. 4/yr. Editor-in-Chief/ European and African Editor:
      R. D. Galliers, Warwick Business School,
      University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. Editor-in-Chief: S.  
      Jarvenpaa, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-1175, USA.
      E-mail: [email protected]
56、 738C0117   ISSN 0141-9382
      Disolays. 《显示》,1979. 4/yr.
      Human Factors Editor: D. Travis, Daisy Cottage,
      Bramford, Suffolk. IP8 4AT. UK.
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Technology Editor: S. Morozumi, Prime View International Co., Ltd, 1,
      Science-Based Industrial Park, 3, Li-Shin Rd. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
      Fax: 886-3-579-8699; 886-3-578-8339
      E-mail: [email protected]
              [email protected]
57、 738C0131   ISSN 1352-2642
      Online and CD-ROM Review. 《联机与只读光盘评论》,1977 6/yr.
      Learned Information Europe Ltd., UK. ( as Online Review )
58、 738C0133   ISSN 0268-6961
      Software Engineering Journal. 《软件工程杂志》,1982. 6/yr.
      Institution of Electrical Engineers,   Michael Farady House,
      Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts SG1 2AY, UK.
      Fax: 0438-313465
59、 738C0137   ISSN 0262-8836
      Image and Vision Computing. 《图像与视觉计算》,1983. 10/yr.
      General Editor: K. D. Baker, University of Reading,
      Department of Computer Science, Whiteknights,
      Reading, Berks, RG6 6AY, UK.
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Editors for North America: D. B. Goldgof, University of South Florida,
      Tampa, Florida, USA.
      E-mail: [email protected]
J.    K. Tsotsos, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
E-mail: [email protected]
F.    Medioni, University of Southem California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
60、 738C0140   ISSN 0264-4401
      Engineering Computations. 1984. 6/yr. 《工程计算》,
      Editors: D. R. J. Owen and E. Hinton Department of Civil Engineering,
      University of Wales, Swansea, West Glamorgan, UK SA2 8PP.
      E-mail: [email protected]
61、 738C0158   ISSN 1364-8152
      Environmental Modelling & Software. 《环境软件》,1986. 4/yr.
      Editor-in-Chief: A. J. Jakeman, Centre for Resource and Environmental
      Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia.
      Fax: 61-6-249-0757
      E-mail: [email protected]
62、 738C0160   ISSN 0885-2308
      Computer Speech & Language. 《计算机语音与语言》,1986. 4/yr.
      Harcout Brace Jovanovich Ltd.,
      Foot Cray High Street, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5HP, UK
63、 738C0161   ISSN0954-1810
      Artificial Intelligence in Engineering. 《工程中人工智能》,1985. 4/yr.
      Editors: J. C. Kunz, Stanford University,
      Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Building 550,
      Stanford, CA 94305-4020, USA.
      E-mail: [email protected]
I. Smith, IMAC-ISS, DGC ( Ecublens ), EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
E-mail: [email protected]
T.    Tomiyama, RACE ( Research into Artifacts Center for Engineering ),
University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904, Japan.
Fax: 81-3-3467-0648.
E-mail: [email protected]
64、 738C0165   ISSN 0890-0604
      Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing
      ( AI EDAM). 《工程设计、分析与制造业用人工智能》,1987. 3/yr.
      Swets Backsets Service, P. O. Box 810, 2160 SZ Lisse, The Netherlands.
      Fax: 31-0-252-415-888.
      E-mail: [email protected]
65、 738C0172   ISSN 0951-5240
      Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Systems. 《计算机集成制造系统》,
      1988. 4/yr.   Butterworth- Heinemann Turpin Transactions Ltd.,
      The Distribution Centre, Blackhorse Road,
      Letchworth, Herts SG6 1HN, UK.
      Fax: 0462-480947
66、 738C0174   ISSN 0952-1976
      Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 《人工智能的工程应
      用》,1988. 6/yr. Editor-in- Chief: R. A. Vingerhoeds,
      34 rue de Martini, 31500 Toulouse, France.
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Dequty Editor: B. Grabot, ENTT-LGP, Avenued’ azereix, BP 1629, 65016
      Tarbes, France.
      Consultant Editor: L. Motus, Department of Computer Control, Tallinn
      Technical University, Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn 19086, Estonia.
      Fax: 372-6-202-096
