1. Before starting installing this package check if the following external
    programs are installed:

    a. PHP (version 5.2.x or above).

  2. Extract the tarball / zipfile to a dir (ex: {YOUR_PATH}).

    If you want to include log4php under an include_path dir
    consider step (a).

    If you want to include log4php wherever you want consider
    step (b).

    a. Create a log4php dir under an include_path.

      Copy '{YOUR_PATH}/src/main/php' under an '{an_include_path}/log4php'. 

    Include the Logger class:


    b. Copy ‘{YOUR_PATH}/src/main/php’ to the dir where you want log4php to
    reside (ex: {MY_LOG4PHP_PATH}).

    Include the Logger class:

     require_once( '{MY_LOG4PHP_PATH}/Logger.php' );
  3. That’s all! For more details on using Apache log4php please see the HTML docs in the site folder.
