
typedef struct ngx_listening_s  ngx_listening_t;

struct ngx_listening_s {
    ngx_socket_t        fd;

    struct sockaddr    *sockaddr;
    socklen_t           socklen;    /* size of sockaddr */
    size_t              addr_text_max_len;
    ngx_str_t           addr_text;

    int                 type;

    int                 backlog;
    int                 rcvbuf;
    int                 sndbuf;
    int                 keepidle;
    int                 keepintvl;
    int                 keepcnt;

    /* handler of accepted connection */
    ngx_connection_handler_pt   handler;

    void               *servers;  /* array of ngx_http_in_addr_t, for example */

    ngx_log_t           log;
    ngx_log_t          *logp;

    size_t              pool_size;
    /* should be here because of the AcceptEx() preread */
    size_t              post_accept_buffer_size;
    /* should be here because of the deferred accept */
    ngx_msec_t          post_accept_timeout;

    ngx_listening_t    *previous;
    ngx_connection_t   *connection;

    unsigned            open:1;
    unsigned            remain:1;
    unsigned            ignore:1;

    unsigned            bound:1;       /* already bound */
    unsigned            inherited:1;   /* inherited from previous process */
    unsigned            nonblocking_accept:1;
    unsigned            listen:1;
    unsigned            nonblocking:1;
    unsigned            shared:1;    /* shared between threads or processes */
    unsigned            addr_ntop:1;

#if (NGX_HAVE_INET6 && defined IPV6_V6ONLY)
    unsigned            ipv6only:1;
    unsigned            keepalive:2;

    unsigned            deferred_accept:1;
    unsigned            delete_deferred:1;
    unsigned            add_deferred:1;
    char               *accept_filter;
    int                 setfib;

