【翻译】(8)CPU ARM Neon



属于Android Native Development Kit (NDK)的一部分




Android NDK & ARM NEON instruction set extension support


Android NDK 和 ARM NEON指令集扩展支持








Android NDK r3 added support for the new 'armeabi-v7a' ARM-based ABI that allows native code to use two useful instruction set extensions:


Android NDK r3添加对新的基于ARM的armeabi-v7a ABI的支持,允许原生代码使用两个有用指令集扩展:


- Thumb-2, which provides performance comparable to 32-bit ARM instructions with similar compactness to Thumb-1


- Thumb-2,它提供与32位ARM指令可比的性能,也提供与Thumb-1相似的紧凑性


- VFPv3, which provides hardware FPU registers and computations, to boost floating point performance significantly.


- VFPv3,它提供硬件浮点处理单元寄存器和计算能力,显著提升浮点性能。


  More specifically, by default 'armeabi-v7a' only supports VFPv3-D16 which only uses/requires 16 hardware FPU 64-bit registers.




More information about this can be read in docs/CPU-ARCH-ABIS.html




The ARMv7 Architecture Reference Manual also defines another optional instruction set extension known as "ARM Advanced SIMD", nick-named "NEON". It provides:




- A set of interesting scalar/vector instructions and registers (the latter are mapped to the same chip area as the FPU ones), comparable to MMX/SSE/3DNow! in the x86 world.


- 一组有趣的标量/矢量指令(注:标量指令是指处理器每次处理一条数据,而矢量指令则相反,允许并行处理多条数据)和寄存器(后来被映射为相同的芯片领域如浮点运算单元寄存器),可以和x86世界的MMX/SSE/3DNow!相比。


- VFPv3-D32 as a requirement (i.e. 32 hardware FPU 64-bit registers, instead of the minimum of 16).


- VFPv3-D32作为一种最低需要(即32个硬件浮点单元64位寄存器,而非至少16个)。


Not all ARMv7-based Android devices will support NEON, but those that do may benefit in significant ways from the scalar/vector instructions.




The NDK supports the compilation of modules or even specific source files with support for NEON. What this means is that a specific compiler flag will be used to enable the use of GCC ARM Neon intrinsics and VFPv3-D32 at the same time. The intrinsics are described here:


NDK支持模块的编译或甚至是特定的源代码,拥有对NEON的支持。这意味着将使用一个特定的编译器开关同时打开对GCC ARM Neon内建和VFPv3-D32的使用。内建功能在这里描述:









Define LOCAL_ARM_NEON to 'true' in your module definition, and the NDK will build all its source files with NEON support. This can be useful if you want to build a static or shared library that specifically contains

NEON code paths.




Using the .neon suffix:





When listing sources files in your LOCAL_SRC_FILES variable, you now have the option of using the .neon suffix to indicate that you want to corresponding source(s) to be built with Neon support. For example:




  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := foo.c.neon bar.c


Will only build 'foo.c' with NEON support.




Note that the .neon suffix can be used with the .arm suffix too (used to specify the 32-bit ARM instruction set for non-NEON instructions), but must appear after it.




In other words, 'foo.c.arm.neon' works, but 'foo.c.neon.arm' does NOT.




Build Requirements:





Neon support only works when targetting the 'armeabi-v7a' ABI, otherwise the NDK build scripts will complain and abort. It is important to use checks like the following in your Android.mk:


Neon支持仅在目标是armeabi-v7a ABI时才可工作,否则NDK构建脚本将解释和中止。在你的Android.mk中使用类似如下方式的检查是很重要的。


   # define a static library containing our NEON code

   # 定义一个静态库,包含我们的NEON代码

   ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),armeabi-v7a)

      include $(CLEAR_VARS)

      LOCAL_MODULE    := mylib-neon

      LOCAL_SRC_FILES := mylib-neon.c

      LOCAL_ARM_NEON  := true

      include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY)

   endif # TARGET_ARCH_ABI == armeabi-v7a



Runtime Detection:





As said previously, NOT ALL ARMv7-BASED ANDROID DEVICES WILL SUPPORT NEON ! It is thus crucial to perform runtime detection to know if the NEON-capable machine code can be run on the target device.




To do that, use the 'cpufeatures' library that comes with this NDK. To lean more about it, see docs/CPU-FEATURES.html.




You should explicitly check that android_getCpuFamily() returns ANDROID_CPU_FAMILY_ARM, and that android_getCpuFeatures() returns a value that has the ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_NEON flag set, as  in:




    #include <cpu-features.h>





    if (android_getCpuFamily() == ANDROID_CPU_FAMILY_ARM &&

        (android_getCpuFeatures() & ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_NEON) != 0)


        // use NEON-optimized routines

        // 使用NEON优化例程





        // use non-NEON fallback routines instead

        // 改为使用非NEON倒退例程






Sample code:





Look at the source code for the "hello-neon" sample in this NDK for an example on how to use the 'cpufeatures' library and Neon intrinsics at the same time.




This implements a tiny benchmark for a FIR filter loop using a C version, and a NEON-optimized one for devices that support it.




