OpenDWG R13/R14/R2000/R2004/R2007 File Format Specification
Version 4.0
1 Introduction
The DWG file format originated in the late 1970’s, as the native format used by the first microcomputer-based computer-aided design software. In the early 1980’s, that software, and the DWG file format, became the basis for AutoCAD – the best selling CAD software in history.
The OpenDWG file format specification, from the Open Design Alliance, is based upon AutoCAD’s undocumented DWG file format. This specification includes versions from Release 13 up to and including R2004, and a partial description of the 2007 format.
We strive to make OpenDWG as compatible with AutoCAD DWG as is possible. However, you will find in this document, certain bit and byte values listed as “unknown.” Although we invest tremendous effort in reverse-engineering AutoCAD DWG, some of these values have resisted our efforts. While we are able to read and write DWG files with excellent AutoCAD compatibility, we continue to work to improve our understanding of all the data in the DWG file. If you find information which will help us to understand any unknown values, or would like to get an update, to see if we have further information on these values, please contact us at our online support forum, .
出资Open Design Alliance的OpenDWG文件格式规范就基于AutoCAD未公开的DWG格式。本规范囊括的版本从R13一直到R2004,并且部分描述了R2007的格式。
我们尽可能的将OpenDWG与AutoCAD的DWG格式保持一致。但是,尽管我们做出了巨大的努力去反向工程AutoCAD的DWG,仍然有部分值阻止了我们的努力,因此某些bit或byte值作为“unknown”被列出。随着我们能够良好的兼容AutoCAD来读写DWG文件,我们会继续提高自己对所有dwg文件的解读。如果你发现有助于我们解读未知值的信息,或者想得到一个更新,想要看看是否我们有进一步关于这些未知值的信息,通过 联系我们。
大于0小于256 01:unsigned char(1 byte)
小于0大于等于256 00:short(2byte)
0 10
256 11