Available Telephone Service Features

Automatic Recall
When you push *69, an announcement will come on telling you the number of the last incoming call and the time it came in. By simply pushing "1" you can instruct the system to call this number back for you. No more copying numbers down from answering machines or voice mail. No more looking up numbers of people who forgot to leave them.

If the line is busy when callback is attempted, we'll keep trying to get through for you for 30 minutes and call you back with a special ring when the line is no longer busy.

Automatic Callback
The Automatic Callback service will redial your last outgoing call, and, if the line is busy, keep trying for you until someone answers or until 30 minutes goes by. When the line opens up, we'll call you back using a special ring to let you know the call can now go through.

Call Forwarding
Call Forwarding permits you to forward all incoming calls to another telephone number. You can also upgrade this service to include incoming calls which reach a busy signal or aren't answered.

Call Forwarding - Busy Line
With Call Forwarding - Busy line, when the make busy key is pressed all calls are forwarded

Call Forwarding - Don't Answer
Indicates that calls are forwarded to another number if called party does not answer within a specified time.

Call Forwarding - Remote Access
With Call Forwarding - Remote Access, you can turn your Call Forwarding on or off from any phone, anywhere. You can also change the number calls are forwarded to from another phone.

Call Hold
With this feature, you can put any call in progress on hold, freeing your line to originate another call.

Call Waiting
With Call Waiting you don't ever have to worry about missing that important call because someone was on the phone. You'll get a signal that lets you know if another call is coming in while you are already on the phone.

Call Waiting ID
Call Waiting tells you that another call is coming in. Call Waiting ID lets you see who it is before deciding whether to take the call or not.

Caller ID (Name & Number)
This feature lets you see who's calling so you can decide if you want to talk to them or not. Both the calling party's directory name and number will appear after the first ring (on a compatible Caller ID unit).

Caller ID Blocking Per Call

Do Not Disturb - Basic
This feature allows you to activate a "Do Not Disturb" recording so you can get some privacy, time alone, or silence. Calls will not get through to you until you turn the "Do Not Disturb" off. If you have Advanced Do Not Disturb, you'll be able to give those people you like to be disturbed by a secret code which allows them to bypass the Do Not Disturb feature.

Do Not Disturb - Advanced
Activates call forwarding to do not disturb with override.

Home Intercom
This feature turns your phone into an intercom. Just take the phone off the hook and dial your own number. After you hear an announcement or busy tone, hang up and all the extensions in your home will ring with a distinctive ring so everyone knows this is an "in-home" call.

Speed Calling 8
With Speed Calling 8, you can dial selected numbers by pushing one button! Or, if you've got lot of friends, you can upgrade to Speed Calling 30, which allows you to have 30 different numbers on your speed dial.

3-Way Calling
For conversations that demand more than just two people, you can include a third person, so no one needs to feel left out anymore!

Toll Restriction w/ Pin
This feature allows subscribers to have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to complete a toll call. When a toll call is attempted on a subscriber's line without the PIN, the call will be give the Toll Restriction intercept treatment.

Unidentified Call Rejection
With Unidentified Call Rejection, you can prevent a call from getting through if the caller has Caller ID blocking. Once you've activated this service, unwanted calls will not ring at your location and the caller will hear a recorded message stating why the call cannot be completed. The service will remain activated until you turn it off.

Voice Messaging - Basic
Throw your answering machine out the window. Now you've got one built right into your phone! With Voice Messaging, you never need to miss a call and no incoming caller ever needs to hear a busy signal. It's your own private answering machine. Voice Messaging Basic includes a 30-second greeting, 15-minute message storage, and 7-day retention. This plan can be upgraded to Voice Messaging Plus, which includes a 45-second greeting, 20-minute message storage, and 14-day retention.

The following features will not work together. You may pick only one to include in your package.

Selective Call Forwarding
This service lets you create a list of 30 phone numbers of callers who will be forwarded to a designated number when they call you. Once you activate this service, if a call arrives from a phone number that appears on your list, that call is forwarded. All other calls will ring at your regular phone.

Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting
You make a list of up to 30 numbers and when a call comes in from one of those numbers, you'll hear a distinctive ring. When other numbers call, your phone will ring with the normal ring. If you also have Call Waiting, you will hear a distinctive Call Waiting tone to let you know that someone from your list is calling.

Selective Call Rejection
Selective Call Rejection allows you to block unwanted calls and route them to an announcement which states that you do not wish to receive calls at that time. You may place up to 30 numbers on the Selective Call Rejection list, or you may place the last number to have called you on the list.

Selective Call Acceptance
You create a list of 30 numbers whose calls you want to accept. Callers not on the list will be routed to an announcement advising them that you are not accepting calls at this time.

Telemarketer - Do Not Disturb Enhanced
Subscribers today are continually bombarded with unsolicited telephone calls to their residence from telemarketers. To the vast majority of subscribers, these unwanted calls are viewed as a nuisance and an invasion of personal privacy. The Telemarketer - Do Not Disturb Enhanced provide subscribers with an alternate method of handling these bothersome telemarketing calls. These new features were developed to inform callers that the subscriber does not want to receive telemarketing calls.

The Telemarketer -Do Not Disturb Enhanced (ETDND) feature allows all calls to come thru unless the person calling you has their caller-id blocked, then they will receive an announcement saying "You have called a number which does not accept calls from telemarketers. All other callers may press '1' if they wish to complete the call."

Note: If telemarketers complete the call (by pressing '1'), they will be in violation of FCC rules and are subject to prosecution.

Features that can not be combined with packages. These features must be purchased separately.

Residence Distinctive Alerting
You can have up to three telephone numbers on one incoming line. Each number will have its own distinctive ring so you'll know whose call it is.

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