osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::CompositeViewer> viewer ; osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::View> view2; osgViewer::View* mViewer;
osgViewer::CompositeViewer* getViewer() { return viewer; }
cOSG::~cOSG() { viewer->setDone(true); Sleep(1000); viewer->stopThreading(); //delete viewer; }
void cOSG::InitCameraConfig(void) { // Local Variable to hold window size data RECT rect; viewer = new osgViewer::CompositeViewer() ; // Create the viewer for this window mViewer = new osgViewer::View(); view2 = new osgViewer::View; // Add a Stats Handler to the viewer mViewer->addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler); // Get the current window size ::GetWindowRect(m_hWnd, &rect); // Init the GraphicsContext Traits osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext::Traits> traits = new osg::GraphicsContext::Traits; // Init the Windata Variable that holds the handle for the Window to display OSG in. osg::ref_ptr<osg::Referenced> windata = new osgViewer::GraphicsWindowWin32::WindowData(m_hWnd); // Setup the traits parameters traits->x = 0; traits->y = 0; traits->width = rect.right - rect.left; traits->height = rect.bottom -; traits->windowDecoration = false; traits->doubleBuffer = true; traits->sharedContext = 0; traits->setInheritedWindowPixelFormat = true; traits->inheritedWindowData = windata; // Create the Graphics Context osg::GraphicsContext* gc = osg::GraphicsContext::createGraphicsContext(traits.get()); // Init a new Camera (Master for this View) osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> camera = new osg::Camera; // Assign Graphics Context to the Camera camera->setGraphicsContext(gc); // Set the viewport for the Camera camera->setViewport(new osg::Viewport(traits->x, traits->y, traits->width, traits->height)); // Set projection matrix and camera attribtues camera->setClearMask(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); camera->setClearColor(osg::Vec4f(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f)); camera->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective( 30.0f, static_cast<double>(traits->width)/static_cast<double>(traits->height), 1.0, 1000.0); // Add the Camera to the Viewer //mViewer->addSlave(camera.get()); mViewer->setCamera(camera.get()); // Add the Camera Manipulator to the Viewer mViewer->setCameraManipulator(keyswitchManipulator.get()); // Set the Scene Data mViewer->setSceneData(mRoot.get()); { osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext::Traits> traits2 = new osg::GraphicsContext::Traits(); traits2->x = 100; traits2->y = 100; traits2->width = 900; traits2->height = 700; traits2->windowDecoration = true; traits2->doubleBuffer = true; traits2->sharedContext = 0; //创建图形环境特性 osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext> gc2 = osg::GraphicsContext::createGraphicsContext(traits2.get()); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> cessna=osgDB::readNodeFile("cessna.osg"); view2->setSceneData(cessna.get()); // Set projection matrix and camera attribtues view2->getCamera()->setClearMask(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); view2->getCamera()->setClearColor(osg::Vec4f(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.4f, 1.0f)); view2->getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective( 30.0f, static_cast<double>(traits2->width)/static_cast<double>(traits2->height), 1.0, 1000.0); view2->getCamera()->setViewport(new osg::Viewport(0,0, traits2->width, traits2->height)); view2->getCamera()->setGraphicsContext(gc2); view2->setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TrackballManipulator); } viewer->addView(mViewer); viewer->addView(view2); // Realize the Viewer viewer->realize(); }
void cOSG::Render(void* ptr) { cOSG* osg = (cOSG*)ptr; osgViewer::CompositeViewer * viewer = osg->getViewer(); // You have two options for the main viewer loop // viewer->run() or // while(!viewer->done()) { viewer->frame(); } while(!viewer->done()) { osg->PreFrameUpdate(); viewer->frame(); osg->PostFrameUpdate(); //Sleep(10); // Use this command if you need to allow other processes to have cpu time } // For some reason this has to be here to avoid issue: // if you have multiple OSG windows up // and you exit one then all stop rendering AfxMessageBox("Exit Rendering Thread"); _endthread(); }主要也只是改动了一行代码,就是osgViewer::CompositeViewer * viewer = osg->getViewer();这一行代码。
在Visual Studio中,选择Debug | Exceptions菜单项,在弹出的对话框中,勾选所有的Win32 Exceptions,这样在Win32的异常抛出时,程序就会中断,这样就有机会在第一时间(异常处理前)看到自己的代码中发生了什么错误导致抛出异常,从而改正错误,消除程序中的隐患。