Linux 内存检测工具 memwatch的使用

1. 官网下载memwatch的源码


    Linux 内存检测工具 memwatch的使用_第1张图片

2. linux环境下压缩包解压

      使用命令:tar -xzvf memwatch-2.71.tar.gz




       makefile 编译使用不再多说

       USING 说明memwatch如何使用,包括使用memwatch.c 监测内存时需要定义#define new  wmNew  #define delete  wmDelete,需要包含头文件memwatch.h等等

       readme 如何编译,链接自己的代码,生成可执行程序 ( 默认生成a.out ) 监测内存

       memwatch.c MW系列接口定义

       memwatch.h MW系列接口声明

       test.c  自带的测试程序,可以换成自己的代码

3. 如何得到memwatch.log

    解包之后,进入目录memwatch-2.71,直接make即可生成 a.out ,执行a.out,最后当前目录下会生成memwatch.log.

4. 注意事项

    (1)手动编译时,添加宏定义$(CC) -DMEMWATCH -DMW_STDIO test.c memwatch.c



              #define new  wmNew  

              #define delete  wmDelete

5. 监测日志查看,分析

       Linux 内存检测工具 memwatch的使用_第2张图片

     上图显示了,在test.c 文件申请了但没有释放的内存的地方line 59 .

**  NOTE: Running this program in a Win32 or Unix environment
**  will probably result in a segmentation fault or protection
**  error. These errors may be caused by MEMWATCH when it is
**  looking at memory to see if it owns it, or may be caused by
**  the test program writing to memory it does not own.
**  MEMWATCH has two functions called 'mwIsReadAddr()' and
**  'mwIsSafeAddr()', which are system-specific.
**  If they are implemented for your system, and works
**  correctly, MEMWATCH will identify garbage pointers and
**  avoid causing segmentation faults, GP's etc.
**  If they are NOT implemented, count on getting the core
**  dumped when running this test program! As of this writing,
**  the safe-address checking has been implemented for Win32
**  and ANSI-C compliant systems. The ANSI-C checking traps
**  SIGSEGV and uses setjmp/longjmp to resume processing.
**  Note for Win95 users: The Win32 IsBadReadPtr() and its
**  similar functions can return incorrect values. This has
**  not happened under WinNT, though, just Win95.
**  991009 Johan Lindh

#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "memwatch.h"

#ifndef SIGSEGV
#error "SIGNAL.H does not define SIGSEGV; running this program WILL cause a core dump/crash!"

#ifndef MEMWATCH
#error "You really, really don't want to run this without memwatch. Trust me."

#if !defined(MW_STDIO) && !defined(MEMWATCH_STDIO)
#error "Define MW_STDIO and try again, please."

int main()
    char *p;

    /* Collect stats on a line number basis */
    mwStatistics( 2 );

    /* Slows things down, but OK for this test prg */
    /* mwAutoCheck( 1 ); */

    TRACE("Hello world!\n");

    p = malloc(210);
    p = malloc(20);
    p = malloc(200);    /* causes unfreed error */
    p[-1] = 0;          /* causes underflow error */

    p = malloc(100);
    p[ -(int)(sizeof(long)*8) ] = -1; /* try to damage MW's heap chain */
    free( p ); /* should cause relink */

    mwSetAriFunc( mwAriHandler );

    mwNoMansLand( MW_NML_ALL );

    return 0;

    发现在line 57,59,60,64四个地方分别申请了内存,只有第59行申请的内存没有释放!刚好和log unfreed对应的行数一样。

6. memwatch 扩展用法
    详细用法可参见memwatch.h,也有一篇不错的 文章。

