### DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ### include build/core/main.mk ### DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ###此处主要就是导入了build/core/main.mk,我们看到一下目标
# Build files and then package it into the rom formats .PHONY: droidcore droidcore: files \ systemimage \ $(INSTALLED_BOOTIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_RECOVERYIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_USERDATAIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_CACHEIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_VENDORIMAGE_TARGET) \ $(INSTALLED_FILES_FILE)这里面systemimage就是生成system.img 文件的为目标,接着我们可以发现build/core/Makefile中有它的依赖关系
$(INSTALLED_SYSTEMIMAGE): $(BUILT_SYSTEMIMAGE) $(RECOVERY_FROM_BOOT_PATCH) | $(ACP) @echo "Install system fs image: $@" $(copy-file-to-target) $(hide) $(call assert-max-image-size,$@ $(RECOVERY_FROM_BOOT_PATCH),$(BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE))我们进一步看其子目标BUILT_SYSTEMIMAGE,名称定义以及依赖关系
BUILT_SYSTEMIMAGE := $(systemimage_intermediates)/system.imgBUILT_SYSTEMIMAGE依赖关系
$(BUILT_SYSTEMIMAGE): $(FULL_SYSTEMIMAGE_DEPS) $(INSTALLED_FILES_FILE) $(call build-systemimage-target,$@)其中INSTALLED_FILES_FILE是system.img生成时需要所有安装文件,查看installed-files.txt即可知道system.img 打包了哪些文件, FULL_SYSTEMIMAGE_DEPS
INSTALLED_FILES_FILE := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/installed-files.txt $(INSTALLED_FILES_FILE): $(FULL_SYSTEMIMAGE_DEPS) @echo Installed file list: $@ @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @rm -f $@ $(hide) build/tools/fileslist.py $(TARGET_OUT) > $@接着就会调用build-systemimage-target 来完成system.img 的打包流程
define build-systemimage-target @echo "Target system fs image: $(1)" $(call create-system-vendor-symlink) @mkdir -p $(dir $(1)) $(systemimage_intermediates) && rm -rf $(systemimage_intermediates)/system_image_info.txt $(call generate-userimage-prop-dictionary, $(systemimage_intermediates)/system_image_info.txt, \ skip_fsck=true) $(hide) PATH=$(foreach p,$(INTERNAL_USERIMAGES_BINARY_PATHS),$(p):)$$PATH \ ./build/tools/releasetools/build_image.py \ $(TARGET_OUT) $(systemimage_intermediates)/system_image_info.txt $(1) \ || ( echo "Out of space? the tree size of $(TARGET_OUT) is (MB): " 1>&2 ;\ du -sm $(TARGET_OUT) 1>&2;\ echo "The max is $$(( $(BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE) / 1048576 )) MB." 1>&2 ;\ mkdir -p $(DIST_DIR); cp $(INSTALLED_FILES_FILE) $(DIST_DIR)/installed-files-rescued.txt; \ exit 1 )从上面定义的编译命令包来看,主要干活的脚本是build/tools/releasetools/build_image.py,调用该脚本时,传入了三个参数:
fs_type=ext4 system_size=0x28A00000 userdata_size=0x40000000 cache_fs_type=ext4 cache_size=0x40000000 selinux_fc=out/target/product/cibn/root/file_contexts skip_fsck=true文件中之处了system.img 时,文件系统的类型ext4, system.img的大小,已经依赖的文件file_contexts文件路径
def main(argv): if len(argv) != 3: print __doc__ sys.exit(1) in_dir = argv[0] glob_dict_file = argv[1] out_file = argv[2] glob_dict = LoadGlobalDict(glob_dict_file) image_filename = os.path.basename(out_file) mount_point = "" if image_filename == "system.img": mount_point = "system" elif image_filename == "userdata.img": mount_point = "data" elif image_filename == "cache.img": mount_point = "cache" elif image_filename == "vendor.img": mount_point = "vendor" elif image_filename == "oem.img": mount_point = "oem" else: print >> sys.stderr, "error: unknown image file name ", image_filename exit(1) image_properties = ImagePropFromGlobalDict(glob_dict, mount_point) if not BuildImage(in_dir, image_properties, out_file): print >> sys.stderr, "error: failed to build %s from %s" % (out_file, in_dir) exit(1)LoadGlobalDict, ImagePropFromGlobalDict 主要解析BuildImage需要的参数
def LoadGlobalDict(filename): """Load "name=value" pairs from filename""" d = {} f = open(filename) for line in f: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue k, v = line.split("=", 1) d[k] = v f.close() return dLoadGlobalDict 解析system_image_info.txt文件,而ImagePropFromGlobalDict解析得到system 的属性信息
def ImagePropFromGlobalDict(glob_dict, mount_point): """Build an image property dictionary from the global dictionary. Args: glob_dict: the global dictionary from the build system. mount_point: such as "system", "data" etc. """ d = {} if "build.prop" in glob_dict: bp = glob_dict["build.prop"] if "ro.build.date.utc" in bp: d["timestamp"] = bp["ro.build.date.utc"] def copy_prop(src_p, dest_p): if src_p in glob_dict: d[dest_p] = str(glob_dict[src_p]) common_props = ( "extfs_sparse_flag", "mkyaffs2_extra_flags", "selinux_fc", "skip_fsck", "verity", "verity_key", "verity_signer_cmd" ) for p in common_props: copy_prop(p, p) d["mount_point"] = mount_point if mount_point == "system": copy_prop("fs_type", "fs_type") copy_prop("system_size", "partition_size") copy_prop("system_verity_block_device", "verity_block_device") elif mount_point == "data": # Copy the generic fs type first, override with specific one if available. copy_prop("fs_type", "fs_type") copy_prop("userdata_fs_type", "fs_type") copy_prop("userdata_size", "partition_size") elif mount_point == "cache": copy_prop("cache_fs_type", "fs_type") copy_prop("cache_size", "partition_size") elif mount_point == "vendor": copy_prop("vendor_fs_type", "fs_type") copy_prop("vendor_size", "partition_size") copy_prop("vendor_verity_block_device", "verity_block_device") elif mount_point == "oem": copy_prop("fs_type", "fs_type") copy_prop("oem_size", "partition_size") return d接着看最主要的动作BuildImage,打包system.img
def BuildImage(in_dir, prop_dict, out_file, fs_config=None, fc_config=None, block_list=None): """Build an image to out_file from in_dir with property prop_dict. Args: in_dir: path of input directory. prop_dict: property dictionary. out_file: path of the output image file. fs_config: path to the fs_config file (typically META/filesystem_config.txt). If None then the configuration in the local client will be used. fc_config: path to the SELinux file_contexts file. If None then the value from prop_dict['selinux_fc'] will be used. Returns: True iff the image is built successfully. """ build_command = [] fs_type = prop_dict.get("fs_type", "") run_fsck = False is_verity_partition = "verity_block_device" in prop_dict verity_supported = prop_dict.get("verity") == "true" # adjust the partition size to make room for the hashes if this is to be verified if verity_supported and is_verity_partition: partition_size = int(prop_dict.get("partition_size")) adjusted_size = AdjustPartitionSizeForVerity(partition_size) if not adjusted_size: return False prop_dict["partition_size"] = str(adjusted_size) prop_dict["original_partition_size"] = str(partition_size) if fs_type.startswith("ext"): build_command = ["mkuserimg.sh"] if "extfs_sparse_flag" in prop_dict: build_command.append(prop_dict["extfs_sparse_flag"]) run_fsck = True build_command.extend([in_dir, out_file, fs_type, prop_dict["mount_point"]]) build_command.append(prop_dict["partition_size"]) if "timestamp" in prop_dict: build_command.extend(["-T", str(prop_dict["timestamp"])]) if fs_config is not None: build_command.extend(["-C", fs_config]) if block_list is not None: build_command.extend(["-B", block_list]) if fc_config is not None: build_command.append(fc_config) elif "selinux_fc" in prop_dict: build_command.append(prop_dict["selinux_fc"]) elif fs_type.startswith("f2fs"): build_command = ["mkf2fsuserimg.sh"] build_command.extend([out_file, prop_dict["partition_size"]]) else: build_command = ["mkyaffs2image", "-f"] if prop_dict.get("mkyaffs2_extra_flags", None): build_command.extend(prop_dict["mkyaffs2_extra_flags"].split()) build_command.append(in_dir) build_command.append(out_file) if "selinux_fc" in prop_dict: build_command.append(prop_dict["selinux_fc"]) build_command.append(prop_dict["mount_point"]) exit_code = RunCommand(build_command) if exit_code != 0: return False # create the verified image if this is to be verified if verity_supported and is_verity_partition: if not MakeVerityEnabledImage(out_file, prop_dict): return False if run_fsck and prop_dict.get("skip_fsck") != "true": success, unsparse_image = UnsparseImage(out_file, replace=False) if not success: return False # Run e2fsck on the inflated image file e2fsck_command = ["e2fsck", "-f", "-n", unsparse_image] exit_code = RunCommand(e2fsck_command) os.remove(unsparse_image) return exit_code == 0由于system.img 定义的文件系统类型的ext4,我们就从if fs_type.startswith("ext"): 处看起,一直在封装打包命令build_command,最后调用Rumcommand(cmd)运行
def RunCommand(cmd): """ Echo and run the given command Args: cmd: the command represented as a list of strings. Returns: The exit code. """ print "Running: ", " ".join(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd) p.communicate() return p.returncode
mkuserimg.sh out/target/product/cibn/system out/target/product/cibn/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img ext4 system 0x28A00000 out/target/product/cibn/root/file_contexts而mkuserimg.sh是编译完系统之后生成,mkuserimg.sh在${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/目录下
xxxxxx@yf153:~/Mstar_828$ ls /home/backup/xxxxxx/Mstar_828/out/host/linux-x86/bin/ aapt alignment.exe bcc_strip_attr clang-tblgen dex2oat dx imgdiff make_ext4fs mkuserimg.sh simg2img acp apicheck bsdiff crc dexdeps e2fsck insertkeys.py minigzip oatdump SubSecureInfoGen.exe adb aprotoc checkfc dalvikvm dexdump fastboot llvm-rs-cc mkbootfs patchoat validatekeymaps aescrypt2.exe backtrace_test checkpolicy dalvikvm32 dexlist hierarchyviewer1 llvm-tblgen mkimage rmtypedefs zipalign aidl bcc checkseapp dalvikvm64 dmtracedump hprof-conv lzop mksdcard rsa_sign
xxxxxx@yf153:~/project_name$ croot xxxxxx@yf153:~/project_name$ mkuserimg.sh out/target/product/cibn/system out/target/product/cibn/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img ext4 system 0x28A00000 out/target/product/cibn/root/file_contexts make_ext4fs -T -1 -S out/target/product/cibn/root/file_contexts -l 0x28A00000 -a system out/target/product/cibn/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img out/target/product/cibn/system Creating filesystem with parameters: Size: 681574400 Block size: 4096 Blocks per group: 32768 Inodes per group: 6944 Inode size: 256 Journal blocks: 2600 Label: Flexbg size: 8 Flexbg groups: 1 Blocks: 166400 Block groups: 6 Reserved block group size: 47 Created filesystem with 1762/41664 inodes and 130806/166400 blocks可以看到直接输入一下参数:
#!/bin/bash -x # # To call this script, make sure make_ext4fs is somewhere in PATH function usage() { cat<<EOT Usage: mkuserimg.sh [-s] SRC_DIR OUTPUT_FILE EXT_VARIANT MOUNT_POINT SIZE [FILE_CONTEXTS] EOT } echo "in mkuserimg.sh PATH=$PATH" ENABLE_SPARSE_IMAGE= if [ "$1" = "-s" ]; then ENABLE_SPARSE_IMAGE="-s" shift fi if [ $# -ne 5 -a $# -ne 6 ]; then usage exit 1 fi SRC_DIR=$1 if [ ! -d $SRC_DIR ]; then echo "Can not find directory $SRC_DIR!" exit 2 fi OUTPUT_FILE=$2 EXT_VARIANT=$3 MOUNT_POINT=$4 SIZE=$5 FC=$6 case $EXT_VARIANT in ext4) ;; *) echo "Only ext4 is supported!"; exit 3 ;; esac if [ -z $MOUNT_POINT ]; then echo "Mount point is required" exit 2 fi if [ -z $SIZE ]; then echo "Need size of filesystem" exit 2 fi if [ -n "$FC" ]; then FCOPT="-S $FC" fi MAKE_EXT4FS_CMD="make_ext4fs $ENABLE_SPARSE_IMAGE $FCOPT -l $SIZE -a $MOUNT_POINT $OUTPUT_FILE $SRC_DIR" echo $MAKE_EXT4FS_CMD $MAKE_EXT4FS_CMD if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 4 fimkuserimg.sh调用make_ext4fs ,而工具make_ext4fs又是在哪里,我们可以找一下
kehuanyu@yf153:~/Mstar_828$ find . -name "*.mk" |xargs -i grep -rwnH "make_ext4fs" {} ./external/qemu/distrib/ext4_utils/sources.mk:12: src/make_ext4fs.c \ ./external/qemu/distrib/ext4_utils/src/Android.mk:6: make_ext4fs.c \ ./external/qemu/distrib/ext4_utils/src/Android.mk:37:LOCAL_MODULE := make_ext4fs ./external/qemu/distrib/ext4_utils/src/Android.mk:78:LOCAL_MODULE := make_ext4fs在/external/qemu/distrib/ext4_utils/src/下,由make_ext4fs.c , make_ext4fs_main.c 文件编译生成,后面mkuserimg.sh转调make_ext4fs的命令是:
make_ext4fs -T -1 -S out/target/product/cibn/root/file_contexts -l 0x28A00000 -a system out/target/product/cibn/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img out/target/product/cibn/systemmkuserimg.sh, make_ext4fs 的参数基本类似,有了这个命令,我们可以最大限度的去定制android所需要的镜像文件(*.img)
xxxxxx@yf153:~/projectName/out/target/product/cibn/temp$ ls system.img xxxxxx@yf153:~/projectName/out/target/product/cibn/temp$ split -b 150m system.img system.img xxxxxx@yf153:~/projectName/out/target/product/cibn/temp$ ls system.img system.imgaa system.imgab system.imgac system.imgad system.imgae xxxxxx@yf153:~/projectName/out/target/product/cibn/temp$ lzop -f -o system.imga system.imgaa system.imgab system.imgac system.imgad system.imgae xxxxxx@yf153:~/projectName/out/target/product/cibn/temp$ lzop -f -o system.imgaa.lzo system.imgaa xxxxxx@yf153:~/projectName/out/target/product/cibn/temp$ ls system.imgaa* system.imgaa system.imgaa.lzo xxxxxx@yf153:~/projectName/out/target/product/cibn/temp$ ls system.imgaa* -al -rw-rw-r-- 1 xxxxxx xxxxxx 157286400 7月 28 20:08 system.imgaa -rw-rw-r-- 1 xxxxxx xxxxxx 95970609 7月 28 20:08 system.imgaa.lzo可以看到命令: