Minimum elements of an array
C = min(A)
C = min(A,B)
C = min(A,[],dim)
[C,I] = min(...)
C = min(A) returns the smallest elements along different dimensions of an array.
C=min(A) 返回一个阵列的不同大小的最小的元素。
If A is a vector, min(A) returns the smallest element in A.
如果A是一个元素,min(A) 返回A中的最小元素。
If A is a matrix, min(A) treats the columns of A as vectors, returning a row vector containing the minimum element from each column.
If A is a multidimensional array, min operates along the first nonsingleton dimension.
如果A是一个多维阵列,min 沿着操作第一个非单精度维度。
C = min(A,B) returns an array the same size as A and B with the smallest elements taken from A or B.
C=min(A,B) 返回一个数组大小一样的A和B最小的元素来自A或B。
C = min(A,[],dim) returns the smallest elements along the dimension of A specified by scalar dim. For example, min(A,[],1) produces the minimum values along the first dimension (the rows) of A.
C=min(A,[],dim) 返回最小元素,沿着A特定的维度产生此元素,而A特定的维度通过标定dim值。例如,min(A,[],1) 产生最小值沿着A的第一个维度(列)。
[C,I] = min(...) finds the indices of the minimum values of A, and returns them in output vector I. If there are several identical minimum values, the index of the first one found is returned.
[C,I]=min(...) 查找A的最小值的索引号,并且在输出向量I中返回它们。如果它们是几个相同的最小值,第一个发查找到的索引值是返回值。
For complex input A, min returns the complex number with the largest complex modulus (magnitude), computed with min(abs(A)), and ignores the phase angle, angle(A). The min function ignores NaNs.
复合输入A,最小返回复数带有最大的复弹性模量(数值),计算min(abs(A)),并且忽略相位方面,angle(A)。min 函数忽略NaNs(非数)。