C++ 中list容器,自定义sort排序规则,stl中sort自定义排序规则


这里有两种解决方案,一是重载list.sort()的操作运算符,二是通过list.sort(greater<Class*>) 指定类似与回调函数的方式来排序。

// test.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

class ItemSort
public :
	int _itemType;
	int _itemQuality;
	int _itemId;
	int _itenNum;

template<> struct std::greater<ItemSort*>
	bool operator()( ItemSort* _X,  ItemSort* _Y) const // 重载运算符
		if (_X->_itemType > _Y->_itemType) // big to small
			return true;
		}else if (_X->_itemType == _Y->_itemType) // to compare next _itemQuality
			if (_X->_itemQuality > _Y->_itemQuality) // big to small
				return true;
			else if (_X->_itemQuality = _Y->_itemQuality)// to compare next _itemId
				if (_X->_itemId > _Y->_itemId) // big to small
					return true;
				}else if (_X->_itemId == _Y->_itemId)// to compare next _itenNum
					if (_X->_itenNum > _Y->_itenNum)// big to small
						return true;
					}else {return false;} // end of _itemNum
				}else {return false;} // end of _itemId
			}else{return false;} // end of _itemQuality
		}else{	return false;}// end of _itemType

bool CompareRules(ItemSort* _X,  ItemSort* _Y) // 回调函数
	if (_X->_itemType > _Y->_itemType) // big to small
		return true;
	}else if (_X->_itemType == _Y->_itemType) // to compare next _itemQuality
		if (_X->_itemQuality > _Y->_itemQuality) // big to small
			return true;
		else if (_X->_itemQuality = _Y->_itemQuality)// to compare next _itemId
			if (_X->_itemId > _Y->_itemId) // big to small
				return true;
			}else if (_X->_itemId == _Y->_itemId)// to compare next _itenNum
				if (_X->_itenNum > _Y->_itenNum)// big to small
					return true;
				}else {return false;} // end of _itemNum
			}else {return false;} // end of _itemId
		}else{return false;} // end of _itemQuality
	}else{	return false;}// end of _itemType

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	list<ItemSort*> mylist; 
	list<ItemSort*>::iterator iter; 

	ItemSort* itemSort = new ItemSort();
	itemSort->_itemType = 1;
	itemSort->_itemQuality = 2;
	itemSort->_itemId = 1;
	itemSort->_itenNum =1;

	ItemSort* itemSort2 = new ItemSort();
	itemSort2->_itemType = 2;
	itemSort2->_itemQuality = 2;
	itemSort2->_itemId = 1;
	itemSort2->_itenNum =1;

	ItemSort* itemSort3 = new ItemSort();
	itemSort3->_itemType = 2;
	itemSort3->_itemQuality = 2;
	itemSort3->_itemId = 2;
	itemSort3->_itenNum = 1;

	ItemSort* itemSort4 = new ItemSort();
	itemSort4->_itemType = 2;
	itemSort4->_itemQuality = 2;
	itemSort4->_itemId = 2;
	itemSort4->_itenNum = 2;

	//mylist.sort(greater<ItemSort*>()); // 重载运算符方式自定义排序规则
	mylist.sort(CompareRules); // 回调函数方式自定义排序规则
	for (iter = mylist.begin(); iter != mylist.end();++iter)  
		cout <<(*iter)->_itemType << " \t" <<(*iter)->_itemQuality<< " \t" <<(*iter)->_itemId<< " \t" <<(*iter)->_itenNum << endl; 
	return 0;


C++ 中list容器,自定义sort排序规则,stl中sort自定义排序规则_第1张图片

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