第二章 修改浏览器使之支持WML格式页面。
对于移动终端,有时候服务器返回的是WML格式的页面。 比如说中国移动的一些需要使用cmwap接入点的业务页面(DCD, 移动梦网…), 这就要求终端浏览器必须能够支持对WML格式页面的解析和显示。 Android原始代码里的webkit层虽然提供了WML相关的解析类,但是并没有很好地支持,所以在页面上无法正确显示。 我们需要做以下一些修改:
1. 打开对WML格式解析的通道
bool DOMImplementation::isXMLMIMEType(const String& mimeType)
if (mimeType == "text/xml" || mimeType == "application/xml" || mimeType == "text/xsl")
return true;
static const char* const validChars = "[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-+~!$\\^{}|.%'`#&*]"; // per RFCs: 3023, 2045
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(RegularExpression, xmlTypeRegExp, (String("^") + validChars + "+/" + validChars + "+\\+xml$", TextCaseSensitive));
return xmlTypeRegExp.match(mimeType) > -1;
这里只包含了text/xml, application/xml, text/xls. 我们需要把WML相应的MiMeType类型加进去
If(mimeType == “text/vnd.wap.wml”) return true;
修改framework/base/core/java/android/webkit/LoadListener.java, 源码如下:
// Does the header parsing work on the WebCore thread.
private void handleHeaders(Headers headers) {
} else if (mMimeType.equals("text/vnd.wap.wml")) {
// As we don't support wml, render it as plain text
mMimeType = "text/plain";
我们可以看到, 原来是不支持wml格式的, 都当做text/plain来处理了,这样显然是不能正确显示的。 所以这一行mMimeType = "text/plain";需要注释掉,打开给外围。
2. 对WML中的超链接元素(WMLAElement和WMLAnchorElement)中href属性值里面的变量替换。
笔者发现,在一个WML的登陆页面上,填入用户名和密码后,点击登陆,附加到url后面的用户名和密码是$(username) 和$(password) ,有web开发经验的XDJM都知道,这是没有将变量替换为页面上相应值。我们看WMLAElement.cpp中处理点击事件的方法:
void WMLAElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event)
if (isLink() && (event->type() == eventNames().clickEvent || (event->type() == eventNames().keydownEvent && focused()))) {
MouseEvent* e = 0;
if (event->type() == eventNames().clickEvent && event->isMouseEvent())
e = static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event);
KeyboardEvent* k = 0;
if (event->type() == eventNames().keydownEvent && event->isKeyboardEvent())
k = static_cast<KeyboardEvent*>(event);
if (e && e->button() == RightButton) {
if (k) {
if (k->keyIdentifier() != "Enter") {
if (!event->defaultPrevented() && document()->frame()) {
String url = document()->completeURL(deprecatedParseURL(getAttribute(HTMLNames::hrefAttr)));
document()->frame()->loader()->urlSelected(url, target(), event, false, false, true, SendReferrer);
通过打印Log发现,getAttribute(HTMLNames::hrefAttr)获取的只是href后面的字符串,包含变量$(). 我们需要对其中的变量进行转化。还好WMLVariables里面已经提供了相应的方法substituteVariableReferences,不需要我们再去写一个了。修改如下
#include "WMLVariables.h"
if (!event->defaultPrevented() && document()->frame()) {
// Substitute variables within target url attribute value. String href = getAttribute(HTMLNames::hrefAttr);
href = substituteVariableReferences(href, document(), WMLVariableEscapingEscape);
String url = document()->completeURL(deprecatedParseURL(href));
document()->frame()->loader()->urlSelected(url, target(), event, false, false, true, SendReferrer);
3. 在页面上长按链接时弹出选项点击失效
这是由于点击时是从webkit层去获取这个链接的地址和标题的, 而源码中只考虑了HTML格式的页面, WML页面被忽略了。 返回的href为null.
首先要在WMLAElement.cpp中提供接口, 返回链接。
KURL WMLAElement::href() const
// Substitute variables within target url attribute value.
String href = substituteVariableReferences(getAttribute(HTMLNames::hrefAttr),
document(), WMLVariableEscapingEscape);
return document()->completeURL(href);
由于WMLAnchorElement继承了WMLAElement, 就不需要再添加这个方法了。
然后修改WebViewCore.cpp, 原来获取href的方法是这样的:
WebCore::String WebViewCore::retrieveHref(WebCore::Frame* frame, WebCore::Node* node)
WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement* anchor = retrieveAnchorElement(frame, node);
return anchor ? anchor->href() : WebCore::String();
在这里增加WML的支持, 修改如下:
/**add WML anchor support. 20110224, begin**/
WebCore::WMLAnchorElement* WebViewCore::retrieveWMLAElement(WebCore::Frame* frame, WebCore::Node* node)
if (!CacheBuilder::validNode(m_mainFrame, frame, node))
return 0;
if (!node->hasTagName(WebCore::WMLNames::aTag))
return 0;
return static_cast<WebCore::WMLAnchorElement*>(node);
/**add WML anchor support 20110224, end**/
WebCore::String WebViewCore::retrieveHref(WebCore::Frame* frame, WebCore::Node* node)
/**retrieve WMLAnchor element. 20110224, begin**/
if (node->isWMLElement()) {
WebCore::WMLAnchorElement* anchor = retrieveWMLAElement(frame, node);
return anchor ? anchor->href() : WebCore::String();
/**retrieve WMLAnchor element. 20110224, end**/
WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement* anchor = retrieveAnchorElement(frame, node);
return anchor ? anchor->href() : WebCore::String();
WebCore::String WebViewCore::retrieveAnchorText(WebCore::Frame* frame, WebCore::Node* node)
/**retrieve WMLAnchor element. 20110224, begin**/
if (node->isWMLElement()) {
WebCore::WMLAnchorElement* anchor = retrieveWMLAElement(frame, node);
return anchor ? anchor->title() : WebCore::String();
/**retrieve WMLAnchor element. 20110224, end**/
WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement* anchor = retrieveAnchorElement(frame, node);
return anchor ? anchor->text() : WebCore::String();
4. 移动梦网无法正确显示,解析出错。
移动梦网返回的数据格式为application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml, 包含了xhtml和xml两种格式。而CMCC的数据本身又不是严格按照W3C标准来的, 导致在解析的时候出现了语法错误提示。 对于这种情况,我们显然无法去要求CMCC改变数据, 只能把这种格式当做普通的html来显示, html没有那么严格的语法检查, 可以正常显示。修改framework/base/core/java/android/webkit/LoadListener.java:
// Does the header parsing work on the WebCore thread.
private void handleHeaders(Headers headers) {
String contentType = headers.getContentType();
if (contentType != null) {
// If we have one of "generic" MIME types, try to deduce
// the right MIME type from the file extension (if any):
if (mMimeType.equals("text/plain") ||
mMimeType.equals("application/octet-stream")) {
// for attachment, use the filename in the Content-Disposition
// to guess the mimetype
String contentDisposition = headers.getContentDisposition();
String url = null;
if (contentDisposition != null) {
url = URLUtil.parseContentDisposition(contentDisposition);
if (url == null) {
url = mUrl;
String newMimeType = guessMimeTypeFromExtension(url);
if (newMimeType != null) {
mMimeType = newMimeType;
} else if (mMimeType.equals("text/vnd.wap.wml")) {
// As we don't support wml, render it as plain text
// mMimeType = "text/plain";
} else {
// It seems that xhtml+xml and vnd.wap.xhtml+xml mime
// subtypes are used interchangeably. So treat them the same.
//if (mMimeType.equals("application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml")) {
// mMimeType = "application/xhtml+xml";
/* Webkit used libxml2 as the xml parser, but the CMCC's WAP sites
written in WML or XHTML do not meet W3C's specification well,
and libxml2 will throw a lot of grammatical errors when it parses
the document which has the mime type is "application/xhtml+xml" or
"application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml". When i opened the macro named
"XHTMLMP" in config.h in webcore and tested, i found some bugs,
i believed that Google did not do detail test works for this macro.
So i could handle "XHTML" mime type as "HTML" only in order to
open CMCC's WAP sites in browser.
if (mMimeType.equals("application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml") ||
mMimeType = "text/html";