《Adobe Photoshop CS4 Classroom in a Book》 读书笔记,第1、2课

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Classroom in a Book 读书笔记,第1、2课


Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended—aversion with additional functions for professional, technical, and scientificusers, intended for those creating special effects in video or inarchitectural, scientific, or engineering images.






To save or restore your current color settings:

Choose Edit > Color Settings.



On the desktop, double-click the Adobe Photoshop iconto start Adobe Photoshop and then immediately hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift(Windows) or Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS) to reset the default settings.



Adobe Bridge, a visual file browser that helps takethe guesswork out of finding the image file that you need.



Zoom tool shortcut (Z)


Hold down the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Mac OS)so that the Zoom tool pointer appears with a minus sign (-) in the center ofthe magnifying glass, and then click anywhere in the image.



Rectangular Marquee tool shortcut M.



Deselect shortcut Ctrl+D


Press Alt+Shift (Windows) or Option+Shift (Mac OS) anddrag outward from the center of the headlight until the circle completely enclosesthe headlight. The Shift key constrains the ellipse to a perfect circle.



Select > Inverse Ctrl+Shift+I



Adjustments panel


Adjustment layers let you make changes to your image,such as adjusting the brightness of the highlights in this car, withoutaffecting the actual pixels.



“scrubby slider.” Dragging thepointing finger slider to the right increases the value; dragging to the left decreasesthe value. Alt-dragging (Windows) or Option-dragging (Mac OS) changes thevalues in smaller increments; Shift-dragging changes them in larger increments.


Move tool shortcut V



Color panel group



clipping mask. A clipping mask works somewhat like aselection in that it restricts the area of the image that can be altered. Withthe clipping mask in place, you can paint a design over the tie withoutworrying about any stray brush strokes disturbing the rest of the image.



Edit > Preferences >

Performance (Windows) or Photoshop > Preferences> Performance (Mac OS) and entering a different value for History States







Most retouching follows these eight general steps:

?  Duplicatingthe original image or scan. (Always work in a copy of the image file so thatyou can recover the original later if necessary.)

?  Checking thescan quality and making sure that the resolution is appropriate for the way youwill use the image.

?  Cropping theimage to final size and orientation.

?  Repairingflaws in scans of damaged photographs (such as rips, dust, or stains).

?  Adjusting theoverall contrast or tonal range of the image.

?  Removing anycolor casts.

?  Adjusting thecolor and tone in specific parts of the image to bring out highlights,midtones, shadows, and desaturated colors.

?  Sharpeningthe overall focus of the image.



pixels per inch (ppi)

The number of ink dots per inch (dpi)


At 100%, one image pixel = one monitor pixel.


Color Balance 颜色平衡

Histogram 直方图



hue is color, saturation is the purity of the color,and lightness is how much white or black is in the image.



Adjusting lightness with the Dodge tool

Adjusting saturation with the Sponge tool



Repairing areas with the Clone Stamp tool

Using the Spot Healing Brush tool


It works similarly to the Healing Brush tool: itpaints with sampled pixels from an image or pattern and matches the texture,lighting, transparency, and shading of the sampled pixels to the pixels being healed.But unlike the Healing Brush, the Spot Healing Brush doesn’trequire you to specify a sample spot. It automatically samples from around theretouched area.


Using the Healing Brush to remove flaws

Using the Patch tool

Applying the Unsharp mask filter


The Unsharp Mask filter adjusts the contrast of theedge detail and creates the illusion of a more focused image.



Unsharp masking, or USM, is a traditionalfilm-compositing technique used to sharpen edges in an image. The Unsharp Maskfilter corrects blurring introduced during photographing, scanning, resampling,or printing. It is useful for images intended for both print and onlineviewing.




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