考虑到如下一个场景,记者每次获得独家新闻,都需要通知人民日报和新华日报,Hi,i have a new message!
public class SpecificRepoter { private PeopleDaily pd; private XinHuaDaily xd; private String msg; public Repoter(){ this.pd = new PeopleDaily(); this.xd = new XinhuaDaily(); } public void gotNewNews(String msg){ this.msg = msg; } public void notifyNewspaperOffice(){ pd.update(msg); xd.update(msg); } }
public class XinHuaDaily { public void update(String message){ System.out.println("XinHua Daily got the new news!"); } }
public class PeopleDaily { public void update(String message){ System.out.println("People Daily got the new news!"); } }
public class SpecificRepoter { private XinHuaDaily xd; private GlobalTimes gt; private String msg; public Repoter(){ this.xd = new XinHuaDaily(); this.gt = new GlobalTimes(); } public void gotNewNews(String msg){ this.msg = msg; } public void notifyTheNewspaperOffice(){ xd.update(msg); gt.update(msg); } }
public class GlobalTimes { public void update(String message){ System.out.println("Global Times got the new news!"); } }
public interface Repoter { public void registerNewspaperOffice(NewspaperOffice no); public void removeNewspaperOffice(NewspaperOffice no); public void notifyNewspaperOffice(); }
public class SpecificRepoter implements Repoter { private String msg; private List<NewspaperOffice> relation; public SpecificRepoter(){ relation = new ArrayList<NewspaperOffice>(); } public void registerNewspaperOffice(NewspaperOffice no) { if(!relation.contains(no)){ relation.add(no); } } public void removeNewspaperOffice(NewspaperOffice no) { if(relation.contains(no)){ relation.remove(no); } } public void notifyNewspaperOffice() { if(null != relation && relation.size()>0){ for(NewspaperOffice no : relation){ no.update(this.msg); } } } public void getNewNews(String msg){ this.msg = msg; notifyNewspaperOffice(); } }
public abstract class NewspaperOffice { protected Repoter repoter; protected String newMsg; public void register(){ repoter.registerNewspaperOffice(this); } public void remove(){ repoter.removeNewspaperOffice(this); } public abstract void update(String newMsg); }
public class PeopleDaily extends NewspaperOffice{ public PeopleDaily(Repoter repoter){ this.repoter = repoter; } public void update(String newMsg) { this.newMsg = newMsg; System.out.println("People Daily got "+newMsg); } }
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args){ Repoter repoter = new SpecificRepoter(); NewspaperOffice n1 = new GlobalTimes(repoter); NewspaperOffice n2 = new XinHuaDaily(repoter); NewspaperOffice n3 = new PeopleDaily(repoter); n1.register(); n2.register(); repoter.registerNewspaperOffice(n3); repoter.getNewNews("news coming!"); n3.remove(); repoter.removeNewspaperOffice(n2); repoter.getNewNews("another news coming!"); } }
Global Times got news coming! XinHua Daily got news coming! People Daily got news coming! Global Times got another news coming!
public abstract class Repoter { protected String msg; protected Relation relation; public abstract void getNewNews(String msg); }
public class SpecificRepoter extends Repoter { public SpecificRepoter(Relation relation){ this.relation = relation; } public void getNewNews(String msg){ this.msg = msg; relation.notifyNewspaperOffice(msg); } }
public interface Relation { public void registerNewspaperOffice(NewspaperOffice no); public void removeNewspaperOffice(NewspaperOffice no); public void notifyNewspaperOffice(String msg); }
public class SpecificRelation implements Relation { private List<NewspaperOffice> relation; public SpecificRelation(){ relation = new ArrayList<NewspaperOffice>(); } public void registerNewspaperOffice(NewspaperOffice no) { if(!relation.contains(no)){ relation.add(no); } } public void removeNewspaperOffice(NewspaperOffice no) { if(relation.contains(no)){ relation.remove(no); } } public void notifyNewspaperOffice(String msg) { if(null != relation && relation.size()>0){ for(NewspaperOffice no : relation){ no.update(msg); } } } }
public abstract class NewspaperOffice { protected Relation relation; protected String newMsg; public void register(){ relation.registerNewspaperOffice(this); } public void remove(){ relation.removeNewspaperOffice(this); } public abstract void update(String newMsg); }
public class PeopleDaily extends NewspaperOffice{ public PeopleDaily(Relation relation){ this.relation = relation; } public void update(String newMsg) { this.newMsg = newMsg; System.out.println("People Daily got "+newMsg); } }