

shallow copy, in that it doesn’t takereference type members into account.


If you want to create new instances of themembers in question by copying the values across (rather than the references),you need to perform a deep copy.





readonly keyword


virtual —The method may be overridden.

abstract —The method must be overriddenin non-abstract derived classes (only permitted in abstract classes).

override —The method overrides a baseclass method (it must be used if a method is being overridden).

extern — The method definition is foundelsewhere.














accessors, are defined using get and setkeywords respectively, and may be used to control the access level of theproperty.


You can omit one or the other of theseblocks to create read-only or write-only properties (where omitting the getblock gives you write-only access, and omitting the set block gives youread-only access).

You can also include accessibility modifierson accessors — making a get block public while the set block is protected, forexample.


Properties can use the virtual,override,and abstract keywords just like methods


The accessibilities that are permitted foraccessors depend on the accessibility of the property, and it is forbidden tomake an accessor more accessible than the property to which it belongs. Thismeans that a private property cannot contain any accessibility modifiers forits accessors, whereas public properties can use all modifiers on theiraccessors.





base keyword

this Keyword


this refers to an object instance, it isthe current object instance (which means you can’t use this keyword in staticmembers because static members are not part of an object instance).



Interface members are defined like classmembers except for a few important differences:

No access modifiers (public, private,protected, or internal) are allowed—all interface members are implicitlypublic.

Interface members can’t contain codebodies.

Interfaces can’t define field members.

Interface members can’t be defined usingthe keywords static, virtual, abstract, or sealed.

Type definition members are forbidden.


Properties defined in interfaces defineeither or both of the access blocks, get and set, which are permitted for theproperty


It is possible to implement interfacemembers using the keyword virtual or abstract, but not static or const.


partial class definitions


When you compile code that contains apartial method definition without an implementation, the compiler actuallyremoves the method entirely. It also removes any calls to the method.

