《Fundamentals of Project Management 4th Edition》 读书笔记 第三章 对项目进行计划

Fundamentals of Project Management 4thEdition


CHAPTER 3 Planning the Project




A fellow who attended my seminar on thetools of project management later told me that, upon returning to work, he immediatelyconvened a meeting of his project team to prepare a plan. His boss called himout of the conference room.

What are you doing?” asked the boss.

Planning our project,” explained the fellow.

Oh, you don’t have time for that nonsense,” his boss told hm. “Getthem out of the conference room so they can get the job done!”

It is clear that his boss didn’t believe inplanning.



The second reason that people don’t plan isthat they find the activity painful. Some individuals, especially engineers andprogrammers, are concerned that they will be held to estimates of ask durationsthat they have made using their best guesses. Because they have no historicaldata to draw on, this is all they can do. But they also know that such numbersare highly uncertain, and they are afraid that failure to meet establishedtargets will get them in trouble.



You can schedule creativity, within limits.In fact, there is no better stimulus to creative thinking than a tightdeadline. If you give people forever, they simply mess around and don’t produceanything.



When people are required to plan a project,they find the activity painful, there is a lot of pain early on, but it diminishesover time.



If you don’t know where you are, you can’thave control. Knowing where you are isn’t as easy as it may seem, especially indoing knowledge work. For example, you say you expect to write ten thousandlines of code by today, and you’ve written eight thousand. Does that meanyou’re 80 percent of where you should be? Not necessarily.



Another trap that causes people not to planis to believe that they have no time to plan; they need to get the job donereally fast! This is counter-intuitive, but think about it—if you have foreverto get something done, then you don’t need a plan. It’s when the deadline istight that the plan becomes really important. As a simple example, imagineflying into Chicago and being late. You have a meeting across town in less thanan hour. You’ve never been to Chicago, but when the rental car attendant asksif you need a map, you say, “I don’t have time for a map. I’ve got to get to mymeeting really fast!” Not very likely, is it?


计划往往回答“who, what, when, why, how much, how long?”这样的问题。这往往需要人们进行预测,这点就比较难。

Planning is quite simply answering thequestions shown in Figure 3-2. They may be called the “who, what, when, why,how much, how long?” questions that you learned if you ever studied interviewingmethods. It is that simple. And it is that hard. I say hard because answeringsome of these questions requires a crystal ball—especially questions like “Howlong will that take?” On tasks for which no history is available, this is avery hard question to answer.



To plan a project properly, you must attendto three kinds of activities that may have to be performed during the life ofthe job. These are strategy, tactics, and logistics. Strategy refers to theoverall method you will employ to do the job, sometimes referred to as a “gameplan.”



Once you have decided to build boats upsidedown, you must work out all of the details of how it will be done. In fact, itis implementation planning that many people think of when they talk aboutplanning. However, a well-developed implementation plan for the wrong projectstrategy can only help you fail more efficiently.



Military people can quickly tell you thebenefit of attention to logistics. You can’t fight a battle if people have noammunition, food, clothing, or transportation. It is logistics that attends to thesethings.



Once the plan has been prepared, it shouldbe submitted to stakeholders for their signatures.

A signature means that the individual iscommitted to his contribution, agrees with the scope of work to be done, andaccepts the specs as valid.



The plan should be signed in a project planreview meeting, not by mail.



People should be encouraged to shoot holesin the plan” during the review meeting, rather than wait until problems developlater on.



Changes should be made only when asignificant deviation occurs.


变更控制防止scope creep

Change control is necessary to protecteveryone from the effects of scope creep—changes to the project that result inadditional work.


Causes of changes should be documented forreference in planning future projects. The causes should be factual, not blame-and-punishmentstatements.



Plan to plan. It is always difficult to getpeople together to develop a plan. The planning session itself should beplanned, or it may turn into a totally disorganized meeting of the type that plaguesmany organizations. This means that an agenda must be prepared, the meetingshould be time limited to the degree possible, and people should be kept ontrack. If someone goes off on a tangent, the meeting facilitator should get theperson back on track as quickly as possible.



The people who must implement a plan shouldparticipate in preparing it. Otherwise, you risk having contributors who feelno sense of commitment to the plan; their estimates may be erroneous, and majortasks may be forgotten.



You should not plan in too much detail ifthere is a likelihood that the plan will have to be changed, as this wastestime.



Because unexpected obstacles will crop up,always conduct a risk analysis to anticipate the most likely ones (see Chapter5). Develop Plan B just in case Plan A doesn’t work.



Use the Work Breakdown Structure (discussedin Chapter 6) to divide the work into smaller chunks for which you can developaccurate estimates for duration, cost, and resource   requirements.





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