《Fundamentals of Project Management 4th Edition》 读书笔记 第六章 使用WBS

CHAPTER 6 Using the Work BreakdownStructure to Plan a Project



The most useful tool for accomplishing allof these tasks is the work breakdown structure (WBS). The idea behind the WBSis simple: You can subdivide a complicated task into smaller tasks until youreach a level that cannot be further subdivided. At that point, it is usuallyeasier to estimate how long the small task will take and how much it will costto perform than it would have been to estimate these factors for the higherlevels.



Nevertheless, it is still not easy toestimate task durations for activities that have never been performed before.Because this is the typical situation in engineering hardware and software developmentprojects, we might expect many of these estimates to be in error, and thisseems to be demonstrated by experience. Still, the work breakdown structure makesit easier to estimate knowledge tasks than any other tool we have.



Stop breaking down work when you reach alow enough level to do an estimate of the desired accuracy.



You cannot do a time or cost estimate withoutconsidering who will actually perform the task. Second, you must base theestimate on historical data or a mental model. Historical data are best.



Once tasks have been identified, the timeand resource requirements must be determined. This is called estimating.



Parkinson’s Law: Work expands to fill thetime allowed.



One reason is that when people find themselves with some time left, they tend to refine what they have done. Another is that people fear that if they turn work in early, they may be expected to do thetask faster the next time or that they may be given more work to do. This is avery important point: If people are penalized for performing better than the target, they will quit doing so. We must be careful not to penalize workers whoperform better than expected by loading them down with excessive work.



One of the primary causes of project failuresis that ballpark estimates become targets.



Here are some guidelines for documentingestimates:


[1]Showthe percent tolerance that is likely to apply.


[1]Tell how the estimate was made and what assumptions were used.


[1]Specify any factors that might affect the validity of the estimate (such as whether the estimate will still be valid in six months).



In recent years, a new method of estimatingknowledge work has been developed that seems to work better than oldertechniques. Rather than have individuals estimate task durations, the new method asks at least three people to estimate each activity in the project that they know something about. They do this without discussing their ideas with oneanother. They then meet to find out what they have put on paper.

In a typical situation, there may be arange of times, such as, for example, ten days, twelve days, and thirty days,in which two of the estimates are close together, but one is very different.How do you handle the discrepancy? The best approach is to discuss what eachperson was considering when he made the estimate. It may be that the person whoput down thirty days was thinking about something that the other two had overlooked. Or, conversely, the other two might convince the thirty-day personthat his number is way too high and get him to come down to a figure nearer their estimates. In any case, they try to arrive at a number that they all can support.

This is called consensus.



There are three advantages to thisapproach. First, no one person is on the hook for the final number. Second, inexperienced people learn to estimate from those more experienced. Third, severalpeople are likely to collectively consider more issues than any one person would do working alone. For that reason, you are more likely to get an accurate estimate, although it is important to remember that it is still by definition notexact!



People cannot learn unless they receive feedback on their performance. If you went out every day and ran one hundred yards, trying to improve your speed, but you never timed yourself, you wouldhave no idea whether you were getting better or worse. You could be doing something that slowed you down, but you wouldn’t know it. In the same way, if you estimate task durations but never record the actual time it takes to do the task, you are never going to get better at estimating. Furthermore, you have to track progress by recording times daily. If you record times once a week, I canpromise you that you will be just guessing, and that won’t be helpful.



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