
     < div  id ="container"  style =" min-width  :  220px ;  min-height :  300px  ;  margin :  0  auto"></  div >
    < script  src ="script/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"  type  ="text/javascript"></  script >
     < script  src ="script/highcharts/highcharts.js"  type  ="text/javascript"></  script >
     < script  src ="script/highcharts/modules/exporting.js"  type  ="text/javascript"></  script >
     < script  type ="text/javascript">
        $(  function () {
             var  analystId=$( "#analystID"  ).val();
             var  month=3;
                    url:  "/highchartsTable.ashx?id="  + analystId + "&month="  +month ,
                    type:  "POST" ,
                    dataType:  "json" ,
                     //cache: false,
                    success:  function (json) {
                        var  aryMonths =  new  Array( "Jan" ,  "Feb" ,  "Mar"  ,  "Apr" ,  "May" ,  "Jun"  ,  "Jul"  , "Aug" ,  "Sep"  ,  "Oct"  ,  "Nov" ,  "Dec" );
                        var  now =  new  Date();
                        var  nowMonth = now.getMonth();
                        var  lastYear=now.getFullYear()-1;
                        var  arrTemp= new  Array(month);
                        for  ( var  i = month-1; i >=0; i--) {
                             if (i < nowMonth){
                                arrTemp[month-i-1] = aryMonths[nowMonth-i-1];
                             else  if  (i==nowMonth){
                                arrTemp[0] = aryMonths[nowMonth] +  "<br/>(" +lastYear+ ")"  ;
                             else  if  (i > nowMonth){
                                arrTemp[i-nowMonth] = aryMonths[i] +  "<br/>(" +lastYear+ ")"  ;
                        $(  '#container' ).highcharts({
                            chart: {
                                type:  'column'
                                layout:  "horizontal" ,
                                floating:  false
                            title: {
                                text:  'Analyst investment<br/> profit/loss statistics '  ,
                            subtitle: {
                                text:  'Source: www.highcharts.com' ,
                            xAxis: {
//                                [
//                                'Jan',
//                                'Feb',
//                                'Mar',
//                                'Apr',
//                                'May',
//                                'Jun',
//                                'Jul',
//                                'Aug',
//                                'Sep',
//                                'Oct',
//                                'Nov',
//                                'Dec'
//                                ]
                            yAxis: {
                                min: 0,
                                title: {
                                    text:  'Amount($)'
                            tooltip: {
                                headerFormat:  '<span style="font-size:10px">{point.key}</span><br /><table>' ,
                                pointFormat:  '<tr><td style="color:{series.color};padding:0">{series.name}: </td>'  +
                                 '<td style="padding:0"><b>{point.y:.1f} $</b></td></tr>'  ,
                                footerFormat:  '</table>' ,
                                shared:  true ,
                                useHTML:  true
                            plotOptions: {
                                column: {
                                    pointPadding: 0.2,
                                    borderWidth: 0

     </ script >

     ///  <sumMonth3y>
     ///  $codebehindclassname$  的摘要说明
     ///  </sumMonth3y>
    [  WebService (Namespace =  "http://tempuri.org/"  )]
    [  WebServiceBinding (ConformsTo =  WsiProfiles  .BasicProfile1_1)]
     public  class  highchartsTable  :  IHttpHandler ,  IRequiresSessionState
         private  static  StrategyBiz  biz =  new  StrategyBiz  ();
         public  void  ProcessRequest( HttpContext  context)
            context.Response.ContentType =  "text/plain" ;
             string  responseJson =  null  ;
             string  analystId = context.Request.QueryString[ "id" ];
             string  month = context.Request.QueryString[ "month" ];
             if  (! string  .IsNullOrEmpty(analystId) && !  string .IsNullOrEmpty(month))
                responseJson = InvestTableJson(  Convert .ToInt32(analystId),  Convert .ToInt32(month));

         public  bool  IsReusable
                 return  false  ;

         ///  <sumMonth3y>
         ///  判断输入是否为整数类型
         ///  </sumMonth3y>
         ///  <param name="s">  待检查数据  </param>
         ///  <returns></returns>
         public  static  bool  IsInt(  string  s)
             if  (s ==  null  )
                 return  false  ;
                     int  i =  int  .Parse(s);
                     return  true  ;
                     return  false  ;

         ///  <sumMonth3y>
         ///  InvestTable 获取数据
         ///  </sumMonth3y>
         public  string  InvestTableJson( int  analystID,  int  months)
             string  json =  null  ;
                 int  nowMonth =  DateTime  .Now.Month;
                 AnalystInvestBiz  biz =  new  AnalystInvestBiz ();
                 IList < StrategyInvest  >[] invesListTemp =  new  List < StrategyInvest  >[months];
                 int [] amountTemp =  new  int [months];
                 IList < StrategyInvest  > invesList = biz.GetAllInvestByAnalystID(analystID, months); // months  个月的数据
                 IList < StrategyInvest  > typeList = biz.GetAllInvestTypeByAnalystID(analystID);  // 找到该分析师下的所有显示投资商品
                 List < InvestTable  > investData =  new  List < InvestTable  >();

                 if  (typeList.Count > 0)
                     for  ( int  j = 0; j < typeList.Count; j++)
                         InvestTable  itab =  new  InvestTable ();
                         yearData  yearDataTemp =  new  yearData ();
                         for  ( int  i = months; i > 0; i--)
                            invesListTemp[i - 1] = invesList.Where(c => c.InvestTime >=  DateTime .Now.AddMonths(-i-1) && c.InvestTime <  DateTime .Now.AddMonths(-i)).ToList();
                            amountTemp[i-1] = invesListTemp[i - 1].Count == 0 ? 0 : (invesListTemp[i - 1].Where(c => c.InvestProduct == typeList[j].InvestProduct).ToList().Count != 0 ? invesListTemp[i - 1].Where(c => c.InvestProduct == typeList[j].InvestProduct).First().AmountProfit : 0);
                             int  m = invesListTemp[i - 1].Count == 0 ? 0 : (invesListTemp[i - 1].Where(c => c.InvestProduct == typeList[j].InvestProduct).ToList().Count != 0 ? invesListTemp[i - 1].Where(c => c.InvestProduct == typeList[j].InvestProduct).First().InvestTime.Month : 0);
                             if  (m ==  DateTime  .Now.AddMonths(-months).Month)
                                yearDataTemp.Month1 = amountTemp[i - 1].ToString();
                             else  if  (m ==  DateTime .Now.AddMonths(-(months-1)).Month)
                                yearDataTemp.Month2 = amountTemp[i - 1].ToString();
                             else  if  (m ==  DateTime .Now.AddMonths(-(months - 2)).Month)
                                yearDataTemp.Month3 = amountTemp[i - 1].ToString();
                             //else if (m == DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-(months - 3)).Month)
                             //    yearDataTemp.Month4 = amountTemp[i - 1].ToString();
                             //else if (m == DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-(months - 4)).Month)
                             //    yearDataTemp.Month5 = amountTemp[i - 1].ToString();
                             //else if (m == DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-(months - 5)).Month)
                             //    yearDataTemp.Month6 = amountTemp[i - 1].ToString();
                             //else if (m == DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-(months - 6)).Month)
                             //    yearDataTemp.Month7 = amountTemp[i - 1].ToString();
                             //else if (m == DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-(months - 7)).Month)
                             //    yearDataTemp.Month8 = amountTemp[i - 1].ToString();
                             //else if (m == DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-(months - 8)).Month)
                             //    yearDataTemp.Month9 = amountTemp[i - 1].ToString();
                             //else if (m == DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-(months - 9)).Month)
                             //    yearDataTemp.Month910 = amountTemp[i - 1].ToString();
                             //else if (m == DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-(months - 10)).Month)
                             //    yearDataTemp.Month911 = amountTemp[i - 1].ToString();
                             //else if (m == DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-(months - 11)).Month)
                             //    yearDataTemp.Month912 = amountTemp[i - 1].ToString();
                        itab.yearInvest = yearDataTemp;
                        itab.InvestProduct = typeList[j].InvestProduct;
                         int  dataCount = investData.Count;
                        investData.Insert(dataCount, itab);
                json = JSON<  InvestTable >(investData);
             catch  ( ArgumentNullException  e)
                 throw  new  Exception (e.Message);
             return  json;

         public  class  InvestTable
             ///  <sumMonth3y>
             ///  投资商品
             ///  </sumMonth3y>
             public  string  InvestProduct {  get ;  set ; }
             ///  <sumMonth3y>
             ///  一年的数据
             ///  </sumMonth3y>
             public  yearData  yearInvest {  get ;  set ; }

         public  class  yearData
             public  string  Month1 {  get ;  set ; }
             public  string  Month2 {  get ;  set ; }
             public  string  Month3 {  get ;  set ; }
             //public string Month4 { get; set; }
             //public string Month5 { get; set; }
             //public string Month6 { get; set; }
             //public string Month7 { get; set; }
             //public string Month8 { get; set; }
             //public string Month9 { get; set; }
             //public string Month910 { get; set; }
             //public string Month911 { get; set; }
             //public string Month912 { get; set; }

         ///  <sumMonth3y>
         ///  转换  List <T> 的数据为  JSON 格式
         ///  </sumMonth3y>
         ///  <typeparam name="T">  </typeparam>
         ///  <param name="vals">  列表值 </param>
         ///  <returns>  JSON 格式数据 </returns>
         public  static  string  JSON<T>(  List <T> vals)
             string  ResStr =  string  .Empty;
             StringBuilder  st =  new  StringBuilder ();
                 DataContractJsonSerializer  s =  new  DataContractJsonSerializer  ( typeof (T));
                 foreach  (T city  in  vals)
                     using  ( MemoryStream  ms =  new  MemoryStream ())
                        s.WriteObject(ms, city);
                        st.Append(System.Text.  Encoding .UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray()) +  "," );
                ResStr = st.ToString();
                 if  (ResStr !=  ""  )
                    ResStr = ResStr.Substring(0, ResStr.Length - 1);
                    ResStr = ResStr.Replace(  "\"" ,  ""  ).Replace( ":{" ,  ":[" ).Replace( "}}"  ,  "]}"  ).Replace( "InvestProduct" ,  "\"name\""  ).Replace( "yearInvest" ,  "\"data\""  ).Replace( "\"name\":" , "\"name\":\""  ).Replace( ",\"data\"" , "\",\"data\""  )
                        .Replace(  "Month1:" ,  ""  ).Replace( "Month2:" ,  "" ).Replace( "Month3:"  ,  ""  ).Replace( "Month4:" ,  "" ).Replace( "Month5:"  ,  "" ).Replace(  "Month6:" ,  ""  ).Replace( "Month7:" ,  ""  ).Replace( "Month8:" ,  "" ).Replace( "Month9:"  ,  "" ).Replace(  "Month910:" ,  ""  ).Replace( "Month911:" ,  ""  ).Replace( "Month912:" ,  "" ).Replace( "null"  ,  "0" );
                    ResStr =  "["  + ResStr +  "]"  ;
             catch  ( Exception  ex)
                 throw  ex;
             return  ResStr;


          public  const  String  CSP_STRATEGY_INVEST_ALL_BY_ANALYSTID =  "SELECT [ID],[AnalystID],[InvestProduct],[InvestType],[AmountProfit],[InvestTime],[IsDisplay],[AddTime],[Status] FROM M_T_STRATEGY_INVEST where Status > 0 and AnalystID=@AnalystID and (datediff(month,InvestTime,getdate())>=0 and datediff(month,InvestTime,getdate())<=@month) order by id desc" ;
         // 通过分析师 ID 查找其几个月所有投资记录
         public  IList  < StrategyInvest > GetAllInvestByAnalystID(  int  analystID, int  month)
             List < StrategyInvest  > list =  new  List < StrategyInvest  >();
             IDataReader  reader =  null  ;
             IDataParameter [] parameters = 
                Helper.GetParameter(  "@AnalystID" ,  DbType  .Int32, analystID) ,
                Helper.GetParameter(  "@month" ,  DbType  .Int32, month)
                reader = Helper.ExecuteReader(
                     CommandType .Text,
                 while  (reader.Read())
                     StrategyInvest  si =  new  StrategyInvest ();
                    si.ID =  Int32 .Parse(reader[ "ID"  ].ToString());
                    si.AnalystID =  Int32 .Parse(reader[ "AnalystID"  ].ToString());
                    si.InvestProduct = reader[  "InvestProduct"  ].ToString();
                    si.InvestType = reader[  "InvestType" ].ToString();
                    si.AmountProfit =  Convert .ToInt32(reader[ "AmountProfit"  ]);
                    si.InvestTime =  Convert .ToDateTime(reader[ "InvestTime"  ].ToString());
                    si.IsDisplay =  Convert .ToBoolean(reader[ "IsDisplay"  ]);
                    si.Status =  Convert .ToInt32(reader[ "Status"  ]);
                    si.AddTime =  Convert .ToDateTime(reader[ "AddTime"  ].ToString());
                 return  list;
             catch  ( Exception  e)
                 Logger .Error( "executing csp_strategy_invest_all_by_analystid failed"  , e);
                 throw  new  DataAccessException (  "csp_strategy_invest_all_by_analystid failure"  , e);
                 if  (reader !=  null  && !reader.IsClosed)
