《Fundamentals of Project Management 4th Edition》 读书笔记 第九章 项目控制和评估

CHAPTER 9 Project Control and Evaluation



Control is the act of comparing progress toplan so that corrective action can be taken when a deviation from plannedperformance occurs. This definition implies the use of information as theprimary ingredient of control, rather than power.



Ultimately, the only way to control aproject is for every member of the project team to be in control of his ownwork. A project manager can achieve control at the macro level only if it is achievedat the micro level. However, this does not mean that you should practicemicromanaging! It actually means that you should set up conditions under whichevery team member can achieve control of his own efforts. To do this requiresfive basic conditions. To achieve self-control, team members need:


1. A clear definition of what they aresupposed to be doing, with the purpose stated

2. A personal plan for how to do therequired work

3. Skills and resources adequate to thetask

4. Feedback on progress that comes directlyfrom the work itself

5. A clear definition of their authority totake corrective action when there is a deviation from plan (and it cannot bezero!)



A control system should focus onresponse—if control data do not result in action, then the system isineffective. That is, if a control system does not use deviation data toinitiate corrective action, it is not really a control system but simply amonitoring system.



One caution here, though. I once knew amanager whose response to a deviation was to go into the panic mode and begin micromanaging.He then got in the way of people trying to solve the problem and actuallyslowed them down. Had he left them alone, they would have solved their problemmuch faster.



Ultimately, you want to find out how manyhours people actually work on your project and compare that figure to what wasplanned for them. This means that you want accurate data. In some cases, peoplefill out weekly time reports without having written down their working timesdaily. That results in a bunch of fiction, since most of us cannot remember withany accuracy what we did a week ago.



As difficult as it may be to do, you need toget people to record their working times daily so that the data will meansomething when you collect them.



When information collection is delayed fortoo long, the manager may end up making things worse, instead of better.



One control system is not likely to becorrect for all projects. It may need to be scaled down for small projects andbeefed up for large ones. Generally, a control system adequate for a largeproject will overwhelm a small one with paperwork, while one that is good for smallprojects won’t have enough clout for a big project.



There are two aspects to project control.One can be called maintenance and the other aims at improvement of performance.The maintenance review just tries to keep the project on track. The improvementreview tries to help project teams improve performance. Three kinds of reviewsare routinely conducted to achieve these purposes. They are:

1. Status reviews

2. Process or lessons-learned reviews

3. Design reviews



In order to learn, we must have feedback. Furthermore,we tend to learn more from mistakes than from successes, painful though that maybe to admit.




Process reviews should be done at major milestonesin the project or every three months, whichever come first, so that learning cantake place as the job progresses.



Two questions should be asked in thereview. The first is What have we done well so far?,” and the second is “What do we wantto improve (or do better) in the future?” Notice that I am not asking “Whathave we done badly?” That question serves only to make everyone defensive,because people will assume that you will punish them for things done wrong.Furthermore, there is always the possibility that nothing has been done wrong, butthere is always room to improve.



To evaluate a project is to attempt todetermine whether the overall status of the work is acceptable, in terms ofintended value to the client once the job is finished.


Project evaluation is done to determinewhether a project should continue or be canceled. Process reviews also should helpthe team learn in order to improve performance.



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