《Fundamentals of Project Management 4th Edition》 读书笔记 第十章 变更控制过程

CHAPTER 10 The Change Control Process



If you do not keep the plan current, youhave no plan.



Change must be controlled and communicated.


变更控制不容易,涉及到judgment calls, thresholds and signoffs

Change control is not easy. It involves variablesand judgment calls, thresholds and signoffs. The change control process establishesthe stability necessary for you to manage the multitude of changes that affectthe project throughout its life cycle.



Change control cannot be accomplished in avacuum. As you react and make adjustments, the project plan must be revised anddistributed to predetermined stakeholders.



These stakeholders are often identified in aproject communication plan. In addition to stakeholder identification, the plandetermines appropriate communication paths, levels of data dissemination, andgeneral guidelines or protocols for the project team. Typical stakeholders thatshould appear on the inform or distribution list are the project champion, teammembers, functional managers, support personnel, select external vendors, andlegal.



Change happens. As things mature and grow,changes occur naturally.



It is not always evident whether a specificchange adds value or merely cosmetic adjustments to the project plan.



The Six Steps in the Change Control Process



Step 1: Enter initial change controlinformation into your change control log.



Step 2: Determine if the change should beprocessed.

By determining if the change should beprocessed, you take on the role of the project’s gatekeeper.

If the change is rejected, log it and stopthe process. If the change is accepted, begin assessing the impact to theproject plan. This is typically done by asking this question: “How does thechange affect the sides of my triangle: scope, schedule, and budget?”

Quality, objective, and other elements ofthe project should also be considered when assessing impact.



Step 3: Submit recommendations tomanagement and/or the customer for review and approval.



Step 4: Update the project plan.



Step 5: Distribute the updated plan.



Step 6: Monitor the change and trackprogress against the revised plan.



Organizational culture impacts how youestablish the change control process and manage changes to your project.



If the change is considered minor and theproject plan can absorb the change with minimal impact, make necessaryadjustments and move on (see Example 1). If, however, a severity threshold hasbeen exceeded, this should trigger action by you and your team to implement thechange control process.



Sometimes project change, whatever thesource, can be grounds for spinning off a new project while continuing with theoriginal. The project spin-off usually occurs when the change is so dramaticthat you and your team determine that an entirely separate project should beinitiated.


If the new project becomes a satellite, orsubproject, the impact is far less drastic.

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