[SQL Server]大容量日志恢复模式bulk_logged recovery model

The bulk-logged recovery model minimally logs bulk operations, although fully logging other transactions. The bulk-logged recovery model protects against media failure and, for bulk operations(bcp,BULK INSERT,SELECT INTO), provides the best performance and least log space usage.

The bulk-logged recovery model increases the risk of data loss for these bulk-copy operations, because bulk logging operations prevents recapturing changes on a transaction-by-transaction basis. If a log backup contains any bulk-logged operations, you cannot restore to a point-in-time within that log backup; you can restore only the whole log backup.

 Bulk Changed Map (BCM)  tracks the extents that have been modified by bulk logged operations since the last BACKUP LOG statement.
If using the bulk-logged recovery model, only details of the modified data pages are logged, allowing for better performance.

Tail Log backup
If your database is using the bulk-logged recovery model, and the transaction log contains minimally logged transactions, the data files which contain the modified pages must also be available. If those data files are unavailable, you will not be able to back up the tail of the transaction log. This is another point to consider when using the bulk-logged recovery model.

However, please note that the situation with the bulk-logged recovery model is identical to the full recovery model if no minimally logged transactions are created in the database





为跟踪数据页,日志备份操作依赖于位图页的大容量更改,位图页针对每个区包含一位。对于自上次日志备份后由大容量日志操作所更新的每个区,在位图中将每个位都设置为 1。数据区将复制到日志中,后跟日志数据。下图显示了日志备份的构造方式。

[SQL Server]大容量日志恢复模式bulk_logged recovery model_第1张图片

