Single Sign-On Explained/SSO释义




注:有不同的分支从WSSO实现的 - 最显着的是利用代理或门户服务器作为身份验证和授权的中心点。

 what is SSO ?

SSO is an acronym for “Single Sign-On”.  There are various forms of single sign-on with the most common being 
Enterprise Single Sign-On (ESSO) and Web Single Sign-On (WSSO).

Each method utilizes different technologies to reduce the number of times a user has to enter their username/password in order to gain access to protected resources.

Note: There are various offshoots from WSSO implementations – most notably utilizing proxies or portal servers to act as a central point of authentication and authorization.


Enterprise Single Sign-On

In ESSO deployments, software typically resides on the user’s desktop; the desktop is most commonly Microsoft.  The software detects when a user launches an application that contains the username and password fields.  The software “grabs” a previously saved username/password from either a local file or remote storage (i.e. a special entry in 
Active Directory), enters these values into the username and password fields on behalf of the application, and submits the form on behalf of the user.  This process is followed for every new application that is launched that contains a username and password field.  It can be used for fat clients (i.e. Microsoft Outlook), thin clients (i.e. Citrix), or Web-based applications(i.e. Web Forms) and in most cases the applications themselves are not even aware that the organization has implemented an ESSO solution.  There are definite advantages to implementing an ESSO solution in terms of flexibility.  The drawback to ESSO solutions, however, is that software needs to be distributed, installed, and maintained on each desktop where applications are launched.  Additionally, because the software resides on the desktop, there is no central location in which to determine if the user is allowed access to the application (authorization or AuthZ). As such, each application must maintain its own set of security policies.

The following diagram provides an overview of the steps performed in ESSO environments.


在ESSO部署,软件通常驻留在用户的桌面上,桌面是最常见的微软。该软件检测,当用户启动一个应用程序,它包含用户名和密码字段。该软件“掠夺”以前保存的用户名/密码,无论是从本地文件或远程存储(即在Active Directory中的一个特殊的条目),代表该应用程序的用户名和密码栏输入这些值,并提交表单代表的用户。这个过程之后的每一个新推出的应用程序,包含一个用户名和密码字段。它可用于胖客户端(例如Microsoft Outlook)中,薄客户端(即思杰),或基于Web的应用程序(如Web窗体),在大多数情况下,甚至不知道自己的应用程序,组织实施ESSO解决方案。实施ESSO解决方案在灵活性方面有一定的优势。 ESSO的解决方案,但是,其缺点是该软件需要在每个桌面上启动应用程序的分布,安装和维护。此外,因为该软件驻留在桌面上,不存在中央的位置,在该位置,以确定是否允许用户访问该应用程序(授权或AuthZ)可。因此,每个应用程序必须维护自己的安全策略。



Single Sign-On Explained/SSO释义_第1张图片

A user launches an application on their desktop.   An agent running in the background detects a login screen from a previously defined template.  If this is the first time the user has attempted to access this application, they are prompted to provide their credentials.  Once a successful login has been performed, the credentials are stored in a credentials database.  This database can be a locally encrypted database or a remote server (such as Active Directory).  Subsequent login attempts do not prompt the user for their credentials.  Instead, the data is simply retrieved from the credentials database and submitted on behalf of the user.
用户在他们的桌面上启动应用程序。在后台运行代理程序检测到登录屏幕从以前定义的模板。如果用户尝试访问这个应用程序,这是第一次,系统会提示他们提供凭据。已经履行的,一旦成功登录的凭据存储在一个凭证数据库。这个数据库可以是本地加密数据库或远程服务器(如Active Directory)。随后的登录尝试不提示用户输入他们的凭据。相反,数据被简单地从证书数据库中检索,并代表用户提出的。

Container-Based Single Sign-On

Session information (such as authenticated credentials) can be shared between Web applications deployed to the same application server.  This is single sign-on in its most basic and limited fashion as it can only be used across applications in the same container.

The following diagram provides a high level overview of the steps performed in container-based single sign-on environments.





Single Sign-On Explained/SSO释义_第2张图片

A user accesses a Web application through a standard Web browser.  They are prompted for their credentials which can be basic (such as username and password) or can utilize other forms of authentication (such as multi-factor, X.509 certificates, or biometric).  Once the user has authenticated to the application server, they are able to access other applications installed in the same J2EE container without having to re-authenticate (that is, if the other applications have been configured to permit this).

Traditional Web Single Sign-On

In contrast, WSSO deployments only apply to the Web environment and Web-based applications.  They do not work with fat clients or thin clients.  Software is not installed on the user’s desktop, but instead resides centrally within the 
Web container or J2EE container of the Web application being protected.  The software is often times called a “policy agent” and its purpose is to manage both authentication and authorization tasks.

The following diagram provides a high level overview of traditional Web Single Sign-On.






A user first attempts to access a Web resource (such as ADP) through a Web browser.  They are not authenticated to the domain so they are directed to the central authentication server where they provide their credentials.  Once validated, they receive a cookie indicating that they are authenticated to the domain.  They are then redirected back to the original Web resource where they present the cookie.  The Web resource consults the authentication server to determine if the cookie is valid and that the session is still active.  They also determine if this user is allowed access to the Web resource.  If so, they are granted access.  If the user were to attempt to access another Web resource in the same domain (i.e. Oracle eBusiness Suite), they would present the cookie as proof that they are authenticated to the domain.  The Web resource consults the authentication server to determine the validity of the cookie, session, and access rights.  This process continues for any server in the domain that is protected by WSSO.



Portal or Proxy-Based Single Sign-On

Portal and proxy-based single sign-on solutions are similar to Standard Web Single Sign-On except that all traffic is directed through the central server.

Portal Based Single Sign-On

Target-based policy agents can be avoided by using Portal Servers such as LifeRay or SharePoint.  In such cases the policy agent is installed in the Portal Server.  In turn, the Portal Server acts as a proxy for the target applications and may use technologies such as SAML or auto-form submission.  Portal Servers may be customized to dynamically provide access to target systems based on various factors.  This includes the user’s role or group, originating IP address, time of day, etc.  Portal-based single sign-on (PSSO) serves as the foundation for most vendors who are providing cloud-based WSSO products.  When implementing PSSO solutions, direct access to target systems is still permitted.  This allows users to bypass the Portal but in so doing, they need to remember their application specific credentials.  You can disallow direct access by creating container-specific rules that only allow traffic from the Portal to the application.

Single Sign-On Involving Proxy Servers

Proxy servers are similar to PSSO implementations in that they provide a central point of access.  They differ, however, in that they do not provide a graphical user interface.  Instead, users are directed to the proxy through various methods (i.e. DNS, load balancers, Portal Servers, etc.).  Policy agents are installed in the proxy environment (which may be an appliance) and users are granted or denied access to target resources based on whether they have the appropriate credentials and permission for the target resource.

The following diagram provides a high level overview of centralized single sign-on using Portal or Proxy Servers.





基于目标的策略代理,可避免使用LIFERAY或SharePoint门户服务器,如。在这种情况下,策略代理安装在Portal Server。反过来,门户服务器作为目标应用程序的代理和使用的技术,如SAML或自动提交表单。可以定制门户服务器来动态地访问到目标系统的各种因素的基础上。这包括用户的角色或组,源IP地址,一天的时间,基于门户的单点登录(PSSO)作为大多数供应商提供基于云的WSSO产品的基础。当实施PSSO的解决方案,直接访问目标系统仍是允许的。这使得用户可以绕过门户,但在这样做的,他们需要记住他们的应用程序特定的凭证。您可以通过创建特定于容器的规则,只允许从Portal的应用程序的流量不允许直接访问。







Federation is designed to enable Single Sign-On and Single Logout between trusted partners across a heterogeneous environment (i.e. different domains).  Companies that wish to offer services to their customers or employees enter into a federated agreement with trusted partners who in turn provide the services themselves.  Federation enables this partnership by defining a set of open protocols that are used between partners to communicate identity information within a Circle of Trust.  Protocols include SAML, Liberty ID-FF, and WS-Federation.

Implementation of federated environments requires coordination between each of its members.  Companies have roles to play as some entities act as identity providers (IDP – where users authenticate and credentials are verified) and service providers (SP – where the content and/or service originate).  Similar to standard Web Single Sign-On, an unauthenticated user attempting to access content on a SP is redirected to an appropriate IDP where their identity is verified.  Once the user has successfully authenticated, the IDP creates an XML document called an assertion in which it asserts certain information about the user.  The assertion can contain any information that the IDP wishes to share with the SP, but is typically limited to the context of the authentication.  Assertions are presented to SPs but are not taken at face value.  The manner in which assertions are validated vary between the type of federation being employed and may range from dereferencing artifacts (which are similar to cookies) or by verifying digital signatures associated with an IDP’s signed assertion.

The interaction between the entities involved in a federated environment (user, SP and IDP) is similar to the Web Single Sign-On environment except that authentication is permitted across different domains.

A major difference between federated and WSSO environments involves the type of information generated by the authenticating entity to vouch for the user and how it is determined that that vouch is valid and had not been altered in any way.



实施联合环境要求其成员之间的协调。公司可发挥作用,因为一些实体作为身份提供商(IDP - 在用户进行身份验证和证书验证)和服务提供商(SP - 其中的内容和/或服务的起源)。类似标准的Web单点登录,未经授权的用户试图访问一个SP上的内容将被重定向到一个合适的IDP验证自己的身份。一旦用户成功通过验证,的IDP创建一个XML文件,称为一个断言,它声称用户的某些信息。断言可以包含任何信息的IDP希望共享与SP,但通常被限制到的认证上下文。断言提交给SP,但不信以为真。断言验证的方式各有不同,总会被雇用的类型和范围可以从提领的工件(这是类似的Cookie)或验证数字签名与IDP签署断言。



The following table provides a feature comparison between Web SSO and Enterprise SSO.

下表提供了一个功能比较Web SSO和企业的SSO。


WSSO / PSSO / Proxy(WSSO / PSSO /代理)


Applications Supported:


Web Only


Web Applications and Fat Clients


“Agent” Location:


Target System


User Desktop




SAML, Form Submission, Cookies

Form Submission


Internal Users?



Yes (through portal)

External Users?




Central Authentication?




Central Authorization?




Central Session Logoff?




Global Account Deactivation?


Yes (through password change)



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