System corrupt again (running in linux cd)

    Yesterday my computer corrupted down the third time.I feel normal but what I concerned is my work.I have to finish a c++ programming task which is about a

system which is simple but not a very easy one.The task come from a friend whom

I meet in CSDN Forum.I promised to do the task,then I have to.

    But  I had no computer and only one day left to hand in the task.It's just like a

joke which happened at the wrong time.But I have to handle all these messes.Then

I happened to run the Ubuntu CD to see whether there is a miracle to setup a system for me to write code.God help me.I happened found that I can do anything On Linux CD,just like a good system.I was wondering how could all these happened.The CD is read-only,but I can install any thing I like.

    Then I can finish my task.Just as normal.

    Writing codes In CD is a strange taste.I even don't want to repair my computer any more because i was used to playing games in Windows XP which cost much.

    The only thing which is not suitable is that i have to use english instead of chinese because no chinese input in my CD system.A chinese language package's installation need the computer 's reboot but the CD system forbid this action of course.
