转自 http://flier.cnblogs.com/archive/2004/07/08/22352.html
The IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 3: System Programming Guide
Intel的系统变成手册中第十章介绍了IA32架构下的内存缓存控制。因为CPU速度和内存速度的巨大差距,CPU厂商通过在CPU中内置和外置多级缓存提高频繁使用数据的访问速度。一般来说,在CPU和内存之间存在L1, L2和L3三级缓存(还有几种TLB缓存在此不涉及),每级缓存的速度有一个数量级左右的差别,容量也有较大差别(实际上跟$有关,呵呵),而L1缓存更是细分为指令缓存和数据缓存,用于不同的目的。就P4和Xeon的处理器来说,L1指令缓存由Trace Cache取代,内置在NetBust微架构中;L1数据缓存和L2缓存则封装在CPU中,根据CPU档次不同,分别在8-16K和256-512K之间;而L3缓存只在Xeon处理器中实现,也是封装在CPU中,512K-1M左右。
P4 1.7G, 8K L1 Code Cache, 12K L1 Data Cache, 256K L2 Cache。
而缓存在实现上是若干行(slot or line)组成的,每行对应内存中的一个地址上的连续数据,由高速缓存管理器控制读写中的数据载入和命中。其原理这里不多罗嗦,有兴趣的朋友可以自行查看Intel手册。需要知道的就是每个slot的长度在P4以前是32字节,P4开始改成64字节。而对缓存行的操作都是完整进行的,哪怕只读一个字节也需要将整个缓存行(64字节)全部载入,后面的优化很大程度上基于这些原理。
global _fast_memcpy7
%define param esp+8+4
%define src param+0
%define dst param+4
%define len param+8_fast_memcpy7:
push esi
push edimov esi, [src] ; source array
mov edi, [dst] ; destination array
mov ecx, [len] ; number of QWORDS (8 bytes) assumes len / CACHEBLOCK is an integer
shr ecx, 3lea esi, [esi+ecx*8] ; end of source
lea edi, [edi+ecx*8] ; end of destination
neg ecx ; use a negative offset as a combo pointer-and-loop-counter.copyloop:
movq mm0, qword [esi+ecx*8]
movq mm1, qword [esi+ecx*8+8]
movq mm2, qword [esi+ecx*8+16]
movq mm3, qword [esi+ecx*8+24]
movq mm4, qword [esi+ecx*8+32]
movq mm5, qword [esi+ecx*8+40]
movq mm6, qword [esi+ecx*8+48]
movq mm7, qword [esi+ecx*8+56]movntq qword [edi+ecx*8], mm0
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+8], mm1
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+16], mm2
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+24], mm3
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+32], mm4
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+40], mm5
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+48], mm6
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+56], mm7add ecx, 8
jnz .copyloopsfence ; flush write buffer
emmspop edi
pop esiret
The IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 2A: Instruction Set Reference, A-M
The IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 2B: Instruction Set Reference, N-Z
global _fast_memcpy8
%define param esp+8+4
%define src param+0
%define dst param+4
%define len param+8_fast_memcpy8:
push esi
push edimov esi, [src] ; source array
mov edi, [dst] ; destination array
mov ecx, [len] ; number of QWORDS (8 bytes) assumes len / CACHEBLOCK is an integer
shr ecx, 3lea esi, [esi+ecx*8] ; end of source
lea edi, [edi+ecx*8] ; end of destination
neg ecx ; use a negative offset as a combo pointer-and-loop-counter.writeloop:
prefetchnta [esi+ecx*8 + 512] ; fetch ahead by 512 bytesmovq mm0, qword [esi+ecx*8]
movq mm1, qword [esi+ecx*8+8]
movq mm2, qword [esi+ecx*8+16]
movq mm3, qword [esi+ecx*8+24]
movq mm4, qword [esi+ecx*8+32]
movq mm5, qword [esi+ecx*8+40]
movq mm6, qword [esi+ecx*8+48]
movq mm7, qword [esi+ecx*8+56]movntq qword [edi+ecx*8], mm0
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+8], mm1
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+16], mm2
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+24], mm3
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+32], mm4
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+40], mm5
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+48], mm6
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+56], mm7add ecx, 8
jnz .writeloopsfence ; flush write buffer
emmspop edi
pop esiret
global _fast_memcpy9
%define param esp+12+4
%define src param+0
%define dst param+4
%define len param+8%define CACHEBLOCK 400h
push esi
push edi
push ebxmov esi, [src] ; source array
mov edi, [dst] ; destination array
mov ecx, [len] ; number of QWORDS (8 bytes) assumes len / CACHEBLOCK is an integer
shr ecx, 3lea esi, [esi+ecx*8] ; end of source
lea edi, [edi+ecx*8] ; end of destination
neg ecx ; use a negative offset as a combo pointer-and-loop-counter.mainloop:
mov eax, CACHEBLOCK / 16 ; note: .prefetchloop is unrolled 2X
add ecx, CACHEBLOCK ; move up to end of block.prefetchloop:
mov ebx, [esi+ecx*8-64] ; read one address in this cache line...
mov ebx, [esi+ecx*8-128] ; ... and one in the previous line
sub ecx, 16 ; 16 QWORDS = 2 64-byte cache lines
dec eax
jnz .prefetchloopmov eax, CACHEBLOCK / 8
prefetchnta [esi+ecx*8 + 512] ; fetch ahead by 512 bytesmovq mm0, qword [esi+ecx*8]
movq mm1, qword [esi+ecx*8+8]
movq mm2, qword [esi+ecx*8+16]
movq mm3, qword [esi+ecx*8+24]
movq mm4, qword [esi+ecx*8+32]
movq mm5, qword [esi+ecx*8+40]
movq mm6, qword [esi+ecx*8+48]
movq mm7, qword [esi+ecx*8+56]movntq qword [edi+ecx*8], mm0
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+8], mm1
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+16], mm2
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+24], mm3
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+32], mm4
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+40], mm5
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+48], mm6
movntq qword [edi+ecx*8+56], mm7add ecx, 8
dec eax
jnz .writeloopor ecx, ecx ; assumes integer number of cacheblocks
jnz .mainloopsfence ; flush write buffer
emmspop ebx
pop edi
pop esiret
一是计时精度的问题,需要使用高精度的物理计数器,避免误差。推荐使用rdtsc指令,然后根据CPU主频计算时间。CPU主频可以通过高精度计时器动态计算,我这儿偷懒直接从注册表里面读取了 :P
#ifdef WIN32
typedef __int64 uint64_t;
#include <stdint.h>
bool GetPentiumClockEstimateFromRegistry(uint64_t& frequency)
HKEY hKey;frequency = 0;
LONG rc = ::RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
DWORD cbBuffer = sizeof (DWORD);
DWORD freq_mhz;rc = ::RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "~MHz", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)(&freq_mhz), &cbBuffer);
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
frequency = freq_mhz * MEGA;RegCloseKey (hKey);
}return frequency > 0;
}void getTimeStamp(uint64_t& timeStamp)
#ifdef WIN32
push edx
push ecx
mov ecx, timeStamp
//_emit 0Fh // RDTSC
//_emit 31h
mov [ecx], eax
mov [ecx+4], edx
pop ecx
pop edx
__asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=A" (timeStamp));
btw: 不早了,先草草写到这里,明天再润色吧 :D