A Test in MASM and GCC 64-bits for instruction mov and lea

这篇文章被朋友指出了一个最大的问题,影响了文章中提到的最重要的结论。要说清问题需要比较大的篇幅,因此另外新写了一个文章描述,请大家同时参考两个文章。另外一个文章: MASM mov指令的进一步测试

When handling address in assemble code, behavior in Windows (using MASM) and Linux (using GCC) might be totally different for the similar code. Here is a test to verify the behavior for a line of code: "mov register, variable" or "mov %register, variable". In Windows, the code move address of variable into register but in Linux, the code move the content of variable into register. To make things more complex, MASM has keyword OFFSET to PIC code and GCC is using register RIP for PIC code. So I wrote a test to check the behavior in those cases.

The code for mov in MASM not using OFFSET:

The code for mov in MASM using OFFSET:

A Test in MASM and GCC 64-bits for instruction mov and lea_第1张图片

And the disassembled code for those function using dumpbin:

A Test in MASM and GCC 64-bits for instruction mov and lea_第2张图片

From the source code and disassembled code, it comes the first conclusion:

  • There is no different between adding OFFSET before variable and not adding OFFSET before variable in MASM.
The code for lea in MASM:
A Test in MASM and GCC 64-bits for instruction mov and lea_第3张图片
And its disassembled code:
From the source code and disassembled code, it comes the following conclusion:
  • There is no different between adding OFFSET before variable and not adding OFFSET before variable in MASM.
  • lea will cost the capability of PIC in MASM.

To complete the code:

A Test in MASM and GCC 64-bits for instruction mov and lea_第4张图片

The output of those printf:

From the output, it comes the very important conclusion and we will compare it later with the result in Linux.
  • "mov register, variable" will load the address of variable to register, which is the same as lea.

Now it's the time to show the code for Linux.

The code for mov in GCC not using %RIP:

The code for mov in GCC using %RIP:

And disassembled code for those functions using objdump:

A Test in MASM and GCC 64-bits for instruction mov and lea_第5张图片

From the source code and disassembled code, it comes the first conclusion:

  • "mov variable, %register" will cost the capability of PIC in GCC. Actually link will fail with option -pie.
  • The opcode is different with MASM. It is 8B here and B8 in MASM (opcode 48 is to designate 64-bits operand). B8 is for moving immediate operand. So it means that OFFSET in MASM is actually a immediate number from compiler.
The code for lea in GCC:

A Test in MASM and GCC 64-bits for instruction mov and lea_第6张图片

And its disassemble code:

From the source code and disassembled code, it comes the first conclusion:

  • "lea variable, %register" will cost the capability of PIC in GCC.

The main code is the same as Windows and the output from those printf:

From the output, it comes the very important conclusion - Linux part:
  • "mov variable, %register" will load the content of variable to register, which is not the same as lea and not the same as MASM. So for GCC, if want to load the address of variable, use lea.
  • "mov variable[%rip], %register" is the same.
As a summary, be careful when writing "mov" code for MASM and GCC. You may get totally different result. But it is not finished yet and there are something TODO:
  1. Is it the same for local variable instead of global?
  2. What if using RIP in MASM?
  3. What if using [g_data] or (g_data)?
  4. Is it the same for 32-bits?
  5. Is it the same for label and variable?

The source code for the test:


 * This is a test for address behavior in Windows and Linux 64bits for
 * instruction mov and lea using OFFSET or RIP.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "types.h"

#define COUNT 2

extern ADDRESS get_mov_address();
extern ADDRESS get_mov_mov_address();
extern ADDRESS get_mov_relative_address();
extern ADDRESS get_mov_mov_relative_address();
extern ADDRESS get_lea_address();
extern ADDRESS get_lea_relative_address();

DATA** g_data = NULL;

int main()
	int i = 0;
	ADDRESS address;
	DATA* data;

	g_data = malloc(sizeof(DATA*) * COUNT);
	memset(g_data, 0, sizeof(DATA*) * COUNT);

	printf("address of g_data:\t\t %#016x\n", &g_data);
	printf("g_data point to:\t\t %#016x\n", g_data);

	for (i=0; i<COUNT; ++i) {
		data = malloc(sizeof(DATA));
		printf("address of #%d data:\t\t %#016x\n", i, &data);
		printf("#%d data point to:\t\t %#016x\n", i, data);
		g_data[i] = data;

	address = get_mov_address();
	printf("get_mov_address:\t\t %#016x\n", address);
	address = get_mov_mov_address();
	printf("get_mov_mov_address:\t\t %#016x\n", address);
	address = get_mov_relative_address();
	printf("get_mov_relative_address:\t %#016x\n", address);
	address = get_mov_mov_relative_address();
	printf("get_mov_mov_relative_address:\t %#016x\n", address);
	address = get_lea_address();
	printf("get_lea_address:\t\t %#016x\n", address);
	address = get_lea_relative_address();
	printf("get_lea_relative_address:\t %#016x\n", address);

	/* don't care memory leak */
	return 0;


 * This is a test for address behavior in Windows and Linux 64bits for
 * instruction mov and lea using OFFSET or RIP.

#include <stdint.h> // it should be avaliable after VS2010

#if _WIN32 || _WIN64
#if _WIN64
typedef uint64_t ADDRESS;
#error Only 64bits mode is supported

#if __GNUC__
#if __x86_64__ || __ppc64__
typedef uint64_t ADDRESS;
#error Only 64bits mode is supported

typedef struct {
	int32_t donnot_care;


;* This is a test for address behavior in Windows and Linux 64bits for
;* instruction mov and lea using OFFSET or RIP.


; g_data is a pointer array for data
; using NEAR and using QWORD is totally different for MASM
; NEAR is treated as a label so in mov instruction, MASM will adding OFFSET
; but QWORD is treated as a variable so in mov, MASM will load its value
extrn g_data:NEAR
;extrn g_data:QWORD

; load address of g_data
; return: rax
get_mov_address PROC
	mov rax, g_data
get_mov_address ENDP

; load address which g_data pointing to, which is the address of data array
; return: rax
get_mov_mov_address PROC
	mov rax, g_data
	mov rax, [rax]
get_mov_mov_address ENDP

; load address of g_data
; return: rax
get_mov_relative_address PROC
	mov rax, OFFSET g_data
get_mov_relative_address ENDP

; load address which g_data pointing to, which is the address of data array
; return: rax
get_mov_mov_relative_address PROC
	mov rax, OFFSET g_data
	mov rax, [rax]
get_mov_mov_relative_address ENDP

; load address of g_data
; return: rax
get_lea_address PROC
	lea rax, g_data
get_lea_address ENDP

; load address of g_data
; return: rax
get_lea_relative_address PROC
	lea rax, OFFSET g_data
get_lea_relative_address ENDP



#* This is a test for address behavior in Windows and Linux 64bits for
#* instruction mov and lea using OFFSET or RIP.


.extern g_data

# load address of g_data
# return: rax
.global get_mov_address
	# this will cause link fail if linked with -pie option.
	# remove this line if link with -pie option
	mov g_data, %rax

# load address which g_data pointing to, which is the address of data array
# return: rax
.global get_mov_mov_address
	# this will cause link fail if linked with -pie option.
	# remove this line if link with -pie option
	mov g_data, %rax
	mov (%rax), %rax

# load address of g_data
# return: rax
.global get_mov_relative_address
	mov g_data(%rip), %rax

# load address which g_data pointing to, which is the address of data arrry
# return: rax
.global get_mov_mov_relative_address
	mov g_data(%rip), %rax
	mov (%rax), %rax

# load address of g_data
# return: rax
.global get_lea_address
	# this will cause link fail if linked with -pie option.
	# remove this line if link with -pie option
	lea g_data, %rax

# load address of g_data
.global get_lea_relative_address
	lea g_data(%rip), %rax
makefile for Linux

#* This is a test for address behavior in Windows and Linux 64bits for
#* instruction mov and lea using OFFSET or RIP.

CC = gcc
AS = gcc
LD = gcc


CFLAGS = -c -m64 -fPIC
# -pie option can only be used if the code of address.S is PIC
# see the comments in address.S for more detail
#LDFLAGS = -pie

CSOURCES = $(wildcard *.c)
ASOURCES = $(wildcard *.S)

COBJS = $(addprefix $(OUTDIR), $(notdir $(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(CSOURCES))))
AOBJS = $(addprefix $(OUTDIR), $(notdir $(patsubst %.S, %.o, $(ASOURCES))))

TARGET = address

.PHONY: all clean

all: $(TARGET)

	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(OUTDIR)$@ $(COBJS) $(AOBJS)

	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(filter $(*F).c, $(CSOURCES))

	$(AS) $(AFLAGS) -o $@ $(filter $(*F).S, $(ASOURCES))

	rm -r *.o
