solr 查询 排序

Querying Data


Searches are done via HTTP GET on the select URL with the query string in the q parameter. You can pass a number of optional request parameters  to the request handler to control what information is returned. For example, you can use the "fl" parameter to control what stored fields are returned, and if the relevancy score is returned...

    * q=video&fl=name,id (return only name and id fields)
    * q=video&fl=name,id,score (return relevancy score as well)
    * q=video&fl=*,score (return all stored fields, as well as relevancy score)
    * q=video&sort=price desc&fl=name,id (add sort specification: sort by price descending)

Solr provides a query form within the web admin interface that allows setting the various request parameters and is useful when trying out or debugging queries.




Solr provides a simple method to sort on one or more indexed fields. Use the 'sort' parameter to specify "field direction" pairs...

    * q=video&sort=price desc
    * q=video&sort=price asc
    * q=video&sort=inStock asc, price desc

"score" can also be used as a field name when specifying a sort...

    * q=video&sort=score desc
    * q=video&sort=inStock asc, score desc

If no sort is specified, the default is score desc, the same as in the Lucene search APIs.
