Mina IoService?????????

Mina IoHandler接口定义: http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2377419
Mina Nio会话(Socket,DataGram): http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2378169
Mina Socket与报文过滤链: http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2376440
Mina 协议编解码过滤器一(协议编解码工厂、协议编码器):
Mina 协议编解码过滤器二(协议解码器):
Mina 队列Queue: http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2376712
Mina 协议编解码过滤器三(会话write与消息接收过滤):
Mina 累计协议解码器: http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2377029
MINA 多路复用协议编解码器工厂一(多路复用协议编码器):
MINA 多路复用协议编解码器工厂二(多路复用协议解码器):
Mina Nio处理器: http://donald-draper.iteye.com/blog/2377725

 * Base interface for all {@link IoAcceptor}s and {@link IoConnector}s
 * that provide I/O service and manage {@link IoSession}s.
 * IoService为IoAcceptor和IoConnector的基础接口,提供IO服务和管理会话
 * @author The Apache Directory Project ([email protected])
 * @version $Rev$, $Date$
public interface IoService {
     * Adds an {@link IoServiceListener} that listens any events related with
     * this service.
    void addListener(IoServiceListener listener);

     * Removed an existing {@link IoServiceListener} that listens any events
     * related with this service.
    void removeListener(IoServiceListener listener);

     * Returns all {@link SocketAddress}es this service is managing.
     * If this service is an {@link IoAcceptor}, a set of bind addresses will
     * be returned.  If this service is an {@link IoConnector}, a set of remote
     * addresses will be returned.
    Set getManagedServiceAddresses();

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this service is managing the specified <tt>serviceAddress</tt>.
     * If this service is an {@link IoAcceptor}, <tt>serviceAddress</tt> is a bind address.
     * If this service is an {@link IoConnector}, <tt>serviceAddress</tt> is a remote address.
    boolean isManaged(SocketAddress serviceAddress);

     * Returns all sessions with the specified remote or local address,
     * which are currently managed by this service.
     * {@link IoAcceptor} will assume the specified <tt>address</tt> is a local
     * address, and {@link IoConnector} will assume it's a remote address.
     * 返回本地或远端socket地址为serviceAddress的所有service关联的会话。
     * @param serviceAddress the address to return all sessions for.
     * @return the sessions. An empty collection if there's no session.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified <tt>address</tt> has 
     *         not been bound.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this operation isn't supported
     *         for the particular transport type implemented by this {@link IoService}.
    Set getManagedSessions(SocketAddress serviceAddress);

     * Returns the default configuration which is used when you didn't specify
     * any configuration.
    IoServiceConfig getDefaultConfig();

     * Returns the global {@link IoFilterChainBuilder} which will modify the
     * {@link IoFilterChain} of all {@link IoSession}s which is managed
     * by this service.
     * The default value is an empty {@link DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder}.
    IoFilterChainBuilder getFilterChainBuilder();

     * Sets the global {@link IoFilterChainBuilder} which will modify the
     * {@link IoFilterChain} of all {@link IoSession}s which is managed
     * by this service.
     * If you specify <tt>null</tt> this property will be set to
     * an empty {@link DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder}.
    void setFilterChainBuilder(IoFilterChainBuilder builder);

     * A shortcut for <tt>( ( DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder ) </tt>{@link #getFilterChainBuilder()}<tt> )</tt>.
     * Please note that the returned object is not a <b>real</b> {@link IoFilterChain}
     * but a {@link DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder}.  Modifying the returned builder
     * won't affect the existing {@link IoSession}s at all, because
     * {@link IoFilterChainBuilder}s affect only newly created {@link IoSession}s.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the current {@link IoFilterChainBuilder} is
     *                               not a {@link DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder}
    DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder getFilterChain();

 * Base implementation of {@link IoService}s.
 * An instance of IoService contains an Executor which will handle the incoming
 * events.
 * @author [url=http://mina.apache.org]Apache MINA Project[/url]
public abstract class AbstractIoService implements IoService {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractIoService.class);

     * The unique number identifying the Service. It's incremented
     * for each new IoService created.
    private static final AtomicInteger id = new AtomicInteger();

     * The thread name built from the IoService inherited
     * instance class name and the IoService Id
    private final String threadName;

     * The associated executor, responsible for handling execution of I/O events.
    private final Executor executor;

     * A flag used to indicate that the local executor has been created
     * inside this instance, and not passed by a caller.
     * 表示本地执行器是否创建
     * If the executor is locally created, then it will be an instance
     * of the ThreadPoolExecutor class.
    private final boolean createdExecutor;

     * The IoHandler in charge of managing all the I/O Events. It is
    private IoHandler handler;

     * The default {@link IoSessionConfig} which will be used to configure new sessions.
    protected final IoSessionConfig sessionConfig;
    private final IoServiceListener serviceActivationListener = new IoServiceListener() {
        IoServiceStatistics serviceStats;//Service统计
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void serviceActivated(IoService service) {
            // Update lastIoTime.
            serviceStats = service.getStatistics();
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void serviceDeactivated(IoService service) throws Exception {
            // Empty handler
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void serviceIdle(IoService service, IdleStatus idleStatus) throws Exception {
            // Empty handler
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void sessionCreated(IoSession session) throws Exception {
            // Empty handler
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void sessionClosed(IoSession session) throws Exception {
            // Empty handler
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void sessionDestroyed(IoSession session) throws Exception {
            // Empty handler
     * Current filter chain builder.过滤链构建器
    private IoFilterChainBuilder filterChainBuilder = new DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder();
    private IoSessionDataStructureFactory sessionDataStructureFactory = new DefaultIoSessionDataStructureFactory();
     * Maintains the {@link IoServiceListener}s of this service.
    private final IoServiceListenerSupport listeners;
     * A lock object which must be acquired when related resources are
     * destroyed.
    protected final Object disposalLock = new Object();
    private volatile boolean disposing;//Service是否正在销毁
    private volatile boolean disposed;//Service是否已销毁
    private IoServiceStatistics stats = new IoServiceStatistics(this);//Service统计器

     * Constructor for {@link AbstractIoService}. You need to provide a default
     * session configuration and an {@link Executor} for handling I/O events. If
     * a null {@link Executor} is provided, a default one will be created using
     * {@link Executors#newCachedThreadPool()}.
     * 构造抽象Service。需要提供一个默认的会话配置,一个执行器处理IO事件。如果执行器
     * @param sessionConfig
     *            the default configuration for the managed {@link IoSession}
     * @param executor
     *            the {@link Executor} used for handling execution of I/O
     *            events. Can be <code>null</code>.
    protected AbstractIoService(IoSessionConfig sessionConfig, Executor executor) {
        if (sessionConfig == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("sessionConfig");
        if (getTransportMetadata() == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("TransportMetadata");
        if (!getTransportMetadata().getSessionConfigType().isAssignableFrom(sessionConfig.getClass())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("sessionConfig type: " + sessionConfig.getClass() + " (expected: "
                    + getTransportMetadata().getSessionConfigType() + ")");
        // Create the listeners, and add a first listener : a activation listener
        // for this service, which will give information on the service state.
        listeners = new IoServiceListenerSupport(this);
        // Stores the given session configuration
        this.sessionConfig = sessionConfig;
        // Make JVM load the exception monitor before some transports
        // change the thread context class loader.
        if (executor == null) {
            this.executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
            createdExecutor = true;
        } else {
            this.executor = executor;
            createdExecutor = false;
        threadName = getClass().getSimpleName() + '-' + id.incrementAndGet();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final IoFilterChainBuilder getFilterChainBuilder() {
        return filterChainBuilder;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void setFilterChainBuilder(IoFilterChainBuilder builder) {
        if (builder == null) {
            filterChainBuilder = new DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder();
        } else {
            filterChainBuilder = builder;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder getFilterChain() {
        if (filterChainBuilder instanceof DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder) {
            return (DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder) filterChainBuilder;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Current filter chain builder is not a DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder.");
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void addListener(IoServiceListener listener) {
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void removeListener(IoServiceListener listener) {
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final boolean isActive() {
        return listeners.isActive();
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final boolean isDisposing() {
        return disposing;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final boolean isDisposed() {
        return disposed;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void dispose() {
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void dispose(boolean awaitTermination) {
        if (disposed) {
        synchronized (disposalLock) {
            if (!disposing) {
                disposing = true;

                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
        if (createdExecutor) {
            ExecutorService e = (ExecutorService) executor;
            if (awaitTermination) {

                try {
                    LOGGER.debug("awaitTermination on {} called by thread=[{}]", this, Thread.currentThread().getName());
                    e.awaitTermination(Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                    LOGGER.debug("awaitTermination on {} finished", this);
                } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
                    LOGGER.warn("awaitTermination on [{}] was interrupted", this);
                    // Restore the interrupted status
        disposed = true;
     * Implement this method to release any acquired resources.  This method
     * is invoked only once by {@link #dispose()}.
     * 待子类扩展
     * @throws Exception If the dispose failed
    protected abstract void dispose0() throws Exception;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Map<Long, IoSession> getManagedSessions() {
        return listeners.getManagedSessions();
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final int getManagedSessionCount() {
        return listeners.getManagedSessionCount();
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final IoHandler getHandler() {
        return handler;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void setHandler(IoHandler handler) {
        if (handler == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("handler cannot be null");

        if (isActive()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("handler cannot be set while the service is active.");

        this.handler = handler;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final IoSessionDataStructureFactory getSessionDataStructureFactory() {
        return sessionDataStructureFactory;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final void setSessionDataStructureFactory(IoSessionDataStructureFactory sessionDataStructureFactory) {
        if (sessionDataStructureFactory == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("sessionDataStructureFactory");

        if (isActive()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("sessionDataStructureFactory cannot be set while the service is active.");

        this.sessionDataStructureFactory = sessionDataStructureFactory;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public IoServiceStatistics getStatistics() {
        return stats;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final long getActivationTime() {
        return listeners.getActivationTime();


     * {@inheritDoc}
    public final Set<WriteFuture> broadcast(Object message) {
        // Convert to Set.  We do not return a List here because only the
        // direct caller of MessageBroadcaster knows the order of write
        // operations.
        final List<WriteFuture> futures = IoUtil.broadcast(message, getManagedSessions().values());
        return new AbstractSet<WriteFuture>() {
            public Iterator<WriteFuture> iterator() {
                return futures.iterator();

            public int size() {
                return futures.size();

List<WriteFuture> futures = IoUtil.broadcast(message, getManagedSessions().values());

public final class IoUtil
    private static final IoSession EMPTY_SESSIONS[] = new IoSession[0];
    public static List broadcast(Object message, Collection sessions)
        List answer = new ArrayList(sessions.size());
        broadcast(message, sessions.iterator(), ((Collection) (answer)));
        return answer;
    private static void broadcast(Object message, Iterator sessions, Collection answer)
        if(message instanceof IoBuffer)
            IoSession s;
            for(; sessions.hasNext(); answer.add(s.write(((IoBuffer)message).duplicate())))
                s = (IoSession)sessions.next();

        } else
            IoSession s;
            for(; sessions.hasNext(); answer.add(s.write(message)))
                s = (IoSession)sessions.next();


     * @return The {@link IoServiceListenerSupport} attached to this service
    public final IoServiceListenerSupport getListeners() {
        return listeners;
    protected final void executeWorker(Runnable worker) {
        executeWorker(worker, null);
    protected final void executeWorker(Runnable worker, String suffix) {
        String actualThreadName = threadName;
        if (suffix != null) {
            actualThreadName = actualThreadName + '-' + suffix;
        executor.execute(new NamePreservingRunnable(worker, actualThreadName));

 protected final void initSession(IoSession session, IoFuture future, IoSessionInitializer sessionInitializer) {
        // Update lastIoTime if needed.
        if (stats.getLastReadTime() == 0) {
        if (stats.getLastWriteTime() == 0) {

        // Every property but attributeMap should be set now.
        // Now initialize the attributeMap.  The reason why we initialize
        // the attributeMap at last is to make sure all session properties
        // such as remoteAddress are provided to IoSessionDataStructureFactory.
        try {
            ((AbstractIoSession) session).setAttributeMap(session.getService().getSessionDataStructureFactory()
        } catch (IoSessionInitializationException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IoSessionInitializationException("Failed to initialize an attributeMap.", e);
        try {
            ((AbstractIoSession) session).setWriteRequestQueue(session.getService().getSessionDataStructureFactory()
        } catch (IoSessionInitializationException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IoSessionInitializationException("Failed to initialize a writeRequestQueue.", e);

        if ((future != null) && (future instanceof ConnectFuture)) {
            // DefaultIoFilterChain will notify the future. (We support ConnectFuture only for now).
            session.setAttribute(DefaultIoFilterChain.SESSION_CREATED_FUTURE, future);

        if (sessionInitializer != null) {
            sessionInitializer.initializeSession(session, future);
        finishSessionInitialization0(session, future);

     * Implement this method to perform additional tasks required for session
     * initialization. Do not call this method directly;
     * {@link #initSession(IoSession, IoFuture, IoSessionInitializer)} will call
     * this method instead.
     * 待子类拓展,不建议直接调用此方,最好调用#initSession
     * @param session The session to initialize
     * @param future The Future to use
    protected void finishSessionInitialization0(IoSession session, IoFuture future) {
        // Do nothing. Extended class might add some specific code

public interface IoSessionInitializer
    public abstract void initializeSession(IoSession iosession, IoFuture iofuture);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getScheduledWriteBytes() {
        return stats.getScheduledWriteBytes();
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getScheduledWriteMessages() {
        return stats.getScheduledWriteMessages();

     * A  {@link IoFuture} dedicated class for 
    protected static class ServiceOperationFuture extends DefaultIoFuture {
        public ServiceOperationFuture() {
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public final boolean isDone() {
            return getValue() == Boolean.TRUE;
        public final void setDone() {
        public final Exception getException() {
            if (getValue() instanceof Exception) {
                return (Exception) getValue();

            return null;
        public final void setException(Exception exception) {
            if (exception == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("exception");


 * Something interested in being notified when the result
 * of an {@link IoFuture} becomes available.
 * @author The Apache Directory Project ([email protected])
 * @version $Rev$, $Date$
public interface IoServiceListener extends EventListener {
     * Invoked when a new service is activated by an {@link IoService}.
     * Service创建时调用
     * @param service the {@link IoService}
     * @param serviceAddress the socket address of the {@link IoService} listens
     *                       to manage sessions.  If the service is an {@link IoAcceptor},
     *                       it is a bind address.  If the service is an {@link IoConnector},
     *                       it is a remote address.
     * @param handler the {@link IoHandler} that serves the new service
     * @param config  the {@link IoServiceConfig} of the new service
    void serviceActivated(IoService service, SocketAddress serviceAddress,
            IoHandler handler, IoServiceConfig config);

     * Invoked when a service is deactivated by an {@link IoService}.
     * Service失效是调用
     * @param service the {@link IoService}
     * @param serviceAddress the socket address of the {@link IoService} listens
     *                       to manage sessions.  If the service is an {@link IoAcceptor},
     *                       it is a bind address.  If the service is an {@link IoConnector},
     *                       it is a remote address.
     * @param handler the {@link IoHandler} that serves the service
     * @param config  the {@link IoServiceConfig} of the service
    void serviceDeactivated(IoService service, SocketAddress serviceAddress,
            IoHandler handler, IoServiceConfig config);

     * Invoked when a new session is created by an {@link IoService}.
     * Service创建会话时调用
     * @param session the new session
    void sessionCreated(IoSession session);

     * Invoked when a session is being destroyed by an {@link IoService}.
     * 当会话被Service销毁时调用
     * @param session the session to be destroyed
    void sessionDestroyed(IoSession session);

public class IoServiceStatistics
    private AbstractIoService service;
    private double readBytesThroughput;
    private double writtenBytesThroughput;
    private double readMessagesThroughput;
    private double writtenMessagesThroughput;
    private double largestReadBytesThroughput;
    private double largestWrittenBytesThroughput;
    private double largestReadMessagesThroughput;
    private double largestWrittenMessagesThroughput;
    private long readBytes;
    private long writtenBytes;
    private long readMessages;
    private long writtenMessages;
    private long lastReadTime;
    private long lastWriteTime;
    private long lastReadBytes;
    private long lastWrittenBytes;
    private long lastReadMessages;
    private long lastWrittenMessages;
    private long lastThroughputCalculationTime;
    private int scheduledWriteBytes;
    private int scheduledWriteMessages;
    private final AtomicInteger throughputCalculationInterval = new AtomicInteger(3);
    private final Lock throughputCalculationLock = new ReentrantLock();

public interface IoSessionDataStructureFactory
    public abstract IoSessionAttributeMap getAttributeMap(IoSession iosession)
        throws Exception;
    public abstract WriteRequestQueue getWriteRequestQueue(IoSession iosession)
        throws Exception;

public class IoServiceListenerSupport
    private final IoService service;
    private final List listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList();//Service监听器
    private final ConcurrentMap managedSessions = new ConcurrentHashMap();//service管理会话Map
    private final Map readOnlyManagedSessions;
    private final AtomicBoolean activated = new AtomicBoolean();
    private volatile long activationTime;
    private volatile int largestManagedSessionCount;
    private AtomicLong cumulativeManagedSessionCount;

public class DefaultExceptionMonitor extends ExceptionMonitor
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(org/apache/mina/util/DefaultExceptionMonitor);
    public DefaultExceptionMonitor()
    public void exceptionCaught(Throwable cause)
        if(cause instanceof Error)
            throw (Error)cause;
        } else
            LOGGER.warn("Unexpected exception.", cause);

public abstract class ExceptionMonitor
    private static ExceptionMonitor instance = new DefaultExceptionMonitor();
    public ExceptionMonitor()
    public static ExceptionMonitor getInstance()
        return instance;
    public static void setInstance(ExceptionMonitor monitor)
        if(monitor == null)
            monitor = new DefaultExceptionMonitor();
        instance = monitor;
    public abstract void exceptionCaught(Throwable throwable);
