
function CronExpressionValidator() {

CronExpressionValidator.validateCronExpression = function(value) {
	var results = true;
	if (value == null || value.length == 0) {
		return false;

	// split and test length
	var expressionArray = value.split(" ");
	var len = expressionArray.length;

	if ((len != 6) && (len != 7)) {
		return false;

	// check only one question mark
	var match = value.match(/\?/g);
	if (match != null && match.length > 1) {
		return false;

	// check only one question mark
	var dayOfTheMonthWildcard = "";

	// if appropriate length test parts
	// [0] Seconds 0-59 , - * /
	if (CronExpressionValidator.isNotWildCard(expressionArray[0], /[\*]/gi)) {
		if (!CronExpressionValidator.segmentValidator("([0-9\\\\,-\\/])",
				expressionArray[0], [0, 59], "seconds")) {
			return false;

	// [1] Minutes 0-59 , - * /
	if (CronExpressionValidator.isNotWildCard(expressionArray[1], /[\*]/gi)) {
		if (!CronExpressionValidator.segmentValidator("([0-9\\\\,-\\/])",
				expressionArray[1], [0, 59], "minutes")) {
			return false;

	// [2] Hours 0-23 , - * /
	if (CronExpressionValidator.isNotWildCard(expressionArray[2], /[\*]/gi)) {
		if (!CronExpressionValidator.segmentValidator("([0-9\\\\,-\\/])",
				expressionArray[2], [0, 23], "hours")) {
			return false;

	// [3] Day of month 1-31 , - * ? / L W C
	if (CronExpressionValidator.isNotWildCard(expressionArray[3], /[\*\?]/gi)) {
		if (!CronExpressionValidator.segmentValidator("([0-9LWC\\\\,-\\/])",
				expressionArray[3], [1, 31], "days of the month")) {
			return false;
	} else {
		dayOfTheMonthWildcard = expressionArray[3];

	// [4] Month 1-12 or JAN-DEC , - * /
	if (CronExpressionValidator.isNotWildCard(expressionArray[4], /[\*]/gi)) {
		expressionArray[4] = CronExpressionValidator
		if (!CronExpressionValidator.segmentValidator("([0-9\\\\,-\\/])",
				expressionArray[4], [1, 12], "months")) {
			return false;

	// [5] Day of week 1-7 or SUN-SAT , - * ? / L C #
	if (CronExpressionValidator.isNotWildCard(expressionArray[5], /[\*\?]/gi)) {
		expressionArray[5] = CronExpressionValidator
		if (!CronExpressionValidator.segmentValidator("([0-9LC#\\\\,-\\/])",
				expressionArray[5], [1, 7], "days of the week")) {
			return false;
	} else {
		if (dayOfTheMonthWildcard == String(expressionArray[5])) {
			// results.push(new ValidationResult(true, baseField, "wrongFormat",
			// validator.wrongFormatError));
			return false;

	// [6] Year empty or 1970-2099 , - * /
	if (len == 7) {
		if (CronExpressionValidator.isNotWildCard(expressionArray[6], /[\*]/gi)) {
			if (!CronExpressionValidator.segmentValidator("([0-9\\\\,-\\/])",
					expressionArray[6], [1970, 2099], "years")) {
				return false;
	return true;

// ----------------------------------
// isNotWildcard 静态方法;
// ----------------------------------
CronExpressionValidator.isNotWildCard = function(value, expression) {
	var match = value.match(expression);
	return (match == null || match.length == 0) ? true : false;

// ----------------------------------
// convertDays 静态方法;
// ----------------------------------
CronExpressionValidator.convertDaysToInteger = function(value) {
	var v = value;
	v = v.replace(/SUN/gi, "1");
	v = v.replace(/MON/gi, "2");
	v = v.replace(/TUE/gi, "3");
	v = v.replace(/WED/gi, "4");
	v = v.replace(/THU/gi, "5");
	v = v.replace(/FRI/gi, "6");
	v = v.replace(/SAT/gi, "7");
	return v;

CronExpressionValidator.convertMonthsToInteger = function(value) {
	var v = value;
	v = v.replace(/JAN/gi, "1");
	v = v.replace(/FEB/gi, "2");
	v = v.replace(/MAR/gi, "3");
	v = v.replace(/APR/gi, "4");
	v = v.replace(/MAY/gi, "5");
	v = v.replace(/JUN/gi, "6");
	v = v.replace(/JUL/gi, "7");
	v = v.replace(/AUG/gi, "8");
	v = v.replace(/SEP/gi, "9");
	v = v.replace(/OCT/gi, "10");
	v = v.replace(/NOV/gi, "11");
	v = v.replace(/DEC/gi, "12");
	return v;

// ----------------------------------
// segmentValidator 静态方法;
// ----------------------------------
CronExpressionValidator.segmentValidator = function(expression, value, range,
		segmentName) {
	var v = value;
	var numbers = new Array();

	// first, check for any improper segments
	var reg = new RegExp(expression, "gi");
	if (!reg.test(v)) {
		//alert("reg[" + expression + "] " + v + " is not valid expression!");
		return false;

	// check duplicate types
	// check only one L
	var dupMatch = value.match(/L/gi);
	if (dupMatch != null && dupMatch.length > 1) {
		return false;

	// look through the segments
	// break up segments on ','
	// check for special cases L,W,C,/,#,-
	var split = v.split(",");
	var i = -1;
	var l = split.length;
	var match;

	while (++i < l) {
		// set vars
		var checkSegment = split[i];
		var n;
		var pattern = /(\w*)/;
		match = pattern.exec(checkSegment);

		// if just number
		pattern = /(\w*)\-?\d+(\w*)/;
		match = pattern.exec(checkSegment);

		if (match
				&& match[0] == checkSegment
				&& checkSegment.indexOf("L") == -1
				&& checkSegment.indexOf("l") == -1
				&& checkSegment.indexOf("C") == -1
				&& checkSegment.indexOf("c") == -1
				&& checkSegment.indexOf("W") == -1
				&& checkSegment.indexOf("w") == -1
				&& checkSegment.indexOf("/") == -1
				&& (checkSegment.indexOf("-") == -1 || checkSegment
						.indexOf("-") == 0) && checkSegment.indexOf("#") == -1) {
			n = match[0];

			if (n && !(isNaN(n)))
			else if (match[0] == "0")
// includes L, C, or w
		pattern = /(\w*)L|C|W(\w*)/i;
		match = pattern.exec(checkSegment);

		if (match
				&& match[0] != ""
				&& (checkSegment.indexOf("L") > -1
						|| checkSegment.indexOf("l") > -1
						|| checkSegment.indexOf("C") > -1
						|| checkSegment.indexOf("c") > -1
						|| checkSegment.indexOf("W") > -1 || checkSegment
						.indexOf("w") > -1)) {

			// check just l or L
			if (checkSegment == "L" || checkSegment == "l")
			pattern = /(\w*)\d+(l|c|w)?(\w*)/i;
			match = pattern.exec(checkSegment);

			// if something before or after
			if (!match || match[0] != checkSegment) {
				// results.push(new ValidationResult(true, null, "noMatch", "The
				// " + segmentName + " segment is invalid."));

			// get the number
			var numCheck = match[0];
			numCheck = numCheck.replace(/(l|c|w)/ig, "");

			n = Number(numCheck);

			if (n && !(isNaN(n)))
			else if (match[0] == "0")

		var numberSplit;

		// includes /
		if (checkSegment.indexOf("/") > -1) {
			// take first #
			numberSplit = checkSegment.split("/");

			if (numberSplit.length != 2) {
				// results.push(new ValidationResult(true, null, "noMatch", "The
				// " + segmentName + " segment is invalid."));
			} else {
				n = numberSplit[0];

				if (n && !(isNaN(n)))
				else if (numberSplit[0] == "0")

		// includes #
		if (checkSegment.indexOf("#") > -1) {
			// take first #
			numberSplit = checkSegment.split("#");

			if (numberSplit.length != 2) {
				// results.push(new ValidationResult(true, null, "noMatch", "The
				// " + segmentName + " segment is invalid."));
			} else {
				n = numberSplit[0];

				if (n && !(isNaN(n)))
				else if (numberSplit[0] == "0")

// includes -
		if (checkSegment.indexOf("-") > 0) {
			// take both #
			numberSplit = checkSegment.split("-");

			if (numberSplit.length != 2) {
				// results.push(new ValidationResult(true, null, "noMatch", "The
				// " + segmentName + " segment is invalid."));
			} else if (Number(numberSplit[0]) > Number(numberSplit[1])) {
				// results.push(new ValidationResult(true, null, "noMatch", "The
				// " + segmentName + " segment is invalid."));
			} else {
				n = numberSplit[0];

				if (n && !(isNaN(n)))
				else if (numberSplit[0] == "0")
				n = numberSplit[1];

				if (n && !(isNaN(n)))
				else if (numberSplit[1] == "0")

	// lastly, check that all the found numbers are in range
	i = -1;
	l = numbers.length;

	if (l == 0)
		return false;

	while (++i < l) {
		// alert(numbers[i]);
		if (numbers[i] < range[0] || numbers[i] > range[1]) {
			//alert(numbers[i] + ' is not in the range [' + range[0] + ", "
			//		+ range[1] + "]");
			return false;
	return true;

function cronValidate(cronExpression) {
	return CronExpressionValidator.validateCronExpression(cronExpression);
