Quartus II的常见错误分析

quartus ii Error: Top-level design entity "XXX" is undefined


菜单Assignments -> Settings...

打开后点击第一个General选项里,在Top-level entity标签指示下的编辑框里输入你的VHDL文本里的实体名字就OK了。例如:

entity mux2 is



 a, b, en : in bit;

 c : out bit


end mux2;

那么实体名字就是 mux2,你填这个进去就可以了。


Error (10110): Verilog HDL error at XXXXXX.v(19): variable"XXX" has mixed blocking and nonblocking Procedural Assignments --must be all blocking or all nonblocking assignments



Error: Can't compile duplicate declarationsof entity "LED" into library "work"

  Error:Instance could be entity "LED" in file LED.bdf

  Error:Instance could be entity "LED" in file LED.v


注意:同一个文件名只能代表一个模块,即 *.v文件和 *.bdf文件等不同扩展名的文件只能代表同一个模块,如果建立了其中一个改扩展名的文件就不能建立统一名称的其他扩展名的文件。


Error: Can't continue timing simulation because delay annotationinformation for design is missing


解决办法:ACTION:Successfully run the Timing Analyzer or Fitterbefore running timing simulation.即时序仿真之前先编译工程。

Warning (10230): Verilog HDL assignment warning at lcd1602.v(211): truncated value with size 32 to match size of target (6)

因为没有指定位宽,所以系统提示默认为32位所以你将out <= out + 1 改为out <= out + 1'b1 就可以了。

Warning: Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND


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