'use strict';
const chain = require('ramda/src/chain');
const toReactComponent = require('jsonml-to-react-component');
const exist = require('exist.js');
const NotFound = require('{{ themePath }}/template/NotFound');
//replace dynamic param with truely passed param value
function calcPropsPath(dataPath, params) {
return Object.keys(params).reduce(
(path, param) => path.replace(`:${param}`, params[param]),
//Some dynamic parameter injected
function hasParams(dataPath) {
return dataPath.split('/').some((snippet) => snippet.startsWith(':'));
//Do nothing
function defaultCollect(nextProps, callback) {
callback(null, nextProps);
/* We receive something like this: var Promise = require('bluebird'); module.exports = { markdown: { 'posts\demo2': require('C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/mdw/posts/demo2.md'), 'posts\demos\demo1': require('C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/mdw/posts/demos/demo1.md'), }, plugins: [ ], picked: {}, }; */
module.exports = function getRoutes(data) {
const plugins = data.plugins;
//All 'browser' module
const converters = chain((plugin) => plugin.converters || [], plugins);
//converters is for jsonml converter in `browser` mode
const utils = {
get: exist.get,
toReactComponent(jsonml) {
return toReactComponent(jsonml, converters);
//utils`s method toReactComponent is for converting jsonml to react component
plugins.map((plugin) => plugin.utils || {})
.forEach((u) => Object.assign(utils, u));
//plugins`s personal util function is also assiged to final utils object
//@template is path of component while dataPath is `path` parameter
function templateWrapper(template, dataPath = '') {
//template is ususally ./template/NotFound
const Template = require('{{ themePath }}/template' + template.replace(/^\.\/template/, ''));
//We get final path of component
return (nextState, callback) => {
const propsPath = calcPropsPath(dataPath, nextState.params);
//replace dynamic parameter of url, such as `path: 'docs/pattern/:children'`
const pageData = exist.get(data.markdown, propsPath.replace(/^\//, '').split('/'));
//Urls are mapped to component instantiation
const collect = Template.collect || defaultCollect;
//We firstly invoke our template`s collect function, passed value are combined with nextState
//and previous object with data, picked ,pageData,utils contained
collect(Object.assign({}, nextState, {
data: data.markdown,
picked: data.picked,
//page data is for special html page based on url
}), (err, nextProps) => {
const Comp = (hasParams(dataPath) || pageData) && err !== 404 ?
Template.default || Template : NotFound.default || NotFound;
//ES6 based component, we need to import .default while module.exports do not need to
const dynamicPropsKey = nextState.location.pathname;
//we get pathname
Comp[dynamicPropsKey] = nextProps;
//In create-element.js, we do that. <Component {...props} {...Component[dynamicPropsKey]} />
//something as bellow
/* <ReactRouter.Router history={ReactRouter.useRouterHistory(history.createHistory)({ basename })} routes={routes} createElement={createElement}//that is createElement Function />; module.exports = function createElement(Component, props) { const dynamicPropsKey = props.location.pathname; return <Component {...props} {...Component[dynamicPropsKey]} />; }; */
callback(err === 404 ? null : err, Comp);
//callback of react-router natively
const theme = require('{{ themePath }}');
// We get index file from themePath which is configured as core part of react-router
const routes = Array.isArray(theme.routes) ? theme.routes : [theme.routes];
//Get router part of react-router, routes part ususally configured as follows:
/* routes: { path: '/', component: './template/Layout/index', indexRoute: { component: homeTmpl }, childRoutes: [{ path: 'index-cn', component: homeTmpl, }], */
function processRoutes(route) {
if (Array.isArray(route)) {
//map is used to manipulate some object
return route.map(processRoutes);
return Object.assign({}, route, {
onEnter: () => {
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
component: undefined,
//Same as component but asynchronous, useful for code-splitting.
getComponent: templateWrapper(route.component, route.dataPath || route.path),
//Get component file path and 'path' for url
indexRoute: route.indexRoute && Object.assign({}, route.indexRoute, {
component: undefined,
getComponent: templateWrapper(
route.indexRoute.dataPath || route.indexRoute.path
childRoutes: route.childRoutes && route.childRoutes.map(processRoutes),
const processedRoutes = processRoutes(routes);
//Here , We process Routes configuration
path: '*',
getComponents: templateWrapper('./template/NotFound'),
//Here is default router!
return processedRoutes;
function processRoutes(route) {
if (Array.isArray(route)) {
//map is used to manipulate some object
return route.map(processRoutes);
return Object.assign({}, route, {
onEnter: () => {
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
component: undefined,
//Same as component but asynchronous, useful for code-splitting.
getComponent: templateWrapper(route.component, route.dataPath || route.path),
//Get component file path and 'path' for url
indexRoute: route.indexRoute && Object.assign({}, route.indexRoute, {
component: undefined,
getComponent: templateWrapper(
route.indexRoute.dataPath || route.indexRoute.path
childRoutes: route.childRoutes && route.childRoutes.map(processRoutes),
path: '*',
getComponents: templateWrapper('./template/NotFound'),
ReactRouter.match({ routes, location, basename }, () => {
const router =
<ReactRouter.Router history={ReactRouter.useRouterHistory(history.createHistory)({ basename })} routes={routes} createElement={createElement} />;
module.exports = function createElement(Component, props) {
const dynamicPropsKey = props.location.pathname;
return <Component {...props} {...Component[dynamicPropsKey]} />;
const Comp = (hasParams(dataPath) || pageData) && err !== 404 ?
Template.default || Template : NotFound.default || NotFound;
//ES6 based component, we need to import .default while module.exports do not need to
const dynamicPropsKey = nextState.location.pathname;
//we get pathname
Comp[dynamicPropsKey] = nextProps;
const Comp = (hasParams(dataPath) || pageData) && err !== 404 ?
Template.default || Template : NotFound.default || NotFound;
function templateWrapper(template, dataPath = '') {
//template is ususally ./template/NotFound
const Template = require('{{ themePath }}/template' + template.replace(/^\.\/template/, ''));
//We get final path of component
return (nextState, callback) => {
const propsPath = calcPropsPath(dataPath, nextState.params);
//replace dynamic parameter of url, such as `path: 'docs/pattern/:children'`
const pageData = exist.get(data.markdown, propsPath.replace(/^\//, '').split('/'));
//Urls are mapped to component instantiation
const collect = Template.collect || defaultCollect;
//We firstly invoke our template`s collect function, passed value are combined with nextState
//and previous object with data, picked ,pageData,utils contained
collect(Object.assign({}, nextState, {
data: data.markdown,
picked: data.picked,
//page data is for special html page based on url
}), (err, nextProps) => {
const Comp = (hasParams(dataPath) || pageData) && err !== 404 ?
Template.default || Template : NotFound.default || NotFound;
//ES6 based component, we need to import .default while module.exports do not need to
const dynamicPropsKey = nextState.location.pathname;
//we get pathname
Comp[dynamicPropsKey] = nextProps;
//In create-element.js, we do that. <Component {...props} {...Component[dynamicPropsKey]} />
//something as bellow
/* <ReactRouter.Router history={ReactRouter.useRouterHistory(history.createHistory)({ basename })} routes={routes} createElement={createElement}//that is createElement Function />; module.exports = function createElement(Component, props) { const dynamicPropsKey = props.location.pathname; return <Component {...props} {...Component[dynamicPropsKey]} />; }; */
callback(err === 404 ? null : err, Comp);
//callback of react-router natively