SELECT * FROM opm_menufolder t START WITH t.parentid is null
CONNECT BY PRIOR t.id = t.parentid ORDER SIBLINGS BY t.parentid
connect by 是一张表里的递归。
union all 上下合并(join是左右合并),如果是多张表在的树形结构可以先用union查出一个上下合并的结果,然后基于这个结果集(看成一张表)
union all 下面的总是子节点
ORDER SIBLINGS BY parentid 完全按树形排序
ORDER BY parentid 分类排序
select * from
/*select '权限树' name,'0' id,'-1' parentid from dual */
select t.name name,t.id id,t.parentid parentid from opm_menufolder t
union all select o.name name,o.id id,o.menufolderid from opm_menuitem o
start with parentid is null connect by prior id=parentid
select * from
/*select '权限树' name,'0' id,'-1' parentid from dual */
select t.name name,t.id id,t.parentid parentid from opm_menufolder t
union all select o.name name,o.id id,o.menufolderid from opm_menuitem o
start with parentid is null connect by prior id=parentid ORDER SIBLINGS BY parentid
A:select * from
/*select '权限树' name,'0' id,'-1' parentid from dual */
select t.name name,t.id id,t.parentid parentid from opm_menufolder t
union all select o.name name,o.id id,o.menufolderid from opm_menuitem o
union all select l.name name,l.id id,l.menuitemid from opm_menuitemlimit l
start with parentid is null connect by prior id=parentid ORDER SIBLINGS BY parentid
另一种:这种数据条数不一致,没有connect by 的 中间断层的也会查出来,(比如opm_menuitemlimit(按钮数据)中有按钮,也挂在了一个opm_menuitem(页面数据)中的页面下,
所以如果要在with as中用递归的话用块中自调的方法(如1,2),否则还是只用于查询块(3中数据多于A的数据就是因为把断层数据算进去)
1 with CTE(id) AS(
SELECT t.ID id FROM opm_menufolder t where t.id=100000/*//查询出当前省的ID*/
union all /*//显示当前级别以下的所有有关的数据*/
select opm_menufolder.ID id from CTE /*//查找出属于当前省的市,以及县的ID*/
inner join opm_menufolder on CTE.id=opm_menufolder.parentid/*//递归查询*/
) select * from CTE
2 with CTE(id,name) AS(
SELECT t.ID id,t.name name FROM opm_menufolder t where t.parentid is null/*//查询出当前省的ID*/
union all /*//显示当前级别以下的所有有关的数据*/
select opm_menufolder.ID id ,opm_menufolder.name name from CTE /*//查找出属于当前省的市,以及县的ID*/
inner join opm_menufolder on CTE.id=opm_menufolder.parentid/*//递归查询*/
) select * from CTE
3,with CTE(id,name,parentid) AS(
select t.name name,t.id id,t.parentid parentid from opm_menufolder t
union all select o.name name,o.id id,o.menufolderid from opm_menuitem o
union all select l.name name,l.id id,l.menuitemid from opm_menuitemlimit l
) select * from CTE ORDER BY parentid
select t.name name,t.id id,t.parentid parentid from opm_menufolder t (这个和上面的一样,此时的with as 只是查询块)
union all select o.name name,o.id id,o.menufolderid parentid from opm_menuitem o
union all select l.name name,l.id id,l.menuitemid parentid from opm_menuitemlimit l ORDER BY parentid
注意:with 函数前后要加;