opencv 3.0将 Mat 向 CvMat CvMatND IplImage 的转化,都去除了
// //! converts header to CvMat; no data is copied // operator CvMat() const; // //! converts header to CvMatND; no data is copied // operator CvMatND() const; // //! converts header to IplImage; no data is copied // operator IplImage() const;
详见mat.hpp 的 line 798 - 803
关于 *buf -> Mat 转换
我们不禁想问,那如何实现从 缓存到矩阵的转换呢?
因为在mat.hpp 的 line 661 - 664
//! constructor for matrix headers pointing to user-allocated data Mat(int rows, int cols, int type, void* data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP); Mat(Size size, int type, void* data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP); Mat(int ndims, const int* sizes, int type, void* data, const size_t* steps=0);
注意:Mat只是数据头的记录,若要硬拷贝 需要使用clone()。
void MatTest() { const char *imagename = "E:/1.jpg"; uchar *buf, *src; Mat img = imread(imagename); buf = new uchar[*img.elemSize()]; src =; //产生一个buffer,包含图像信息 for (int i=0; i< img.cols; i++ ) { for (int j=0;j< img.rows; j++) { buf[3*(img.cols*j + i)] = src[3*(img.cols*j + i)]; buf[3*(img.cols*j + i)+1] = src[3*(img.cols*j + i)+1]; buf[3*(img.cols*j + i)+2] = src[3*(img.cols*j + i)+2]; } } //对buffer软拷贝 Mat ans1(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC3, buf); //对buffer硬拷贝 Mat ans2 = Mat(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC3, buf).clone(); imshow("image", img); //显示图像 imshow("ans1", ans1); imshow("ans2", ans2); waitKey(); }