private void postEvent(AWTEvent theEvent, int priority) { Object source = theEvent.getSource(); if (coalesceEvent(theEvent, priority)) { return; } EventQueueItem newItem = new EventQueueItem(theEvent); cacheEQItem(newItem); boolean notifyID = (theEvent.getID() == this.waitForID); if (queues[priority].head == null) { boolean shouldNotify = noEvents(); queues[priority].head = queues[priority].tail = newItem; if (shouldNotify) { if (theEvent.getSource() != AWTAutoShutdown.getInstance()) { AWTAutoShutdown.getInstance().notifyThreadBusy(dispatchThread); } notifyAll(); } else if (notifyID) { notifyAll(); } } else { // The event was not coalesced or has non-Component source. // Insert it at the end of the appropriate Queue. queues[priority] = newItem; queues[priority].tail = newItem; if (notifyID) { notifyAll(); } }