



WINX的KMP字符串查找(匹配)算法总体来说用法很简单,唯一需要注意的是,和一般的匹配算法不同,WINX匹配成功后,目标文本中当前位置(position)指向的是被匹配串的末尾,而不是开始。例如,C库的strstr("1234abcdefg", "abc"),返回的结果是指向"abcdefg"中的'a'。而WINX的KMP算法返回的是"defg"中的'd'。

Java SDK的String类中的indexOf方法没有使用KMP搜索,基本上算是最简单的搜索:

view sourceprint?01 /** 

02  * Code shared by String and StringBuffer to do searches. The source is the 

03  * character array being searched, and the target is the string being 

04  * searched for. 

05  *  

06  * @param source 

07  *            the characters being searched. 

08  * @param sourceOffset 

09  *            offset of the source string. 

10  * @param sourceCount 

11  *            count of the source string. 

12  * @param target 

13  *            the characters being searched for. 

14  * @param targetOffset 

15  *            offset of the target string. 

16  * @param targetCount 

17  *            count of the target string. 

18  * @param fromIndex 

19  *            the index to begin searching from. 

20  */

21 static int indexOf(char[] source, int sourceOffset, int sourceCount, 

22         char[] target, int targetOffset, int targetCount, int fromIndex) { 

23     // if start from a position that is beyond the source string 

24     if (fromIndex >= sourceCount) { 

25         // return the string length if target string is empty, otherwise, 

26         // return -1 which means match fails 

27         return (targetCount == 0 ? sourceCount : -1); 

28     } 

29     // correct the fromIndex 

30     if (fromIndex < 0) { 

31         fromIndex = 0; 

32     } 

33     // if target string is empty, return fromIndex 

34     if (targetCount == 0) { 

35         return fromIndex; 

36     } 

37     // first char to match 

38     char first = target[targetOffset]; 

39     /* 

40      * a little optimize. let's say the source string length is 9 and the 

41      * target String length is 7. Then starting from 3 (index is 2) of 

42      * source string is the last change to match the whole target sting. 

43      * Otherwise, there are only 6 characters in source string and it would 

44      * definitely not going to match the target string whose length is 7. 

45      */ 

46     int max = sourceOffset + (sourceCount - targetCount); 

47     // loop from the first to the max 

48     for (int i = sourceOffset + fromIndex; i <= max; i++) { 

49         /* Look for first character. */ 

50         if (source[i] != first) { 

51             // using i <= max, not i < max 

52             while (++i <= max && source[i] != first) 

53                 ; 

54         } 

55         /* Found first character, now look at the rest of v2 */ 

56         if (i <= max) { 

57             int j = i + 1; 

58             int end = j + targetCount - 1; 

59             // using j < end, not j <= end 

60             for (int k = targetOffset + 1; j < end 

61                     && source[j] == target[k]; j++, k++) 

62                 ; 

63             if (j == end) { 

64                 /* Found whole string. */

65                 return i - sourceOffset; 

66             } 

67             // if match fails, i++ and loop again, there are to iterators 

68             // for two loops. i and j. 

69         } 

70     } 

71     return -1; 

72 }

这是Java String中的搜索算法,对于原字符串使用了两个指针来进行搜索。但是实质上来讲,这个算法还是有回溯的,可以看出来,每次搜索的时候,j都会搜索到一个大于i的位置,而如果搜索失败,则下次搜索将是从i++开始,这就是回溯了。





view sourceprint?1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 

2 a b a b a b c 

3 a b a b c 

4         ^


使用S代表源字符串,T代表目标字符串,S[n]和T[m]失配(注意,因为失配了,这时候S[n]是什么是不知道的)。对于源字符串已知的只有S[n-m+1]到S[n-1]这m-1个字符。假设能够找到这样一个k,使得S[n-k]...S[n-1]=T[0]....T[k-1] (0<k<m),那么就只需要保持S不回溯,让T回溯到K,然后继续匹配就好了。而如果能够找到一个最大的K值,那么效率则是最高的。


view sourceprint?1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 

2 a b a b a b c 

3     a b a b c 

4         ^





view sourceprint?01 /** 

02      * each value of array rollback means: when source[i] mismatch pattern[i], 

03      * KMP will restart match process form rollback[j] of pattern with 

04      * source[i]. And if rollback[i] == -1, it means the current source[i] will 

05      * never match pattern. then i should be added by 1 and j should be set to 

06      * 0, which means restart match process from source[i+1] with pattern from 

07      * pattern[0]. 

08      *  

09      * @param pattern 

10      * @return 

11      */

12     private static int[] getRollbackArray(char[] pattern) { 

13         int[] rollback = new int[pattern.length]; 

14         for (int i = 0; i < pattern.length; i++) { 

15             rollback[i] = 0; 

16         } 

17         rollback[0] = -1; 

18         for (int i = 1; i < rollback.length; i++) { 

19             char prevChar = pattern[i - 1]; 

20             int prevRollback = i - 1; 

21             while (prevRollback >= 0) { 

22                 int previousRollBackIdx = rollback[prevRollback]; 

23                 if ((previousRollBackIdx == -1) 

24                         || (prevChar == pattern[previousRollBackIdx])) { 

25                     rollback[i] = previousRollBackIdx + 1; 

26                     break; 

27                 } else { 

28                     prevRollback = rollback[prevRollback]; 

29                 } 

30             } 

31         } 

32         return rollback; 

33     }


view sourceprint?01 /** 

02      * search pattern chars in source chars. 

03      *  

04      * @param source 

05      * @param pattern 

06      * @return 

07      */

08     public static int searchKMP(char[] source, char[] pattern) { 

09         // validation 

10         if (source == null || source.length == 0 || pattern == null

11                 || pattern.length == 0) { 

12             return -1; 

13         } 


15         // get the rollback array. 

16         int[] rollback = getRollbackArray(pattern); 


18         // incremental index of pattern. pointing the char to compare with. 

19         int currMatch = 0; 

20         int len = pattern.length; 

21         // i point the char to compare with 

22         for (int i = 0; i < source.length;) { 

23             // if current char match 

24             if ((currMatch == -1) || (source[i] == pattern[currMatch])) { 

25                 /* 

26                  * then each of the indexes adding by one, moving to the next 

27                  * char for comparation. notice that if currMatch is -1, it 

28                  * means the first char in pattern can not be matched. so i add 

29                  * by one to move on. and currMatch add by one so its value is 

30                  * 0. 

31                  */ 

32                 i++; 

33                 currMatch++; 

34                 /* 

35                  * if reaches the end of pattern, then match success, return the 

36                  * index of first matched char. 

37                  */ 

38                 if (currMatch == len) { 

39                     return i - len; 

40                 } 

41             } else { 

42                 /* 

43                  * if current char mismatch, then rollback the next char to 

44                  * compare in pattern. 

45                  */

46                 currMatch = rollback[currMatch]; 

47             } 

48         } 

49         return -1; 

50     }


view sourceprint?01 @Test

02 public void testRollBackArray() { 

03     int[] expectedRollback = new int[] { -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 

04             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; 

05     int[] rollback = getRollbackArray("PARTICIPATE IN PARACHUTE"

06             .toCharArray()); 

07     Assert.assertArrayEquals("Rollback array compare failed to match!", 

08             expectedRollback, rollback); 

09 } 

10 @Test

11 public void testKMPSearchMatch() { 

12     int matchIndex = searchKMP( 

13             "aaaaaababacbaslierjalsdzmflkasjf".toCharArray(), 

14             "ababacb".toCharArray()); 

15     Assert.assertEquals(5, matchIndex); 

16     matchIndex = searchKMP( 

17             "aaaaaababacbaslierjalsdzmflkasjf".toCharArray(), 

18             "aaaaaababacbaslierjalsdzmflkasjf".toCharArray()); 

19     Assert.assertEquals(0, matchIndex); 

20 } 

21 @Test

22 public void testKMPSearchNoMatch() { 

23     int matchIndex = searchKMP("ABCABCDABABCDABCDABDE".toCharArray(), 

24             "hjABCDABD".toCharArray()); 

25     Assert.assertEquals(-1, matchIndex); 

26 }


