JavaScript Prototype基础

The prototype Property
prototype property that refers to a predefined prototype object


Classes, Constructors, and Prototypes
JavaScript does not support true classes the way that languages like Java, C++, and C# do.


在JavaScript the Good Parts一书中,Douglas Crockford这样描述:
It is Lisp in C's Clothing


var array = new Array(10);
var today = new Date( );

// Define the constructor.
// Note how it initializes the object referred to by "this".
function Rectangle(w, h) {
    this.width = w;
    this.height = h;
    // Note: no return statement here

// Invoke the constructor to create two Rectangle objects.
// We pass the width and height to the constructor
// so that it can initialize each new object appropriately.
var rect1 = new Rectangle(2, 4);    // rect1 = { width:2, height:4 };
var rect2 = new Rectangle(8.5, 11); // rect2 = { width:8.5, height:11 };


// Create a Rectangle object
var r = new Rectangle(8.5, 11);
// Add a method to it
r.area = function( ) { return this.width * this.height; }
// Now invoke the method to compute the area
var a = r.area( );

function Rectangle(w, h) {
    this.width = w;
    this.height = h;
    this.area = function( ) { return this.width * this.height; }

It is inefficient to use regular properties for methods that are intended to be shared by all objects of the same class (that is, all objects created with the same constructor).



a JavaScript object inherits properties from its prototype.

After creating the empty object, new sets the prototype of that object.
The prototype of an object is the value of the prototype property of its constructor function.

All functions have a prototype property that is automatically created and initialized when the function is defined.
The initial value of the prototype property is an object with a single property. This property is named constructor and refers back to the constructor function with which the prototype is associated.




// The constructor function initializes those properties that
// will be different for each instance.
function Rectangle(w, h) {
    this.width = w;
    this.height = h;

// The prototype object holds methods and other properties that
// should be shared by each instance.
Rectangle.prototype.area = function( ) { return this.width * this.height; }


The prototype object is associated with the constructor, and each object initialized by the constructor inherits exactly the same set of properties from the prototype. This means that the prototype object is an ideal place for methods and other constant properties.



Inherited properties behave just like regular properties of an object. They are enumerated by the for/in loop and can be tested with the in operator.


var r = new Rectangle(2, 3);
r.hasOwnProperty("width");   // true: width is a direct property of r
r.hasOwnProperty("area");    // false: area is an inherited property of r
"area" in r;                 // true: "area" is a property of r

Therefore, property inheritance occurs only when you read property values, not when you write them. If you set the property p in an object o that inherits that property from its prototype, what happens is that you create a new property p directly in o. Now that o has its own property named p, it no longer inherits the value of p from its prototype. 


Extending Built-in Types

// Returns true if the last character is c
String.prototype.endsWith = function(c) {
    return (c == this.charAt(this.length-1))

var message = "hello world";
message.endsWith('h')  // Returns false
message.endsWith('d')  // Returns true


There is a strong argument against extending built-in types with your own methods; if you do so, you are essentially creating your own custom version of the core JavaScript API. Any other programmers who have to read or maintain your code will likely find it confusing if your code includes methods they have never heard of.

Note that you must never add properties to Object.prototype.

The technique shown here for extending built-in object types is guaranteed to work only for core JavaScript "native objects

There is one case in which it is safe and useful to extend the prototype of a built-in native class: to add standard methods to a prototype when an old or incompatible JavaScript implementation lacks them.



// IE 4 & 5 don't implement Function.apply( ).
// This workaround is based on code by Aaron Boodman.
if (!Function.prototype.apply) {
    // Invoke this function as a method of the specified object,
    // passing the specified parameters.  We have to use eval( ) to do this
    Function.prototype.apply = function(object, parameters) {
        var f = this;                // The function to invoke
        var o = object || window;    // The object to invoke it on
        var args = parameters || []; // The arguments to pass

        // Temporarily make the function into a method of o
        // To do this we use a property name that is unlikely to exist
        o._$_apply_$_ = f;

        // We will use eval( ) to invoke the method. To do this we've got
        // to write the invocation as a string. First build the argument list.
        var stringArgs = [];
        for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
            stringArgs[i] = "args[" + i + "]";

        // Concatenate the argument strings into a comma-separated list.
        var arglist = stringArgs.join(",");

        // Now build the entire method call string
        var methodcall = "o._$_apply_$_(" + arglist + ");";

        // Use the eval( ) function to make the methodcall
        var result = eval(methodcall);

        // Unbind the function from the object
        delete o._$_apply_$_;

        // And return the result
        return result;
