Object Pool对象池化技术

Object Pool对象池化技术


This is my ObjectFactory using object pool:

import org.apache.commons.pool.KeyedPoolableObjectFactory;
import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool;
import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool.Config;

public class StateMachineFactory implements KeyedPoolableObjectFactory

    private static GenericKeyedObjectPool _objectPool = null;

    public Object makeObject(Object key) throws Exception
        ResumeableVendorOrderProcessor resumeableVendorOrderProcessor = null;
        Class aClass = null;

        if ((null != key))
                aClass = Class.forName("the process class name, you need change this", true, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
                resumeableVendorOrderProcessor = (ResumeableVendorOrderProcessor) aClass.newInstance();
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.error(this, "makeObject() exception:" + e);
        return (resumeableVendorOrderProcessor);

    public void destroyObject(Object key, Object object) throws Exception


    public boolean validateObject(Object key, Object object)
        return (true);

    public static ResumeableVendorOrderProcessor getNewInstance(Object key)
        Log.info(StateMachineFactory.class, "getNewInstance() - key: " + key);
        ResumeableVendorOrderProcessor resumeableVendorOrderProcessor = null;
        Class aClass = null;

        if ((null != key))
                aClass = Class.forName("the process class name, you need change this");
                resumeableVendorOrderProcessor = (ResumeableVendorOrderProcessor) aClass.newInstance();
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.error(StateMachineFactory.class, "getNewInstance() exception:" + e);
        return (resumeableVendorOrderProcessor);

    synchronized public static ResumeableVendorOrderProcessor getInstance(Object key)
        ResumeableVendorOrderProcessor resumeableVendorOrderProcessor = null;
        String vendorId = "";

            if (null == _objectPool)

            if ((null != key) && (null != _objectPool))
                vendorId = (String) key;
                if (vendorId != null && !"".equals(vendorId))
                    resumeableVendorOrderProcessor = (ResumeableVendorOrderProcessor) _objectPool.borrowObject(vendorId);
        catch (Throwable e)
            Log.error(StateMachineFactory.class, "makeObject() exception:" + e);
        return (resumeableVendorOrderProcessor);

    synchronized public static void returnInstance(Object key, ResumeableVendorOrderProcessor resumeableVendorOrderProcessor)
        String vendorId = null;

        if ((null != key) && (null != _objectPool))
                vendorId = (String) key;
                Log.info(StateMachineFactory.class, "returnInstance() - Returning " + key);
                _objectPool.returnObject(vendorId, resumeableVendorOrderProcessor);
            catch (Throwable aThrowable)

    synchronized public static void initObjectPool(boolean forceInit)
        Log.info(StateMachineFactory.class, "initObjectPool()");

        Config poolConfiguation = null;

        if ((null == _objectPool) || forceInit)
            _objectPool = new GenericKeyedObjectPool(new StateMachineFactory());
            poolConfiguation = getPoolConfiguration();

    private static Config getPoolConfiguration()
        Log.info(StateMachineFactory.class, "getPoolConfiguration()");

        Config poolConfiguration = new Config();
        // Per key
        poolConfiguration.maxActive = 25;
        // For entire pool
        poolConfiguration.maxTotal = 2500;
        return (poolConfiguration);

    public void activateObject(Object key, Object object) throws Exception
        Log.info(StateMachineFactory.class, "activeObject");

    public void passivateObject(Object key, Object object) throws Exception
        Log.info(StateMachineFactory.class, "passivateObject");


We can call getInstance and returnObject to use object in pool
Everytime you returnObject, you need confirm that the object is stateless, or you need to re-init them.
