Java heap space的解决办法

@Table(name = "SATPTT")
public class Satptt extends SimpleBaseEntity {

    public Satptt(String spttktn,String sptsalt,String sptprfx,String sptform,String sptbthn,String sptstan,String sptdsrc
                  ,Double sptcobl,String sptdais,String sptscur,String sptagtd,String sptbdte,String sptcrdt,String sptcrid){
    public Satptt() {

    /**  */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 630081106881143474L;

    @Column(name = "SPTPRFX", nullable = false, length = 4)
    private String sptprfx;// AIRLINE CODE航空公司四字代码(Airline Prefix)

    @Column(name = "SPTFORM", nullable = false, length = 3)
    private String sptform;// 票证类型(Form Type)

    @Column(name = "SPTTKTN", nullable = false, length = 8)
    private String spttktn;// TICKET NO

    @Column(name = "SPTBTHN", nullable = false, length = 19)
    private String sptbthn;// BATCH NO

    @Column(name = "SPTAGTD", nullable = false, length = 8)
    private String sptagtd; // AGENT CODE

    @Column(name = "SPTCPUI", nullable = false, length = 4)
    private String sptcpui; // COUPON USE IND

    @Column(name = "SPTTRNT", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String spttrnt; // TRANSACTION TYPE

    @Column(name = "SPTPSTN", length = 3)
    private String sptpstn; // PROCESSING CENTER

    @Column(name = "SPTBDTE", length = 8)
    private String sptbdte; // BILLING DATE

    @Column(name = "SPTTKTT", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String spttktt; // TICKET /DOC TYPE

    @Column(name = "SPTDSRC", nullable = false, length = 1)
    private String sptdsrc;// DATA SOURCE

    @Column(name = "SPTSCUR", nullable = false, length = 3)
    private String sptscur;// SALE CURRENCY

    @Column(name = "SPTJRNT", length = 2)
    private String sptjrnt;// JOURNEY TYPE

    @Column(name = "SPTDAIS", nullable = false, length = 8)
    private String sptdais;// DATE OF ISSUE
    @Column(name = "SPTDASA", length = 8)
    private String sptdasa; // DATE OF SALE
    @Column(name = "SPTISPT", length = 5)
    private String sptispt;// POINT OF ISSUE
    @Column(name = "SPTSAPT", length = 5)
    private String sptsapt;// POINT OF SALE

    @Column(name = "SPTFARE", columnDefinition = "number(13,2)")
    private Double sptfare;// FARE

    @Column(name = "SPTEQFR", columnDefinition = "number(13,2)")
    private Double spteqfr;// EQUIV.
    @Column(name = "SPTCOBL", columnDefinition = "number(13,2)")
    private Double sptcobl;// NET VALUE
    @Column(name = "SPTCOMM", columnDefinition = "number(11,2)")
    private Double sptcomm;// COMMISSION
    @Column(name = "SPTTAXA", columnDefinition = "number(11,2)")
    private Double spttaxa;// TAX

    @Column(name = "SPTTOUR", length = 15)
    private String spttour;// TOUR CODE
    @Column(name = "SPTPAST", length = 3)
    private String sptpast;// PASSENGER TYPE(ADT-Adult、CHD-Child、INF-Infant)
    @Column(name = "SPTINVL", length = 1)
    private String sptinvl;// INVOL IND.(BLANK/V/Y–VOL,I/N– INVOL)
    @Column(name = "SPTINLS", length = 4)
    private String sptinls;// INTERNATIONAL SALE IND (SITO/SITI/SOTO/SOTI)

    @Column(name = "SPTPAXM", length = 49)
    private String sptpaxm;// PASSENGER NAME

    @Column(name = "SPTPNRR", length = 10)
    private String sptpnrr;// PNR
    @Column(name = "SPTAUTH", length = 15)
    private String sptauth;// AUTH NO
    @Column(name = "SPTADCO", length = 30)
    private String sptadco;// ADHOC CODE

    @Column(name = "SPTENRS", length = 147)
    private String sptenrs;// ENDORSEMENT
    @Column(name = "SPTINTL", length = 1)
    private String sptintl;// INTERLINE or domestic travel IND (I-Interline D-domestic travel)
    @Column(name = "SPTMOMT", length = 1)
    private String sptmomt;// NORMAL AUDIT OMIT IND(Y–Omit、N/Blank–Not Omit)
    @Column(name = "SPTNOMT", length = 1)
    private String sptnomt;// NET AUDIT OMIT IND(Y–Omit、N/Blank–Not Omit)
    @Column(name = "SPTCOMT", length = 1)
    private String sptcomt;// COMMISSION OMIT IND(Y–Omit、N/Blank–Not Omit)
    @Column(name = "SPTTOMT", length = 1)
    private String spttomt;// TAX AUDIT OMIT IND(Y–Omit、N/Blank–Not Omit)
    @Column(name = "SPTETKI", length = 1)
    private String sptetki;// Electronic ticket ind.
    @Column(name = "SPTNETS", length = 1)
    private String sptnets;// NET SETTLE IND
    @Column(name = "SPTMOFC", length = 1)
    private String sptmofc;// MODE OF FARE CALCULATED
    @Column(name = "SPTFCPU", length = 1)
    private String sptfcpu;// PU OR FC IND
    @Column(name = "SPTAUTO", length = 1)
    private String sptauto;// AUTO PRICING OMIT IND(Y–Omit、N/Blank–Not Omit)
    @Column(name = "SPTNUCI", length = 1)
    private String sptnuci;// NUC FARE IND
    @Column(name = "SPTROEE", columnDefinition = "number(11,5)")
    private Double sptroee;// ROE
    @Column(name = "SPTHCPY", length = 1)
    private String spthcpy;// HARDCOPY
    @Column(name = "SPTFCUR", nullable = false, length = 3)
    private String sptfcur;// CURRENCY OF FARE
    @Column(name = "SPTCRSC", length = 2)
    private String sptcrsc;// CODE OF CRS
    @Column(name = "SPTSESA", length = 1)
    private String sptsesa;// SELF SALE IND.(A-AGENT SALE S-SELF SALE)
    @Column(name = "SPTFCMI", length = 2)
    private String sptfcmi;// fare calculation mode indicator
    @Column(name = "SPTNGRP", length = 3)
    private String sptngrp;// EX seqno in group
    @Column(name = "SPTRETI", length = 1)
    private String sptreti;// TIMES OF REISSUE
    @Column(name = "SPTITBT", length = 1)
    private String sptitbt;// IT BT IND
    @Column(name = "SPTFOCI", length = 1)
    private String sptfoci;// FOC IND
    @Column(name = "SPTSALT", length = 1)
    private String sptsalt;// TYPE OF SALE
    @Column(name = "SPTAMOD", length = 1)
    private String sptamod;// AUDIT MODE
    @Column(name = "SPTPDOI", length = 8)
    private String sptpdoi;// PREVIOUS TICKET DOI
    @Column(name = "SPTODOI", length = 8)
    private String sptodoi;// ORIGIN TICKET DOI
    @Column(name = "SPTPCTY", length = 6)
    private String sptpcty;// PSEUDO CITY CODE

    @Column(name = "SPTTIOT", length = 1)
    private String spttiot;// TICKETING ENTITY OUTLET TYPE
    @Column(name = "SPTVLNC", length = 8)
    private String sptvlnc;// VALIDATING AGENCY NUMERIC CODE
    @Column(name = "SPTBTKO", length = 8)
    private String sptbtko;// ISSUING OFFICE
    @Column(name = "SPTBTKA", length = 8)
    private String sptbtka;// ISSUING AGENT

    @Column(name = "SPTBTKT", length = 6)
    private String sptbtkt;// ISSUING TIME
    @Column(name = "SPTBTKP", length = 8)
    private String sptbtkp;// ISSUING TKT PID
    @Column(name = "SPTTISO", length = 2)
    private String spttiso;// TICKET ENTITY ISO COUNTRY CODE

    @Column(name = "SPTBEOT", length = 1)
    private String sptbeot;// BOOKING ENTITY OUTLET TYPE

    @Column(name = "SPTBOON", length = 8)
    private String sptboon;// BOOKING AGENCY/LOCATION NUMBER
    @Column(name = "SPTBISO", length = 2)
    private String sptbiso;// BOOKING LOCATION ISO COUNTRY CODE
    @Column(name = "SPTBBKP", length = 8)
    private String sptbbkp;// BOOKING OFFICE

    @Column(name = "SPTBBKA", length = 8)
    private String sptbbka;// BOOKING AGENT
    @Column(name = "SPTBBKD", length = 8)
    private String sptbbkd;// BOOKING DATE
    @Column(name = "SPTBBKT", length = 6)
    private String sptbbkt;// BOOKING TIME
    @Column(name = "SPTBAID", length = 6)
    private String sptbaid;// BOOKING AGENT IDENFIFICATION
    @Column(name = "SPTNTSI", length = 4)
    private String sptntsi;// Netural ticketing system identifier
    @Column(name = "SPTSASI", length = 4)
    private String sptsasi;// SYSTEM PROVIDER IDENTIFIER
    @Column(name = "SPTMODI", length = 1)
    private String sptmodi;// modified data indicator
    @Column(name = "SPTTKMI", length = 1)
    private String spttkmi;// TICKETING MODE(出票方式)

    @Column(name = "SPTAPBC", columnDefinition = "number(11,2)")
    private Double sptapbc;// AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER
    @Column(name = "SPTAEBA", columnDefinition = "number(11,2)")
    private Double sptaeba;// AMOUNT ENTER BY AGENT
    @Column(name = "SPTETID", length = 1)
    private String sptetid;// (B-B2B C-B2C V-VIC(VERY IMPORTANT CUSTOMER) blank-others)
    @Column(name = "SPTBGRP", length = 1)
    private String sptbgrp;// GROUP INDICATOR
    @Column(name = "SPTPFFA", length = 20)
    private String sptpffa;// Frequent?Flyer?Number??of??Passenger?
    @Column(name = "SPTTRNC", nullable = false, length = 4)
    private String spttrnc;// TRANSACTION CODE
    @Column(name = "SPTDOCT", length = 4)
    private String sptdoct;// DOCUMENT TYPE
    @Column(name = "SPTCLID", length = 8)
    private String sptclid;// CLIENT IDENTIFIER

    @Column(name = "SPTNRID", length = 2)
    private String sptnrid;// NET-REPORT IND.
    @Column(name = "SPTORIN", length = 32)
    private String sptorin;// ORIGINAL ISSUE INFO.
    @Column(name = "SPTSTAT", length = 3)
    private String sptstat;// STATISTICAL CODE
    @Column(name = "SPTRPSI", length = 4)
    private String sptrpsi;// REPORTING SYSTEM IDENFIFIER
    @Column(name = "SPTRTIT", length = 1)
    private String sptrtit;// ROUND TRIP IND
    @Column(name = "SPTFCPI", length = 1)
    private String sptfcpi;// FARE CALCULATION PRICING IND
    @Column(name = "SPTTKTM", length = 1)
    private String spttktm;// MODE OF TICKETING
    @Column(name = "SPTPAYM", length = 1)
    private String sptpaym;// MODE OF PAYMENT

    @Column(name = "SPTTORG", length = 3)
    private String spttorg;// TRUE ORIGIN

    @Column(name = "SPTTDST", length = 3)
    private String spttdst;// TRUE DESTINATION

    @Column(name = "SPTFRCA", length = 400)
    private String sptfrca;// FARE CALCULATION AREA
    @Column(name = "SPTFCII", length = 1)
    private String sptfcii;// FCI IND(N/Blank-Not FCIed Y-FCIed E-Error)
    @Column(name = "SPTFCIM", length = 1)
    private String sptfcim;// FCI MODE(S-System FCI M-Manual FCI)
    @Column(name = "SPTFCDT", length = 14)
    private String sptfcdt;// FCI DATE

    @Column(name = "SPTFBRI", length = 1)
    private String sptfbri;// FARE BY RULE IND.
    @Column(name = "SPTNEGO", length = 1)
    private String sptnego;// NEGO FARE IND
    @Column(name = "SPTCRID", nullable = false, length = 20)
    private String sptcrid;// 创建人ID(建批ID)
    @Column(name = "SPTCRDT", nullable = false, length = 14)
    private String sptcrdt;// 创建日期(建批日期)
    @Column(name = "SPTUPID", length = 20)
    private String sptupid;// 修改人ID(修改ID)
    @Column(name = "SPTUPDT", length = 14)
    private String sptupdt;// 修改日期
    @Column(name = "SPTSTAN", length = 4)
    private String sptstan;// station

     * @return the sptprfx
    public String getSptprfx() {
        return sptprfx;

     * @param sptprfx the sptprfx to set
    public void setSptprfx(String sptprfx) {
        this.sptprfx = sptprfx;

     * @return the sptform
    public String getSptform() {
        return sptform;

     * @param sptform the sptform to set
    public void setSptform(String sptform) {
        this.sptform = sptform;

     * @return the spttktn
    public String getSpttktn() {
        return spttktn;

     * @param spttktn the spttktn to set
    public void setSpttktn(String spttktn) {
        this.spttktn = spttktn;

     * @return the sptbthn
    public String getSptbthn() {
        return sptbthn;

     * @param sptbthn the sptbthn to set
    public void setSptbthn(String sptbthn) {
        this.sptbthn = sptbthn;

     * @return the sptagtd
    public String getSptagtd() {
        return sptagtd;

     * @param sptagtd the sptagtd to set
    public void setSptagtd(String sptagtd) {
        this.sptagtd = sptagtd;

     * @return the sptcpui
    public String getSptcpui() {
        return sptcpui;

     * @param sptcpui the sptcpui to set
    public void setSptcpui(String sptcpui) {
        this.sptcpui = sptcpui;

     * @return the spttrnt
    public String getSpttrnt() {
        return spttrnt;

     * @param spttrnt the spttrnt to set
    public void setSpttrnt(String spttrnt) {
        this.spttrnt = spttrnt;

     * @return the sptpstn
    public String getSptpstn() {
        return sptpstn;

     * @param sptpstn the sptpstn to set
    public void setSptpstn(String sptpstn) {
        this.sptpstn = sptpstn;

     * @return the sptbdte
    public String getSptbdte() {
        return sptbdte;

     * @param sptbdte the sptbdte to set
    public void setSptbdte(String sptbdte) {
        this.sptbdte = sptbdte;

     * @return the spttktt
    public String getSpttktt() {
        return spttktt;

     * @param spttktt the spttktt to set
    public void setSpttktt(String spttktt) {
        this.spttktt = spttktt;

     * @return the sptdsrc
    public String getSptdsrc() {
        return sptdsrc;

     * @param sptdsrc the sptdsrc to set
    public void setSptdsrc(String sptdsrc) {
        this.sptdsrc = sptdsrc;

     * @return the sptscur
    public String getSptscur() {
        return sptscur;

     * @param sptscur the sptscur to set
    public void setSptscur(String sptscur) {
        this.sptscur = sptscur;

     * @return the sptjrnt
    public String getSptjrnt() {
        return sptjrnt;

     * @param sptjrnt the sptjrnt to set
    public void setSptjrnt(String sptjrnt) {
        this.sptjrnt = sptjrnt;

     * @return the sptdais
    public String getSptdais() {
        return sptdais;

     * @param sptdais the sptdais to set
    public void setSptdais(String sptdais) {
        this.sptdais = sptdais;

     * @return the sptdasa
    public String getSptdasa() {
        return sptdasa;

     * @param sptdasa the sptdasa to set
    public void setSptdasa(String sptdasa) {
        this.sptdasa = sptdasa;

     * @return the sptispt
    public String getSptispt() {
        return sptispt;

     * @param sptispt the sptispt to set
    public void setSptispt(String sptispt) {
        this.sptispt = sptispt;

     * @return the sptsapt
    public String getSptsapt() {
        return sptsapt;

     * @param sptsapt the sptsapt to set
    public void setSptsapt(String sptsapt) {
        this.sptsapt = sptsapt;

     * @return the sptfare
    public Double getSptfare() {
        return sptfare;

     * @param sptfare the sptfare to set
    public void setSptfare(Double sptfare) {
        this.sptfare = sptfare;

     * @return the spteqfr
    public Double getSpteqfr() {
        return spteqfr;

     * @param spteqfr the spteqfr to set
    public void setSpteqfr(Double spteqfr) {
        this.spteqfr = spteqfr;

     * @return the sptcobl
    public Double getSptcobl() {
        return sptcobl;

     * @param sptcobl the sptcobl to set
    public void setSptcobl(Double sptcobl) {
        this.sptcobl = sptcobl;

     * @return the sptcomm
    public Double getSptcomm() {
        return sptcomm;

     * @param sptcomm the sptcomm to set
    public void setSptcomm(Double sptcomm) {
        this.sptcomm = sptcomm;

     * @return the spttaxa
    public Double getSpttaxa() {
        return spttaxa;

     * @param spttaxa the spttaxa to set
    public void setSpttaxa(Double spttaxa) {
        this.spttaxa = spttaxa;

     * @return the spttour
    public String getSpttour() {
        return spttour;

     * @param spttour the spttour to set
    public void setSpttour(String spttour) {
        this.spttour = spttour;

     * @return the sptpast
    public String getSptpast() {
        return sptpast;

     * @param sptpast the sptpast to set
    public void setSptpast(String sptpast) {
        this.sptpast = sptpast;

     * @return the sptinvl
    public String getSptinvl() {
        return sptinvl;

     * @param sptinvl the sptinvl to set
    public void setSptinvl(String sptinvl) {
        this.sptinvl = sptinvl;

     * @return the sptinls
    public String getSptinls() {
        return sptinls;

     * @param sptinls the sptinls to set
    public void setSptinls(String sptinls) {
        this.sptinls = sptinls;

     * @return the sptpaxm
    public String getSptpaxm() {
        return sptpaxm;

     * @param sptpaxm the sptpaxm to set
    public void setSptpaxm(String sptpaxm) {
        this.sptpaxm = sptpaxm;

     * @return the sptpnrr
    public String getSptpnrr() {
        return sptpnrr;

     * @param sptpnrr the sptpnrr to set
    public void setSptpnrr(String sptpnrr) {
        this.sptpnrr = sptpnrr;

     * @return the sptauth
    public String getSptauth() {
        return sptauth;

     * @param sptauth the sptauth to set
    public void setSptauth(String sptauth) {
        this.sptauth = sptauth;

     * @return the sptadco
    public String getSptadco() {
        return sptadco;

     * @param sptadco the sptadco to set
    public void setSptadco(String sptadco) {
        this.sptadco = sptadco;

     * @return the sptenrs
    public String getSptenrs() {
        return sptenrs;

     * @param sptenrs the sptenrs to set
    public void setSptenrs(String sptenrs) {
        this.sptenrs = sptenrs;

     * @return the sptintl
    public String getSptintl() {
        return sptintl;

     * @param sptintl the sptintl to set
    public void setSptintl(String sptintl) {
        this.sptintl = sptintl;

     * @return the sptmomt
    public String getSptmomt() {
        return sptmomt;

     * @param sptmomt the sptmomt to set
    public void setSptmomt(String sptmomt) {
        this.sptmomt = sptmomt;

     * @return the sptnomt
    public String getSptnomt() {
        return sptnomt;

     * @param sptnomt the sptnomt to set
    public void setSptnomt(String sptnomt) {
        this.sptnomt = sptnomt;

     * @return the sptcomt
    public String getSptcomt() {
        return sptcomt;

     * @param sptcomt the sptcomt to set
    public void setSptcomt(String sptcomt) {
        this.sptcomt = sptcomt;

     * @return the spttomt
    public String getSpttomt() {
        return spttomt;

     * @param spttomt the spttomt to set
    public void setSpttomt(String spttomt) {
        this.spttomt = spttomt;

     * @return the sptetki
    public String getSptetki() {
        return sptetki;

     * @param sptetki the sptetki to set
    public void setSptetki(String sptetki) {
        this.sptetki = sptetki;

     * @return the sptnets
    public String getSptnets() {
        return sptnets;

     * @param sptnets the sptnets to set
    public void setSptnets(String sptnets) {
        this.sptnets = sptnets;

     * @return the sptmofc
    public String getSptmofc() {
        return sptmofc;

     * @param sptmofc the sptmofc to set
    public void setSptmofc(String sptmofc) {
        this.sptmofc = sptmofc;

     * @return the sptfcpu
    public String getSptfcpu() {
        return sptfcpu;

     * @param sptfcpu the sptfcpu to set
    public void setSptfcpu(String sptfcpu) {
        this.sptfcpu = sptfcpu;

     * @return the sptauto
    public String getSptauto() {
        return sptauto;

     * @param sptauto the sptauto to set
    public void setSptauto(String sptauto) {
        this.sptauto = sptauto;

     * @return the sptnuci
    public String getSptnuci() {
        return sptnuci;

     * @param sptnuci the sptnuci to set
    public void setSptnuci(String sptnuci) {
        this.sptnuci = sptnuci;

     * @return the sptroee
    public Double getSptroee() {
        return sptroee;

     * @param sptroee the sptroee to set
    public void setSptroee(Double sptroee) {
        this.sptroee = sptroee;

     * @return the spthcpy
    public String getSpthcpy() {
        return spthcpy;

     * @param spthcpy the spthcpy to set
    public void setSpthcpy(String spthcpy) {
        this.spthcpy = spthcpy;

     * @return the sptfcur
    public String getSptfcur() {
        return sptfcur;

     * @param sptfcur the sptfcur to set
    public void setSptfcur(String sptfcur) {
        this.sptfcur = sptfcur;

     * @return the sptcrsc
    public String getSptcrsc() {
        return sptcrsc;

     * @param sptcrsc the sptcrsc to set
    public void setSptcrsc(String sptcrsc) {
        this.sptcrsc = sptcrsc;

     * @return the sptsesa
    public String getSptsesa() {
        return sptsesa;

     * @param sptsesa the sptsesa to set
    public void setSptsesa(String sptsesa) {
        this.sptsesa = sptsesa;

     * @return the sptfcmi
    public String getSptfcmi() {
        return sptfcmi;

     * @param sptfcmi the sptfcmi to set
    public void setSptfcmi(String sptfcmi) {
        this.sptfcmi = sptfcmi;

     * @return the sptngrp
    public String getSptngrp() {
        return sptngrp;

     * @param sptngrp the sptngrp to set
    public void setSptngrp(String sptngrp) {
        this.sptngrp = sptngrp;

     * @return the sptreti
    public String getSptreti() {
        return sptreti;

     * @param sptreti the sptreti to set
    public void setSptreti(String sptreti) {
        this.sptreti = sptreti;

     * @return the sptitbt
    public String getSptitbt() {
        return sptitbt;

     * @param sptitbt the sptitbt to set
    public void setSptitbt(String sptitbt) {
        this.sptitbt = sptitbt;

     * @return the sptfoci
    public String getSptfoci() {
        return sptfoci;

     * @param sptfoci the sptfoci to set
    public void setSptfoci(String sptfoci) {
        this.sptfoci = sptfoci;

     * @return the sptsalt
    public String getSptsalt() {
        return sptsalt;

     * @param sptsalt the sptsalt to set
    public void setSptsalt(String sptsalt) {
        this.sptsalt = sptsalt;

     * @return the sptamod
    public String getSptamod() {
        return sptamod;

     * @param sptamod the sptamod to set
    public void setSptamod(String sptamod) {
        this.sptamod = sptamod;

     * @return the sptpdoi
    public String getSptpdoi() {
        return sptpdoi;

     * @param sptpdoi the sptpdoi to set
    public void setSptpdoi(String sptpdoi) {
        this.sptpdoi = sptpdoi;

     * @return the sptodoi
    public String getSptodoi() {
        return sptodoi;

     * @param sptodoi the sptodoi to set
    public void setSptodoi(String sptodoi) {
        this.sptodoi = sptodoi;

     * @return the sptpcty
    public String getSptpcty() {
        return sptpcty;

     * @param sptpcty the sptpcty to set
    public void setSptpcty(String sptpcty) {
        this.sptpcty = sptpcty;

     * @return the spttiot
    public String getSpttiot() {
        return spttiot;

     * @param spttiot the spttiot to set
    public void setSpttiot(String spttiot) {
        this.spttiot = spttiot;

     * @return the sptvlnc
    public String getSptvlnc() {
        return sptvlnc;

     * @param sptvlnc the sptvlnc to set
    public void setSptvlnc(String sptvlnc) {
        this.sptvlnc = sptvlnc;

     * @return the sptbtko
    public String getSptbtko() {
        return sptbtko;

     * @param sptbtko the sptbtko to set
    public void setSptbtko(String sptbtko) {
        this.sptbtko = sptbtko;

     * @return the sptbtka
    public String getSptbtka() {
        return sptbtka;

     * @param sptbtka the sptbtka to set
    public void setSptbtka(String sptbtka) {
        this.sptbtka = sptbtka;

     * @return the sptbtkt
    public String getSptbtkt() {
        return sptbtkt;

     * @param sptbtkt the sptbtkt to set
    public void setSptbtkt(String sptbtkt) {
        this.sptbtkt = sptbtkt;

     * @return the sptbtkp
    public String getSptbtkp() {
        return sptbtkp;

     * @param sptbtkp the sptbtkp to set
    public void setSptbtkp(String sptbtkp) {
        this.sptbtkp = sptbtkp;

     * @return the spttiso
    public String getSpttiso() {
        return spttiso;

     * @param spttiso the spttiso to set
    public void setSpttiso(String spttiso) {
        this.spttiso = spttiso;

     * @return the sptbeot
    public String getSptbeot() {
        return sptbeot;

     * @param sptbeot the sptbeot to set
    public void setSptbeot(String sptbeot) {
        this.sptbeot = sptbeot;

     * @return the sptboon
    public String getSptboon() {
        return sptboon;

     * @param sptboon the sptboon to set
    public void setSptboon(String sptboon) {
        this.sptboon = sptboon;

     * @return the sptbiso
    public String getSptbiso() {
        return sptbiso;

     * @param sptbiso the sptbiso to set
    public void setSptbiso(String sptbiso) {
        this.sptbiso = sptbiso;

     * @return the sptbbkp
    public String getSptbbkp() {
        return sptbbkp;

     * @param sptbbkp the sptbbkp to set
    public void setSptbbkp(String sptbbkp) {
        this.sptbbkp = sptbbkp;

     * @return the sptbbka
    public String getSptbbka() {
        return sptbbka;

     * @param sptbbka the sptbbka to set
    public void setSptbbka(String sptbbka) {
        this.sptbbka = sptbbka;

     * @return the sptbbkd
    public String getSptbbkd() {
        return sptbbkd;

     * @param sptbbkd the sptbbkd to set
    public void setSptbbkd(String sptbbkd) {
        this.sptbbkd = sptbbkd;

     * @return the sptbbkt
    public String getSptbbkt() {
        return sptbbkt;

     * @param sptbbkt the sptbbkt to set
    public void setSptbbkt(String sptbbkt) {
        this.sptbbkt = sptbbkt;

     * @return the sptbaid
    public String getSptbaid() {
        return sptbaid;

     * @param sptbaid the sptbaid to set
    public void setSptbaid(String sptbaid) {
        this.sptbaid = sptbaid;

     * @return the sptntsi
    public String getSptntsi() {
        return sptntsi;

     * @param sptntsi the sptntsi to set
    public void setSptntsi(String sptntsi) {
        this.sptntsi = sptntsi;

     * @return the sptsasi
    public String getSptsasi() {
        return sptsasi;

     * @param sptsasi the sptsasi to set
    public void setSptsasi(String sptsasi) {
        this.sptsasi = sptsasi;

     * @return the sptmodi
    public String getSptmodi() {
        return sptmodi;

     * @param sptmodi the sptmodi to set
    public void setSptmodi(String sptmodi) {
        this.sptmodi = sptmodi;

     * @return the spttkmi
    public String getSpttkmi() {
        return spttkmi;

     * @param spttkmi the spttkmi to set
    public void setSpttkmi(String spttkmi) {
        this.spttkmi = spttkmi;

     * @return the sptapbc
    public Double getSptapbc() {
        return sptapbc;

     * @param sptapbc the sptapbc to set
    public void setSptapbc(Double sptapbc) {
        this.sptapbc = sptapbc;

     * @return the sptaeba
    public Double getSptaeba() {
        return sptaeba;

     * @param sptaeba the sptaeba to set
    public void setSptaeba(Double sptaeba) {
        this.sptaeba = sptaeba;

     * @return the sptetid
    public String getSptetid() {
        return sptetid;

     * @param sptetid the sptetid to set
    public void setSptetid(String sptetid) {
        this.sptetid = sptetid;

     * @return the sptbgrp
    public String getSptbgrp() {
        return sptbgrp;

     * @param sptbgrp the sptbgrp to set
    public void setSptbgrp(String sptbgrp) {
        this.sptbgrp = sptbgrp;

     * @return the sptpffa
    public String getSptpffa() {
        return sptpffa;

     * @param sptpffa the sptpffa to set
    public void setSptpffa(String sptpffa) {
        this.sptpffa = sptpffa;

     * @return the spttrnc
    public String getSpttrnc() {
        return spttrnc;

     * @param spttrnc the spttrnc to set
    public void setSpttrnc(String spttrnc) {
        this.spttrnc = spttrnc;

     * @return the sptdoct
    public String getSptdoct() {
        return sptdoct;

     * @param sptdoct the sptdoct to set
    public void setSptdoct(String sptdoct) {
        this.sptdoct = sptdoct;

     * @return the sptclid
    public String getSptclid() {
        return sptclid;

     * @param sptclid the sptclid to set
    public void setSptclid(String sptclid) {
        this.sptclid = sptclid;

     * @return the sptnrid
    public String getSptnrid() {
        return sptnrid;

     * @param sptnrid the sptnrid to set
    public void setSptnrid(String sptnrid) {
        this.sptnrid = sptnrid;

     * @return the sptorin
    public String getSptorin() {
        return sptorin;

     * @param sptorin the sptorin to set
    public void setSptorin(String sptorin) {
        this.sptorin = sptorin;

     * @return the sptstat
    public String getSptstat() {
        return sptstat;

     * @param sptstat the sptstat to set
    public void setSptstat(String sptstat) {
        this.sptstat = sptstat;

     * @return the sptrpsi
    public String getSptrpsi() {
        return sptrpsi;

     * @param sptrpsi the sptrpsi to set
    public void setSptrpsi(String sptrpsi) {
        this.sptrpsi = sptrpsi;

     * @return the sptrtit
    public String getSptrtit() {
        return sptrtit;

     * @param sptrtit the sptrtit to set
    public void setSptrtit(String sptrtit) {
        this.sptrtit = sptrtit;

     * @return the sptfcpi
    public String getSptfcpi() {
        return sptfcpi;

     * @param sptfcpi the sptfcpi to set
    public void setSptfcpi(String sptfcpi) {
        this.sptfcpi = sptfcpi;

     * @return the spttktm
    public String getSpttktm() {
        return spttktm;

     * @param spttktm the spttktm to set
    public void setSpttktm(String spttktm) {
        this.spttktm = spttktm;

     * @return the sptpaym
    public String getSptpaym() {
        return sptpaym;

     * @param sptpaym the sptpaym to set
    public void setSptpaym(String sptpaym) {
        this.sptpaym = sptpaym;

     * @return the spttorg
    public String getSpttorg() {
        return spttorg;

     * @param spttorg the spttorg to set
    public void setSpttorg(String spttorg) {
        this.spttorg = spttorg;

     * @return the spttdst
    public String getSpttdst() {
        return spttdst;

     * @param spttdst the spttdst to set
    public void setSpttdst(String spttdst) {
        this.spttdst = spttdst;

     * @return the sptfrca
    public String getSptfrca() {
        return sptfrca;

     * @param sptfrca the sptfrca to set
    public void setSptfrca(String sptfrca) {
        this.sptfrca = sptfrca;

     * @return the sptfcii
    public String getSptfcii() {
        return sptfcii;

     * @param sptfcii the sptfcii to set
    public void setSptfcii(String sptfcii) {
        this.sptfcii = sptfcii;

     * @return the sptfcim
    public String getSptfcim() {
        return sptfcim;

     * @param sptfcim the sptfcim to set
    public void setSptfcim(String sptfcim) {
        this.sptfcim = sptfcim;

     * @return the sptfcdt
    public String getSptfcdt() {
        return sptfcdt;

     * @param sptfcdt the sptfcdt to set
    public void setSptfcdt(String sptfcdt) {
        this.sptfcdt = sptfcdt;

     * @return the sptfbri
    public String getSptfbri() {
        return sptfbri;

     * @param sptfbri the sptfbri to set
    public void setSptfbri(String sptfbri) {
        this.sptfbri = sptfbri;

     * @return the sptnego
    public String getSptnego() {
        return sptnego;

     * @param sptnego the sptnego to set
    public void setSptnego(String sptnego) {
        this.sptnego = sptnego;

     * @return the sptcrid
    public String getSptcrid() {
        return sptcrid;

     * @param sptcrid the sptcrid to set
    public void setSptcrid(String sptcrid) {
        this.sptcrid = sptcrid;

     * @return the sptcrdt
    public String getSptcrdt() {
        return sptcrdt;

     * @param sptcrdt the sptcrdt to set
    public void setSptcrdt(String sptcrdt) {
        this.sptcrdt = sptcrdt;

     * @return the sptupid
    public String getSptupid() {
        return sptupid;

     * @param sptupid the sptupid to set
    public void setSptupid(String sptupid) {
        this.sptupid = sptupid;

     * @return the sptupdt
    public String getSptupdt() {
        return sptupdt;

     * @param sptupdt the sptupdt to set
    public void setSptupdt(String sptupdt) {
        this.sptupdt = sptupdt;

     * @return the sptstan
    public String getSptstan() {
        return sptstan;

     * @param sptstan the sptstan to set
    public void setSptstan(String sptstan) {
        this.sptstan = sptstan;



    public String prepareQueryString(Map<String, Object> params) {

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(" from Satptt where 1=1");
        if (params.get("stksty") != null) {
            sb.append(" and sptdsrc=:stksty");
        if (params.get("stktkt") != null) {
            sb.append(" and spttktn=:stktkt");
        if (params.get("stkprf") != null) {
            sb.append(" and sptprfx=:stkprf");
        if (params.get("stkfrm") != null) {
            sb.append(" and sptform=:stkfrm");
        if (params.get("sptbthn") != null) {
            sb.append(" and trim(sptbthn)=:sptbthn");
        return sb.toString();


我这个导致出错的原因是:在使用hibernate查询使用了:“from Satptt ”这样hibernate会将satptt中所有的字段都查询出来并赋值,这样导致了内存中缓存了大量的 satptt,目前的的解决办法是需要哪个字段就查哪个字段,


    public String prepareQueryString(Map<String, Object> params) {

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("select new,sptsalt,sptprfx,sptform,sptbthn,sptstan,sptdsrc,sptcobl,sptdais,sptscur,sptagtd,sptbdte,sptcrdt,sptcrid) from Satptt where 1=1");
        if (params.get("stksty") != null) {
            sb.append(" and sptdsrc=:stksty");
        if (params.get("stktkt") != null) {
            sb.append(" and spttktn=:stktkt");
        if (params.get("stkprf") != null) {
            sb.append(" and sptprfx=:stkprf");
        if (params.get("stkfrm") != null) {
            sb.append(" and sptform=:stkfrm");
        if (params.get("sptbthn") != null) {
            sb.append(" and trim(sptbthn)=:sptbthn");
        return sb.toString();



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