This is the official recommended way for debugging OFBiz. It's fine. Personnaly (Jacques Le Roux) I use also the second method below Debugging (or running) OFBiz in Eclipse because I find it convenient (but I'm certainly biased having used such tools for a pretty long time now). For instance, it's really helpful when it comes to debug the framework java code. When someone has screwed up the framework java code and you can't load OFBiz. Then it's an easy way to debug OFBiz using inside debugging. Though using the remote debuggind technique, you may also suspend the JVM through the command line options at start up. Effectively the JVM boots, stops and waits for a debugger to connect and then it continues so you can still use remote debugging. Just put suspend=y in the start options alongside the socket and ports settings (thanks Ray)
OFBiz in Eclipse|#debuggingInEclipse]
Normally we start OFBiz with the command line
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -jar ofbiz.jar
To start in debug mode use the command line
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java \-Xdebug \-Xnoagent \-Djava.compiler=NONE \-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8091 \-jar ofbiz.jar
This changed command line instructs java to run in debug mode listening for a socket connection on port 8091 for a debugger to connect. You can change the port number to any port not otherwise being used.
Before connecting you have to create a new debug configuration.
First created by Jarrod Ribble