Oracle SOA Suite 11gR1 PS2 安装陷阱


1. SOAINFRA user 问题

在domain的创建过程中, 环境检测会报告没有找到 SOAINFRA user在schema_version_registry表中.


Component Schema=SOA Infrastructure
SQL Test=select 1 from schema_version_registry where owner=(select user from dual) and mr_type='SOAINFRA' and version=''

CFGFWK-60850: Test Failed!
CFGFWK-60853: A connection was established to the database but no rows were returned from the test SQL statement.


此错误是由有问题的RCU导致的。虽然SOA已经升级到11., 但在数据库中却还是11. 通过下述命令可修正此错误.
./Oracle_SOA1/bin/psa -dbType Oracle -dbConnectString localhost:1521:xe -dbaUserName sys -schemaUserName DEV_SOAINFRA

2. 更新下载问题.
注意: 在更新的检查过程中,你需要提供Oracle网站的用户名和密码。在点击Next之前,请先确认你的用户和密码正确。我选择了保存密码,但没有找到方法去修改。

尽管你提供了正确的用户和密码,你还是会得到一个错误信息。从SOA的安装指南, 提到过“If there is a problem connecting to the repositories it may be caused by a proxy server. If so go to JDeveloper – Tools -> Properties -> Web Browser and Proxy and set the proxy server and proxy exclusions to appropriate values for your environment. Then restart JDeveloper.”  但并没有告诉如何修改。曾试图不使用proxy, 但都失败了。每当你试图去下载时, proxy的设定会自动改回原样,并到下载错误。

(The JDeveloper – Tools -> Properties -> Web Browser and Proxy should be JDeveloper – Tools -> Preferences -> Web Browser and Proxy.)



"An error occurred downloading updates. Click Back to return to the previous page and retry installation, or Cancel to close wizard. Unexpected end of file from server."



1. 直接到Oracle website下载,并手动安装。

2. 打开JDeveloper的preference(Tools-->Preferences),在Web browser and Proxy setting中,修改proxy host name 为 localhost,否则,你会总是失败。


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