
NPE in AxisRenderer when stacked column chart has one data item

I have been unable to create a simple test-case that reproduces this error, but I think a code inspection shows a problem. I've also been unable to get any help with a workaround on the Adobe forums or flexcoders.
The error is a null pointer exception when a stacked column chart has a single data item.

In (line 2200 in sdk3.3) we find a reference to "lastLabel" which will be null if there is only one label, because it is computed as _labels[1].

Excerpt from AxisRenderer.calcStaggeredSpacing:

        lastLabel = _labels[1];

        if (adjustable.left == false)
            staggeredScale = Math.min(
                staggeredleftGutter / (firstLabel.width / 2));

        if (adjustable.right == false)
            staggeredScale = Math.min(
                staggeredrightGutter / (lastLabel.width / 2)); // (me) Here's where the NPE occurs.

Stack Crawl:


TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    at mx.charts::AxisRenderer/calcStaggeredSpacing()[C:\work\flex\dmv_automation\proj ects\datavisualisation\src\mx\charts\]
    at mx.charts::AxisRenderer/calcRotationAndSpacing()[C:\work\flex\dmv_automation\pr ojects\datavisualisation\src\mx\charts\]
    at mx.charts::AxisRenderer/adjustGutters()[C:\work\flex\dmv_automation\projects\da tavisualisation\src\mx\charts\]
    at mx.charts::AxisRenderer/set gutters()[C:\work\flex\dmv_automation\projects\datavisualisation\src\mx\charts\]
    at mx.charts.chartClasses::CartesianChart/updateAxisLayout()[C:\work\flex\dmv_auto mation\projects\datavisualisation\src\mx\charts\chartClasses\ 032]
    at mx.charts.chartClasses::CartesianChart/updateDisplayList()[C:\work\flex\dmv_aut omation\projects\datavisualisation\src\mx\charts\chartClasses\ 1359]
    at mx.core::UIComponent/validateDisplayList()[C:\autobuild\3.3.0\frameworks\projec ts\framework\src\mx\core\]
    at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateDisplayList()[C:\autobuild\3.3.0\frameworks\ projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
    at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()[C:\autobuild\3.3.0\framework s\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
    at Function/
    at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher2()[C:\autobuild\3.3.0\frameworks\proje cts\framework\src\mx\core\]
    at mx.core::UIComponent/callLaterDispatcher()[C:\autobuild\3.3.0\frameworks\projec ts\framework\src\mx\core\]

Context from AxisRenderer:

(Note: the second branch of the if statement is executing, thus adjustment.bottom is false which leads to the code path with the bug.)

public function set gutters(value:Rectangle):void
        var correctedGutters:Rectangle = value;
        // This check will rarely succeed, because _gutters
        // have been tweaked to represent placement.
        if (_gutters &&
            _gutters.left == correctedGutters.left &&
            _gutters.right == correctedGutters.right &&
   == &&
            _gutters.bottom == correctedGutters.bottom)
            _gutters = correctedGutters;
                { left: false, top: false, right: false, bottom: false });

I am building the series list dynamically, it's a stacked column chart, and for me the bug occurs when there is one series and one data point.

I haven't been able to trigger the bug with the following example, which has a similar structure to my actual code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" xmlns:local="*">

        import mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries;
        import mx.charts.chartClasses.Series;

        public var seriesList:Array = [];
        public function buildSeriesList(seriesList:Array):Array {
            var chartSeries:Array = new Array();
            var index:int = 0;
            for each (var series:Object in seriesList) {
                        var columnSeries:ColumnSeries = new ColumnSeries();
                        columnSeries.dataProvider = series.items;
                        columnSeries.dataFunction = myDataFunction;
                        columnSeries.displayName = series.category;
                        chartSeries.push( columnSeries );
            return chartSeries;

            private function categoryProvider(seriesList:Array):Array {
                if (seriesList && seriesList.length > 0)
                    return (seriesList[0]).items;
                return null;
            private function myDataFunction(series:Series, item:Object, fieldName:String):Object {
                if(fieldName == "yValue") {
                    return item.value;
                else if(fieldName == "xValue") {
                    return item.category;
                    return null;

                 public function shortCategoryLabel(source:String):String {
                    return source;

                 public function longCategoryLabel(source:String):String {
                    return source;
              private function onRefresh(event:Event):void {
                    this.seriesList = [ { category: "cat1" , items: [ { category: "Default Business Unit", value:574.1 }] }];

    <mx:Button label="Refresh" click="onRefresh(event)" />
    <mx:ColumnChart height="100%"
            width="100%" type="stacked" series="{this.buildSeriesList(this.seriesList)}">
                    <mx:CategoryAxis id="bottomAxis2" title="Horizontal Axis"
                    <mx:LinearAxis id="leftAxis2" title="Vertical Axis"/>

                    placement="left" styleName="verticalAxisRenderer"
                    axis="{leftAxis2}" verticalAxisTitleAlignment="vertical"

                        axis="{bottomAxis2}" verticalAxisTitleAlignment="flippedVertical"


In case someone still has this problem, here a quick fix.
Add an creationComplete event to your AxisRenderer:

<mx:AxisRenderer id="horizontalAR"
                 axis="{myHAxis}" />

private function handleHAxisRendererCreationComplete(event:FlexEvent):void
    var axisRenderer:AxisRenderer = as AxisRenderer;
    axisRenderer.setStyle('canStagger', (axisRenderer.numChildren == 1) ? false : true);

