
Try Roller, it's easy!

To make it easier for folks to try Roller, I have created a standalone Roller demo by bundling Roller with JSPWiki, Tomcat, and the tiny pure-Java HSQLDB database. Everything is preconfigured and ready to run. All you need to do to try Roller is the following:

1. Download from SourceForge (an 18MB download)2. Unzip the file into a directory on your hard-drive (directory name should have no spaces)3. Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to point to your JDK4. Ensure that CATALINA_HOME is NOT set in your environment5. To start Roller, either:     - on Windows: open the Roller bin directory and double-click on startup.bat      - on UNIX: cd to the Roller bin directory, chmod +x on all files, run ./startup.sh6. Point your browser at http://localhost:8080 7. Login as testuser1/testuser1, admin/admin, or register as a new user8. Get rollin'
