My View on wealth

     There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of wealth,Some people claim

that wealth is the most powerful and important thing in life ,while some other people believe    that

 there are many things that can't be bought  with wealth.

      As far as i am concerned,i agree with the later options,There is an old saying;"Money can  cure 

hunger ,but it can't cure unhappiness",which means wealth can buy us some material things  but

can't make us happy and free from sadness and worries,In fact ,happiness,true   love ,   friendship .

time ,health are the most valuable things in the world and can never be bought with money.Those

who try every means to make money for nothing just can't realize the true meaning of life and be-

come the slaves of wealth.

      In conclusion,I believe that money is not all powerfull and there are some more import things

that make our life meaningfull amd worth living.What we should bear in mind is that"Money  is  a

good servamt but a bad master."

