JP Morgan Chase & Co. Interview Prepration(1)

An investment bank is a financial institution that assists individuals, corporations, and governments in raising capital by underwriting and/or acting as the client’s agent in the issuance of securities. An investment bank may also assist companies involved in mergers and acquisitions and provide ancilaary services such as market making, trading of derivatives and equity securities, and FICC services (fixed income instruments, currencies and commodities). Unlike commercial banks and retail banks, investment banks do not take deposits.

There are two main lines of business in investment banking. Trading securities for cash or for other securities(i.e,facilitating transactions , market-making), or the promption of securities(i.e. underwriting, research, etc.) is the “sell side”, while buy side is a term used to refer to advising institutions concerned with buying investment services. Private equity funds , mutual funds, life insurance companies, unit trusts, and hedge funds are the most common types of buy side entities.

Investment banking is split into front office, middle office, and back office activities. While large service investment banks offer all lines of business, both sell side and buy side, smaller sell-side investment firms such as boutique investment banks and small broker-dealers focus on investment banking and sales/trading/research, respectively.

Front office area includes Sales and trading/ Research.

Middle office area includes treasury management, internal controls, and internal corporate strategy.

Back office area includes Operations/Technology.

The largest investment banks as of December 31,2011 is JP Morgan Chase with Fees($m) $5,517.62

JPMorgan Chae & Co. is an Aamerican multinational banking and financial services holding company. It is the largest bank in the United States by assets, and as of 2013, it ranks as the second largest bank in the world by assets with total assets of $2.509 trillion. It is a major provider of financial services, and according to Forbes magazine is the world’s second largest public company based on a composite ranking. The hedge fund unit of JPMorgan Chase is one of the largest hedge funds in the United States. It was founded in 2000, when Chase Manhanttan Corporation merged with J.P.Morgan & Co.

The J.P.Morgan brand, historically known as Morgan, is used by the investment banking as well as the asset management, private banking, private wealth management and treasury & securities services division. Fiduciary activity within private banking and private wealth management is done under the aegis of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. – the actual trustee. The Chase brand is used for credit card services in the United States and Canada, the bank’s retail banking activities in the United States, and commercial banking. JPMorgan Chase & Co. is considered to be a universal bank.

JPMorgan Chase in its current structure, is the result of the combination of several large U.S. banking companies since 1996, including Chase Manganttan Bank, J.P.Morgan & Co., Bank One, Bear Steans and Washington Mutual.

外汇(Foreign Exchange,Forex)是货币行政当局以银行存款,财政部证券,长短期政府证券等形式所持有的国际收支逆差时可以使用的债权.它是国际贸易的产物,是国际贸易清偿的支付手段.外汇的动态含义是指将一国的货币兑换成另一国的货币,借以清偿国际间债务债权关系的专门性货币经营活动,它是国际间汇兑的简称.



即期外汇业务(Spot Exchange):是在外汇买卖成交以后,原则上两天以内办理交割(Delivery)的外汇业务.又分为电汇(telegraphic Transfer T/T,信汇(Mail Transfer M/T)和票汇(Demand Draft).

远期外汇交易(Forward Exchange Transactions)是相对于即期外汇交易而言的.远期外汇买卖是以约定的汇价在将来某一约定的时间进行交割的交易.




金融衍生产品是指其价值依赖于标的资产(Underlying Asset)价值变动的合约.这种合约可以是标准化的,也可以是非标准化的.标准化合约是指其标的资产(基础资产)的交易价格,交易时间,资产特征,交易方式等都是事先标准化的,因此此类合约大多在交易所上市交易,如期货.非标准化合约是指以上各项交易的双方自行约定,因此具有很强的灵活性,比如远期合约.



  1. 零和博弈:即合约交易的双方(在标准化合约中由于可以交易是不确定的)盈亏完全负相关,并且净损益为零,因此称零和”.
  2. 高杠杆性:衍生产品的交易采用保证金制度(margin).即交易所需的最低资金只需满足基础资产价值的某个百分比.保证金可以分为初始保证金(Initial margin),维持保证金(maintains margin),并且在交易所交易时采取盯市制度(marking to market),如果交易过程中的保证金比例低于维持保证金比例,那么将受到追加保证金通过(margin call),如果投资者没有及时追加保证金,其将被强行平仓.


(1). 根据产品形态.可以分为远期,期货,期权和互换(swaps)四大类.

(2). 根据原生资产大致可以分为四类,即股票,利率,汇率和商品.

(3). 根据交易方法,可分为场内交易和场外交易.




中间汇率Medial Rate: 买入汇率与卖出汇率的平均数就称为中间汇率.中间汇率用来对汇率进行分析.
