G-20 Plan, Oil Boost Persian Gulf Stocks

二十国集团峰会计划拿出1.1万亿美元提振世界经济,受此消息鼓舞,海湾地区股票市场周日大幅上扬。该地区投资者受到沙特阿拉伯股市和世界股市上涨的推动,同时,油价企稳在每桶50美元以上也鼓舞了市场人气。EFG Hermes驻迪拜交易员威克曼(Matthew Wakeman)说,地区市场继续受到全球市场走强的带动。道琼斯指数出现了70年来最大的四周涨幅,市场对糟糕的经济数据及同样糟糕的预测数字不以为然。亚太股市在周一早盘交易中获得动能,日经225指数涨1.4%,韩国综合指数涨1.1%,新西兰NZX-50指数涨0.2%,澳大利亚S&P/ASX 200指数涨0.2%。中国菲律宾泰国和越南股市周一休市。周日,在海湾地区规模最大的沙特阿拉伯股市,Tadawul指数涨0.7%至5000.95点。周六该指数大涨5.3%。该市场是海湾地区今年表现最好的市场,年初以来涨幅达4%。在阿拉伯联合酋长国,迪拜主要股指涨2.6%至1624.95点,阿布扎比基准股指涨1.8%至2541.74点,海湾第二大市场科威特收盘涨3.3%至7134.20点,埃及EGX30指数涨6%至4625.81点。尽管该地区市场近期的上涨大部分可归功于来自海外的影响,但有一些迹象显示,波斯湾地区的市场人气也有改善迹象。过去几周来,海湾合作委员会(Gulf Cooperation Council)成员国政府采取措施支持经济的决定提振了市场人气。此外,许多投资者认为市场在去年大幅缩水5,350亿美元之后,现在已具备投资价值。眼下,油价重新回到每桶50美元关键价位以上,这也给市场带来支撑。上周五,纽约商交所5月份交割的轻质低硫原油期货结算价跌13美分至每桶52.51美元。Emirates NBD首席经济学家福克斯(Tim Fox)说,“该地区的油价盈亏点接近每桶40美元;油价持续上涨至50美元以上将带来意外收入,石油商可以利用这些资金更新油气储备,政府也可继续推进财政刺激措施。”个股方面,周日涨幅最大的包括Kuwait Finance House收盘涨停于1.300第纳尔(合4.47美元),涨幅8.3%。此外,电信业领头羊Zain涨6.8%至0.790第纳尔。阿联酋的Aldar Properties涨9.4%至3.26迪拉姆(合0.89美元)。迪拜股市权重股Emaar Properties涨6.8%至2.52迪拉姆。Emaar Properties是该地区最大的房地产商。沙特阿拉伯银行业权重股Samba Financial Group涨6.1%至47.20里亚尔(合12.58美元)。Nikhil Lohade

Stock markets across the Persian Gulf region rocketed higher on Sunday as investors cheered the Group of 20 nations' plan to provide $1.1 trillion in funding to boost a flagging world economy.Investors in the region traded off gains in Saudi and world markets, with sentiment also buoyed by oil prices steadying above $50 a barrel.Regional markets 'continue to ride the wave of global strength,' said Matthew Wakeman, a trader at EFG Hermes in Dubai. 'The Dow Jones Industrial Average has posted its best four-week gain for 70 years and markets have been able to shrug off ugly numbers meeting equally ugly estimates.'Asia's markets picked up the momentum in early Monday trading, with Japan's Nikkei 225 up 1.4%, South Korea's Kospi Composite gaining 1.1%, New Zealand's NZX-50 rising 0.2% and Australia's S&P/ASX 200 edging up 0.2%. Markets in China, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam were shut.On Sunday, Saudi Arabia's Tadawul Index, the Gulf's largest stock market, closed 0.7% higher at 5000.95, building on Saturday's stellar 5.3% rally. The market is among the Gulf's best performers this year and stands about 4% higher year-to-date.In the U.A.E., Dubai's leading index of shares vaulted 2.6% higher to 1624.95, while Abu Dhabi's benchmark index jumped 1.8% to 2541.74. Kuwait, the Gulf's second-largest market, closed up 3.3% at 7134.20. Egypt's EGX 30 Index soared 6% to 4625.81.While a large portion of recent market strength can be attributed to offshore influences, there are also some signs that sentiment in the Persian Gulf is on the mend.Government interventions in the Gulf Cooperation Council region to support their economies amid a global slowdown have boosted sentiment in the past few weeks. On top of this, many investors are finding value after about $535 billion was wiped off the value of markets last year.The rising price of crude oil, heading back above the key $50-a-barrel level, is also providing market support. Friday, light, sweet crude oil for May delivery settled 13 cents lower at $52.51 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.'With regional budgets based on oil prices closer to $40, sustained gains in prices above $50 will represent a windfall that will help replenish reserves, and allow governments to continue stimulating fiscally,' said Tim Fox, chief economist at Emirates NBD.In terms of stocks, Kuwait Finance House was among the top risers in the region on Sunday, ending limit up 8.3% at 1.300 dinars ($4.47). Meanwhile, bellwether telecom company Zain rose 6.8% to 0.790 dinar.In the U.A.E., Abu Dhabi's Aldar Properties soared 9.4% to 3.26 dirhams ($0.89), and Dubai market heavyweight Emaar Properties, the region's largest property developer, rose 6.8% to 2.52 dirhams.Saudi Arabia's banking heavyweight Samba Financial Group rose 6.1% to 47.20 riyals ($12.58).Nikhil Lohade
