CMD List [4]

1.1         man


Displays the reference manual page about a AIX command. (man can use in DB UAT Server, similar command like whatis,apropos)


Syntax             man [-] [-k keywords] topic


Option or argument



If your system usually presents manual pages one screen at a time, this option displays them without stopping – useful in redirecting the output of man to a file or to the printer.

-k keywords

Specifies one or more keywords to search for. You see all man pages that contain the keyword(s) in their header lines.


Specifies the topic you want information about.


To print a manual page, type man ls | lp




 You forgot the options that you can use with the ls command, so type


man ls


To save this information for later perusal or inclusion in a user’s manual you’re writing for your department, type


man ls >


1.2         mkdir


Creates a new directory.


Syntax             mkdir directory


Option or argument



Specifies the name of the new directory. If the name doesn’t begin with a slash, the new directory is created as s subdirectory of the current working directory. If the name begins with a slash, the name defines the path from the root directory to the new directory.


You must have permission to write in a directory to create a subdirectory in it. For the most part, you should create directories in your own home directory or subdirectories of it.


1.3         more

Viewing larger files. Relate: cat.


1.4         mv


Renames a file or moves it from one directory to another.


Syntax             mv [-i] oldname newname


         mv [-i] filename directory[/newname]



Option or argument



Tells mv to prompt you before it replaces an existing file with a moved or renamed file.


Specifies the existing file you want to rename.


Specifies the new name to use for the file.


Specifies the file that you want to move.


Specifies the directory to which you want to move the file.


1.5         passwd

changes login password

1.6         pr

writes a file as report to standard output.


1.7         ps


Displays information about your processes(jobs).


Syntax             ps [-a] [-l] [-u] [x]


Option or argument



Displays information about all processes. If you omit this option, you see only your processes.


Writes all processes, except kernel processes.


Generates a full listing.


Displays a longer, more-detailed version.


Displays the process hierarchy rooted at a given pid in a tree format


Displays a user-oriented report with additional information.


Displays all processes that are running in the background and not using a terminal.


       Status Value

Option or argument





Sleeping (20 seconds or less)


Idle (more than 20 seconds)





       ps -ef|grep …; ps -T <process number>; ps –eU <user name>

       ps -ef | grep '' &


1.8         put

ftp to remote host. Refer get.

Syntax             put xxx, put path1\xxx, put path1\xxx path2\xxx

1.9         pwd

Show current path.


1.10     read

Reads one line from standard input.


Option or argument



Specifies that the read command treat a \ (backslash) character as part of the input line, not as a control character.



while read -r xx yy


         print printf "%s %s/n" $yy $xx

done < InputFile


1.11     rm


Deletes (removes) a file permanently.


Syntax             rm [-i] [-r] filenames


Option or argument



Asks you to confirm that you want to delete each file.


Deletes an entire directory and the files it contains. Watch out – you can do great deal of damage with this option! Always use the –i option.


Specifies the file(s) or folders to delete.


Does not prompt before removing a write-protected file.


e.g. in Shell: rm -f ${INFILEPATH}/wsd_bcebe_m1.bin
