CO-Direct Activity Allocation

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STEP-1: Create allocation cost element

Accounting>>Controlling>>Cost Element Accounting>>Master Data>>Cost Element>>Individual Processing>> Create Secondary
T code: KA06
Enter your controlling area in the pop up screen for ‘Set Controlling Area’
Cost element
Valid from
Click on Master Data button
Name < Enter name of the cost element>
Cost element category

STEP-2: Create activity type
Accounting>>Controlling>> Cost Center Accounting>> Master Data>> Activity Type>> Individual Processing>> KL01 - Create
T code: KL01
Activity Type
Valid from
Click on Master Data button
Activity Unit
Cost center categories < *>
Activity type category
Allocation cost element
Price indicator

STEP-3: Set Planner Profile
Accounting>>Controlling>> Cost Center Accounting>> Planning>> Set Planner Profile
T code: KP04
Select in the pop up screen for ‘Set Planner Profile’
Click on green check mark
STEP-4: Create 3 new cost centers (T code-KS01) and post transactions in one of this cost center in current date. This cost center you will use as sender cost center and the other two cost centers you will use as receiver cost centers.
STEP-5: Enter activity price
Accounting>>Controlling>> Cost Center Accounting>> Planning>> Activity Output/Prices>>Change
T code: KP26
From period to period
Fiscal Year
Select the radio button for Form Based option
Click on
Enter activity price for all periods in the presented screen in the column for fixed price.

STEP-6: Enter Activity Allocation

Accounting>>Controlling>> Cost Center Accounting>> Actual Postings>> Activity Allocation>>Enter
T code: KB21N
Sender cost centre
Sender Activity Type
Receiver cost center-1
Total quantity
Receiver cost center-2
Total quantity

STEP-7: Confirm the allocation postings in receiver and sender cost centers in cost center line item report. T code-KSB1

