安装Netweaver Developer Edition

安装Netweaver Developer Edition
首先,要去SDN上下载一个Developer Edition(据说这个版本是免费的,但是我在SDN上申请的Liscese只能用半年。估计是半年以后再申请吧)。进到SDN的主页http://www.sdn.sap.com,然后选择Download.

然后选择SAP Netweaver Main Releases.

进去以后选择Developer Edition 就可以下载了,当然随着时间的不同网页肯定会有变化.



SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SR1 ABAP Trial Version


To install the system, you must be logged on to your PC with administrator privileges.

Depending on the resources of your computer, the installation may take up to 4 hours. Do not interrupt the procedure. If the installation is interrupted, you may continue the current installation. Repeate the steps  and choose "continue old installation".

Before installing SAP NetWeaver 7.01, close all applications. Make sure that no other SAP System is installed on your pc.

1.     Check first the system requirements.

2.     Start the Installer in  <extract_folder>\SAP_NetWeaver701SR1_2008_Installation_Master\IM_WINDOWS_I386\sapinst.exe.

3.     Choose "SAP Application Server ABAP" --> MaxDB --> Central System --> "Central System". 

4.     Follow the instructions and provide the necessary input in the sapinst dialog wizard.

5.     If you start sapinst the first time, you will be logged off your operating system and afterwards prompted for the installation directory of JRE 1.4.x.

6.     Typically your personal operating system and hardware does not fulfill the recommendations of SAP for the Application Server ABAP and you will be notified by sapinst. Ignore it by pressing "Cancel". The installer will continue.  For a single user environment PCs are usually sufficient.

7.     You are prompted for SAPCYPTO.SAR (only available for customers) in case you want to enable SSL. Typically this is not necessary.

8.     At the end you will get a summary screen. If anything is ok start the installation by pressing "Next". You will be informed about installation progress  in "Task Progress"  view. logfiles are written in the directory "Program Files\sapinst_instdir".

9.     After the installation has finished, the application server should be started automatically. You may start and stop the server with the SAP Microsoft Management Console. The Application Server should appear green in your SA

10.   P MMC. If it is grey, start the server and database. If it is yellow, the server starts. If it is stays yellow the setup failed or the database (MaxDB Windows Service NSP, Windows process kernel.exe) is down. If it is red, the license is invalid.

11.   Logon on to your system following the next instructions.

Error handling

In cases of unsuccesful deinstallation it is necessary to remove existing registry entries from old installations by executing the registry clean tool (RegistryClean.cmd) before starting the installer. If the problem persists, check the Trials & Previews discussion forum on SDN.




当中有一步Import ABAP感觉等了2~3个小时。我的机器还是比较快的。2.53G HZ的CPM, 3G内存。

装完以后如果你有SAP GUI 客户端,就能够配置了。配置的方法在安装文档里面有,其实就是设置一个本地的地址,然后把System Number,System ID配上去就行了。系统标识默认是NSP,如果你在安装的时候修改了,就要按照你修改的来配置。

如果没有SAP GUI 就悲剧了,这时候需要去Service Market Place上下一个,不过网上有很多地方可以下载,Google 搜索一下应该能搜到。


当然,连接之前还需要确认你已经载SAP Management Console里启动了SAP Instance.


这时候你就能进入SAP Netweaver Developer Edition,并进行开发了,配置用户权限这里就不解释了,SAP*用户是不能够做开发的,你需要新建一个用户,我比较偷懒,就直接做了一个SAP_ALL用户。自己练习么,本来就无所谓的。

进入了之后你会发现你的系统的权限有效期只有一个月,你需要申请一个Liscense, 在安装文档里有很详细地说明,你可以去SDN上申请相关的liscense,并导入系统中。


当前这个版本还是蛮赞的,是Netweaver 7.01 SP3的,从Help里面可以看到。


下一次我们就实地来创建一个Web Dynpro的应用程序吧,看看速度怎么样

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