How to use apt-get behind proxy server


If you are a Debian-based GNU/Linux user, then you’re probably familiar with synaptic and apt-get to install application from software repositories. This post focussed on how to use apt-get/synaptic behind proxy server/firewall which under normal circumstances, you’re unable to use apt-get.

If you’re using Synaptic
Open up your Synaptic package manager (usually as root), go to Settings-> Preference -> Network. Enter your proxy server details like : username:[email protected], and put the proxy server port (usually 8080).

If you’re using command-line apt-get
Edit your /etc/bash.bashrc file as root.

Put these line at the end of your /etc/bash.bashrc file :

export http_proxy=http://username:[email protected]:port/
export ftp_proxy=http://username:[email protected]/

You can omit the username:password, if your proxy server has no password. That’s all for today! Happy apt-get-ing!

