RMI quick start

Q) How to start RMI Registry Server?

A) 2 solutions.

    Solution 1) From cmd window. Java/bin folder, use rmiregistry.exe

                      If you call rmiregistry, it will start rmi server on port 1099

                      You can also start rmiregistry portNumber

    Solution 2) From java code:

          registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(rmiPort);

          registry.bind("shutdown", new ShutdownServerImpl(this));                     



Q) Server sample code

    public interface ShutdownServer extends Remote


      boolean shutDown() throws RemoteException;



    public class ShutdownServerImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements ShutdownServer



      public ShutdownServerImpl() throws RemoteException





      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


      public boolean shutDown() throws RemoteException


            return service.shutDownServer();




Q) Client sample code


public class ShutDownServerClient


      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception


            String url = "rmi://localhost:2099/";



                  Context namingContext = new InitialContext();

                  ShutdownServer shutDownServer = (ShutdownServer) namingContext.lookup(url + "shutdown");



            catch (Exception e)







Q) Some other trcky issue

When you start rmiregistry from java/bin folder cmd window,


1) You must make sure the ShutdownServer interface is in the classpath. Set CLASSPATH before.


2)  Use such sample code to register remote class.

            Context namingContext = new InitialContext();

            namingContext.bind("rmi:shutdown", new ShutdownServerImpl(this));

   And I don’t know how to register to none 1099 port. L


