Effective Java 的作者Joshua Bloch 跳槽到Google了

新闻链接在这里。google真是网罗天下英才啊。当年微软迅速发展时也是这样干的,招收了大量高手。比如从DEC挖走VMS设计人David Cutler, 从CMU挖走Mach设计人rich Rashid(于是CMU和IBM的MACH操作系统夭折了),从HP挖走在分布计算方面的大牛Tim Gray( Tim Gray的经典Transaction Processing Concepts and Techniques凡是学数据库或分布计算的都该研读过吧?),从Borland挖走我们都熟悉的丹麦高手Anders Hijlsberg,从University of Waterloo挖走了数据库大牛Paul Larson(Linus老乡,呵呵),和AST Toolkit的主要开发员。今天的Google挖人力度之猛,也不下当年的微软。下面是Google的高手们在去google前做的项目,哪个不是鼎鼎大名啊:

Who we are
Who did all this? A dedicated and growing team of smart, creative programmers and computer scientists -- but we just call them engineers. They come to Google with expertise in a large range of topics. And before they joined Google, some of them also built software, hardware, tools and other technology you might have used:
